Oxycodone And Oxymorphone In Urine Test (Page 2)
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Why is Morphine showing up in my urine when i take Opana ER and Oxycodone IR?

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Did you find out what was going on because I'm having the same problems. I take opanas and oxycodone it and they are saying that I have morphine in my system,

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Check drug interactions and false positives, i fou d out that the effexor i was taking for hot flashes mixed with oxycodone caused a false positive of lsd amd pcp..i got discharged...i mean seriously lsd at my age LOL

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I want to know the same thing. I went yesterday and I was positive for Morphine, Hydromorphone, hyrdrocodne and oxycodone. The only hard drugs I take are Opana 30mg, Klonopin.5, Restoril 15mg, zanaflex. He got all over me and I haven't taken anything other than what I am RX'ed. I have Lupus, IC, Behcets Dx and several other automunine diseases, but I have never abused my medicine or taken something that wasn't mine.

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