Oxycodone Tolerance
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Question? I have been on oxy 30's for almost two years now. My body has built up a tolerance to it now. I used to look forward to taking it because it gave me the euphoric feeling and I was "happy" after taking it. Now my tolerance level is at taking 5 pills or 150mg. What can I do to get my tolerance down. I also have this med called suboxone which I take when I run out. I am thinking of stopping the meds altogether. I must say that I feel better off the oxys. I am not addicted to it but if I continue I could be. The only thing that keeps me from it is I am scared to die so I won't do anything for the euphoria. However, after taking the suboxone, I always feel better. It also provides a euphoric feeling that is great and it works great for the withdrawal symptoms. So I am in a catch 22. I need the pills for my painful back problem, but I also want to stop taking the pills before I become addicted but when I take them, I can do things like clean the house, cook, go places. It completely changes my mood. Any advice???

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Stay strong. I know, easier said than done. I'm on oxy 30s four times a day because of an amputation so it's really difficult for me to taper off if I wanted to plus I have some this to generation diseases facet joint disease in my back and I'll try this it's a pain in the butt butt again thank you for making a statement that I'm not alone because I stay in my house I don't do anything and it's like it the pills took my life away I could be out there you know walking in nature even with my prosthetic leg you know but instead I choose to lay in bed and don't get me wrong I'm a clean person but I can see where it would take that away from you even God bless you and if you want to reply feel free I've been on Suboxone and not suboxin that generic form because it's the only one my insurance would pay for it sucks but I would much rather I guess being the suboxin because I heard good things about it my I guess I would have to actually admit myself in some sort of treatment center to get that but any suggestions feel free to have an open discussion with me okay my name is Charlie I am a 45 year old female and your post really moved me so please honey take care and good luck

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Well following up from last message. Doc tried to send me for Suboxone and had an allergic reaction. So since my last script for oxycodone 15 was filled in June, and the Suboxone didn't work, its been a rough ride. Well,its 3 weeks later and found someone who was willing to work with me because I'm kinda done with the IR's and am in chronic pain. Anyone who can let me know about any experience they had with Nucynta, I would really like to hear. I'm truly hoping this works and will post an update soon.

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Hi. I have been on oxycodone 30mg 4x/day for chronic back pain. I have had issues with my back for years. I have had multiple surgeries, including a neurostimulator inplant procedure that failed ( and removed) twice. I have been seeing my doctor now for 4 years and recently told me to seek a pain management doctor because he is unable to write this medication for me anymore. I have been trying to find one and it became increaingly difficult since now I was left with very little of the medication. When I checked back with my doctor, he recommended another doctor for suboxone. I have never tried and really wasn't fond of the idea. Unfortunately for me, I was left with no choice because the pain management centers I contacted were either not accepting, not interested, or had a really long waiting list. Reluctantly I started the suboxone after weaning myself down over almost 2 weeks with the little I had. Well now I can barely move around without pain in my back and lower legs.. I am so uncomfortable and l really don't know what else to do. Can anyone recommend a doctor in Suffolk on Long Island for oxycodone? Any input would really be a help.

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Yes you guys are not alone. I just want to cut.myself in half sometimes and i hate taking these fn pills. They ruin me i can't seem to get off them my back hurts regardless. I really need something for my withdrawals. I need something for pain but withdrawals I can't do it definitely not happening I quit on my on and went 18 months and craved it the whole time i dont have no clue what to do and my doctor is willing to help me with any meds so im open for anything that will actually work. I'll say it once again " I CANNOT STAND BEING ON OPIATES " Thanks for any thoughts.

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I completely agree about the goverment being to involved with our medical problems. I wonder what they would feel like if they were being treated in the same manner as the normal day person. I have two hern disks and two bulged disks. In my area the problem has got so out of hand that I have trouble even getting a dr to prescribe five miligram of hydrocodone. How can I get my dr to understand that at that dose of two a day isn't enough. I'm tired of laying on the couch.

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Hello, I was just reading your post. I had been on oxy for 8 years I believe. I don't know what your religious beliefs are but I can tell you I prayed about it and it worked. I was afraid to stop because of the withdrawal . The first time I quit I had no withdrawals at all. I quit for about a year. But the pain was still so bad I had to go back. I went back for about 6 months. This time I had withdrawals for about 5 days but nothing awful. Now I have no insurance so I had to stop as I have $3000 worth of medicines I also have to buy. So, this time is it I had no choice due to all my health reasons. I have been free of it for 7 months now and I am so proud of myself. I wasn't as lucky as you to have the other medicine prescribed. That is supposed to help you quit with methadone as well. This last time I wasn't so lucky I hallucinated but just people for about 3 days I was just out of it. Now I am free but in pain. As I said above try to pray about it. I feel very lucky most people from what I read hallucinate rats like on meth. I know the lord tuck care of me because if it had been rats I probably would not have been here to reply to you. Good luck I will be thinking of you.

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I have been on opioids for over three yrs now. I have always taken the drugs responsibly, to the point that I have perposely taken lower dosages to "take the edge off" vs taking a higher dose and becoming more dependent.

My sister had back problems, or so she said, and her MD put on opioids to help alleviate her pain. When her MD decided to remove her from them, she decided to "shop around" for an MD who would keep her on them. Eventually she ran out of room and involuntarily detoxed while visiting my parents out of town and you can imagine the mess this caused. She was put in rehab and has been on Suboxone ever since. This was over five yrs ago.

Flash forward to today and I am now dependent myself. My pain is caused by a major injury which doesn't respond to any other treatment. I managed to stay on Norco for three yrs, but since I built up a tolerance, the breakthrough pain forced me to move up the opioid ladder. I recently switched to Percocet, but I am finding that even this switch isn't completely helping. My pain over the last three yrs has increased to the point where I am no longer trying to take the edge off but completely manage my pain responsibly.

My question is if there is any other opioids that are longer lasting that will help alleviate the pain and extend the happiness feeling associated with it as I believe this feeling helps with my pain and my overall demeanor towards other around me.

Thanks for the help!

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OxyLatin.....Yes, I agree with you. It does make you feel better and who wants to be in pain. See I have five boys and one girl and it helps me enjoy my time with them. I have got off and I was depressed, in pain, and no good to the world. There is a difference between being addicts and defendant. I know I am dependent but I know I can function without the pills. My Prozac helps with that. I would not do any surgery because once you start u have to keep going. My best friend had surgery and it seems like she is worse than before. She had herniated discs as well. What meds are you on? My tolerance is really high now so I am glad that my meds still work. I started on Vicodin and that stop working. Went to percusets, and they did not help so the oxy 30's help a lot. They used to make me a little "happy" and confident. They need something legal to give like that!!!!

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I dont really agree with liking the way it makes you feel labeling you as a drug addict I have been on meds for 2 yrs off and on my tolerance is so high though i can take 300 mgs in one day very easy I love the way it makes me feel because beside the other things it lets enjoy my time with my children and not just be in pain I have spinal stenosis and Degenerative Disc Disease as well as a few hurniated discs and some bone shards before the medicine I went into a state of deep depression I tried to get off the meds once but they always ask the same thing what are your plans for after im off so none of them want to take me off I am very interested n surgery so maybe I can correct and not be on pain meds but I do love it strictly i enjoy my time with my kids I have 6 girls and 1 boy all under 10 my wife and I have great jobs so I just want to spend my life enjoying it and not being in pain and fearing it

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Had the same thing happen to me on a Schedule II, they didn't have the full script amount so if I take the partial I forfeit the remainder or I can wait until they order more and get the rest. This is only with Schedule II's and I agree that this is absurd but this is how it's done. Now could someone please explain to me why I keep hearing that pharmacies won't fill for Roxicodone and Walgreen's especially. What does the DEA have to do with it and if this is regulated for some reason, don't you think your doctors should be writing for something else otherwise what's the point of going to pain mgmt.? If your normal meds aren't available, which it seems they are not, your doctor should know this and put you on something comparable OR see you every 2 weeks (which I know stinks, but what choice do you have) so you can get your full script. I can only assume this is most prevalent in Florida. Why is/was Florida the capitol of pill mills? Can someone please tell me why in this one state did pain meds get dispensed so irresponsibly and now everyone that truly needs their meds are suffering?

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Hey Guys and Gals, I do not know if this will help BUT if your Dr. is good AND you have problems getting these meds filled, DEA schedule II (2) narcotics cannot be "refilled". I suggest you ask the Doc to write you Rx's for half of your meds every 15 days. I have tried this in Louisiana and it works. That way you can find a legitimate pharmacy (CVS, Rite-Aid, Walgreen's etc..) and go every two weeks and have them refilled. That way you do not have the problem of trying to get 180 (or more) at a time. I understand that not all Doc's will do this so I suggest speaking to your physician about it and see what he/she says. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that sick people have to go through this much trouble to get properly prescribed meds. It sickens me! Good Luck to you all.

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panicnpain..I'm in Georgia, get 15MG MS Contin ER 2 x day and 4@15mg Roxy's a day for chronic pain...EVERY Month I have these filled at the same pharmacy and EVERY month they say the same thing...."Let us make sure we have these in stock". I have a mild panic attack everytime I go to the pharmacy as I can only find the one Rite Aid across from a hospital that carries my meds. I have had many times where the pharmacy has had to call other pharmacy's in the area to find my medication. They have also offered a lesser quantity which I CANNOT accept. I need every last pill. In Georgia you cannot take a partial of a narcotic prescription and then come back a couple days later to pick up the balance of the pills they may have been short. I do not understand this policy or law or whatever it is. It is ridiculous! If I was prescribed 90 tablets and they only have 45 then I should be able to get the 45 they have on hand and come back in a couple of days to get the balance of my prescribed quantity. Unfortunately I don't have 30 extra of these pills laying around that I can use until they order my meds, when I hand in my paper prescription I am down to my last couple if not VERY last pill. Does anyone know what the purpose is of this practice or law...what's it supposed to prevent? I am so sorry you are in such misery...I feel your pain..literally....i keep hoping for a miracle but nothing yet...i keep fighting. I am thinking about you. Take care xxoo

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Yes, it's very bad here in FL. Lass than a yr ago my local cvs was held up for oxycodone. I understand they're scared to carry this med. But where does that leave us? I've been in bed for days bc of this opana making me so ill. I know I won't be able to get the roxycodone script filled even if Dr writes it. I can't tolerate most other pain mwds. I'm very prone to nausea, and having gastric bypass has made it worse. I lie awake for hrs last night, in so much pain and so sick to my stomach. I'm so upset and depressed, I don't know where to turn. There's a section here under oxycodone shortage, and peple are posting daily how they're unable to fill med. I'm so sick of being turned away, and having scripts thrown at me. Sick of the dirty looks, the judgement in their eyes. Im tired of fighting, crying, and suffering. God bless and I wish people don't gave to go thru what some of us are going thru to fill a prescription.:((

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From what I have been reading on the news and seeing on tv, they are really cracking down on the meds in Florida because of the drug selling issues. Do you find that to be true? Especially the oxy selling. I heard that people are robbing the pharmacies to get to the medication. That's probably why they looked at you crazy. Pay no mind to those people. I find people like that to be the ones who are doing worse things to get those meds while you are getting a script!!!

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I really hope that your Dr. would understand that you were ripped off of almost half your meds, bring your bottle with you. Doc's know that withdrawing from that much medication can make people smoke the worst of drugs! I get mad at myself also but you/we have to get over that! I get angry sometimes when I go to the pharmacy and some new pharmacy assistant looks at me like I'm a bum because I am getting a large quantity of pain meds and I am (quite frankly) embarrassed! I know I should not feel that way but I do. I am also quite sure you did not want to be in the pain you are in. I know I sure dont want to be taking these meds just to not be in pain for doing everyday normal stuff like getting out of bed, taking a shower or whatever! I am going to sleep now (for the normal 4 hours I get haha) but when I pray I will include you in my prayers.

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Thanks Marque. It was a small pharmacy, and after going to cvs and walgreens and being told they don't carry opana, I was desperate. I was out of meds by then for 2 wks. Took some hydrocodone, which did nothing, and I had no choice but to take the 90. Im pretty sure the pharmacy lied, and just didn't want to give me the 150. He even said he only had 1 bottle, when I'm pretty sure 1 bottle has @ least 100, not 90. Now, I'm scared bc the beginning if the second wk I was out, I was so desperate., I smoked something I shouldn't have had, bc I was nauseous and in pain. My appt is this wk, so now I'm really in a jam. I'm so pissed off @ myself, but it's too late. Haven't smoked in a wk, and before that it was yrs. Really messed up, if I tell them, Ill get thrown out. I'm a nervous wreck now. :(

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I would definately follow up with your Dr. The Dr. wrote a script for a certain amount of meds and you got half! Sounds like some shady stuff going on at that pharmacy. Of course that is just a possibility and I am a pessimist so I think of the worst things first!

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I forgot to add pharmacist said he only had 90 and wouldn't be getting anymore in. I made sure he didn't charge my insurance co or me for the full script. The script does say 90 on the bottle. I'll be calling my Dr to make sure pharmacist did call to notify of partial script and insurance co if I'm now entitled to fill another script 12 days early. I'm still covering my butt by only taking 3 a day. I can't go thru having no med again.

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I live in Fl and if they can't fill the remainder of script within 72 hrs, they must notify the prescripting Dr of the partial prescription. I checked this on the dea's website fo my state. I guess the pharmacies will be pulling this bs because they can get away with it. Not only did I not get my medication I've been getting, now I have less of a med that doesn't work. It's a freakin disgrace. No one cares, least of all the pharmacist. They're now playing God, deciding who and how much med the will or won't dispense.

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I forgot to say I am in Mississippi. ( North Mississippi so dont judge j/k)

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