Oxycodone Shortage
UpdatedI was told by a pharmacist that the manufacture's are trying to alter the drug. The goal by the DEA or the manufacturer is to prevent the selling of the drug on the streets.
The current difficulty in obtaining the medication actually has nothing to do with attempts to alter it.
The reason is due to the fact that the DEA uses a special formula each year to set a manufacturing limit on all controlled substances. The formula is based on how many legitimate prescriptions were issued in the prior year, as well as as information from the FDA and the manufacturers.
Normally, this gives a good picture of how much will be needed to fill prescriptions in each new year. However, as more doctors prescribe a medication, this can sometimes put a strain on the supply, which is also affect by theft and diversion. In some years, these issues result in a shortage period, where the manufacturers can't make more to ship to the pharmacies.
Production will return to normal in January.
Are there any other questions or comments?
I appreciate the insight. I do have a question. I live in florida and am prescribed oxycodone. I use a small
mom and pop pharmacy . I heard a rumor that pharmacies have to have something like 100 mill in sales or they will not be allowed to fill controlled subst. Also heard something about dispensing 3 days of meds at a time. How would that work? thanks
Problem fixed n january my a**,Its mid march n worse then ever,usualy it gets straightnd out n the beginning of the year but not 2012 buddy,all the legitamate chronic pain sufferers need to petition the courts,n file a class action lawsuit,but no everybody wants to nothing but cry bout it n not do s***,well have fun going threw ur withdrawals n being n pain.
This is the 1st year I have not seen the problem fixed in January. Seriously. 12yr cpp tried every type of pain meds except a few newer ones like Opana. Here in FL the DEA went into a CVS and took out all their scheduled meds and records in Sanford FL. The claim is that they filled too much. But as other stores refuse to fill at all [and most stores will not give to a new patient at the risk of leaving regular patients short] it puts a lot of stress on those remaining stores. Plus, what's the DEA doing with them? They also went after a wholesale distributor in Lakeland. Due to quotas, I want to know what they are doing with those doses. That's a question everyone should ask.
Only advice I can give is stick with the same pharmacy [when you find a good one] even if it's a chain store, only go to the one store. Get to know the manager and pharmacy staff. Tell them why you take it, how long, and who you are basically. Once they get to know you, they will go the extra mile for you. Have had little problems with shortages due to that one thing. Of course I have faced them, but never have to drive to pharmacy after pharmacy. My store will call all the other stores till they find them [within the chain] because of the years I've been with them. They also let me know a month ahead that 30's are impossible to order in. [but this pisses me off, police say not only is it still on the street BUT that prices haven't gone up. So at what level is the diversion happening? I think it's clear, it's *NOT* patients. Maybe that's the trick this year...busting the diversions on the inside that's long been blamed on us]
Guys, i hate to tell you this but its all bulls***>>> after 3 weeks trying to fill my Oxy 30, 140, i finally got to speak to my Pharm Manager who Ive used for 12 years. He told me straight up, that all the calls and people have hurt their regular business, so they decided to stop ordering Oxy in any amout to avoid the crap I was floored as all of a sudden he filled my script on the spot not 30 secs before they were all telling me they didnt have any. He told me last that would be the last one filled as hes not ordering anymore. I discussed with him about just oredering for me, as I'm legit and trying to follow the rules by using only one doctor and one pharmacy. He said he"ll consider it just for me. What a bunch S***!!! This from a guy Ive known for 12 years. It is a Walgreens, This is a conspiricy to avoid all of the drug seekers at our expense. They should go back to getting it off the street and leave us alone. How many more of us have to suffer? Im dag gone tired of being looked at as a druggy as I limp up to the counter. I spent 30 years as a cop on the job in New York, shot in the leg and arm for the citizens I swore to protect and now to be treated like the guys I put in the slammer? Im sure there are plenty of us on the blog. What the hell? Anybody know a good attorney? I guess I should start taking Morphine or Herion and sleep all day since I cant get the medication that works and this is America? Sound off you guys its the only way were going to be heard. God Bless you.
Gizmo, if nobody has said it lately Thank you for your 30 years of service.And I certainly will join you in a class action suit. We ARE all crying and doing nothing and being discriminated against. Isnt there a little association called The ACLU that handles this stuff? Anybody want to join me in this?
I'm with you too. I'm going to look up ACLU and notify them and see ic they can help us. Who else is with us?
My stepson sees a pain doctor and has been getting prescription filled at the same CVS for 7 years. This month no foxy or Roxy available in any strengths. No pharmacy has them in north Atl suburbs. Have been to multiple CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, grocery stores pharmacy etc. He is now going thru painful withdrawals. I am furious. Please let me know if class action suit initiated.
Had pain mgt appt today. My Dr isn't writing roxycodone. Its not available. He said he's switching all his patients over to alternative meds. The govt will makesure this problem won't go away. The fda and dea are determined to rid all of us of this medication. It's a nightmare. Haven't been able to fill roxycodone for 3 months now.
I know that some of you with problems live in FL and it would help me to know where the others with probs live as I have the ear of a K St. lobbyist for health and pain issues. I live in Espanola, NM. This county has the highest OD rate p/person in the Nation, furthermore, our State has the highest OD rate per person in the nation.
You'd think that it would be difficult to obtain the popular Oxycodone 30mgs here but it's not. I am a cancer patient and my wife is a CP, we are Rx'es #240 and #360 Oxy 30's per month respectively and have never had any trouble getting our Rxs filled at either Walgreens or CVS. Go figure . . . Q
I'm in KY and we haven't had any issues filling my husband's prescription for Roxicodone either, we do go to the same pharmacy every monto so they do know us but I haven't heard of any issues here. I did here they are going to be changing them like they did the Oxy's so that people can't snort/shoot them but he takes them as prescribed so it's a non issue for him as long as they will still take care of his pain
Quincy, hi. Im very glad to hear you and your wife dont have problem getting your meds. Im in Flori.....Da!lol...anyway yes its a big problem in the whole state to get meds filled, i watch as a man was attempting to fill his wifes pain meds and he said he had been there every month filling same meds for last 5 years!!!!! and Pharmacist said " Im unconfortable filling these scrips! He broke down begging her, saying his wife was out three days ago and up all night for two of them crying and screaming in pain!I felt so awful for him....and this is america??? wow! But we can by drink on every corner that kills more people than anything else , right? What is wrong here, .....i swear the U.S is going backwards not forward! If To many people were taking the same drug for there heart and they thought that was to many also, would they make that pill so hard to get? Oh no thats right your doctor has to start all over giving you all the pills to you that hadnt worked in past years until you rather just get your paper scrip of the one that works and take your chances on filling it! I know Quincy i kinda went off, but you get the picture part way. Take care God Bless.
This is ridiculous! I am a cancer patient and have had major neck surgery and need many more surgeries. I can't get my prescriptions filled, due to shortage, so now my health can just plain worsen, for lack of excersize, due to our wonderful DEA's interference! When will enough be enough? I am bald, from chemo, walk with a cane, and have drain tubes hanging out of me and I am forced to go into the pharmacy, just to be told they do not have my meds and will not call around to other stores, in order to help find them, but then I will see some young kid get the same pills that they told me they were out of! The kid leaves smiling and I leave crying!!! Where is the justice? Yes I am talking about Walgreens and KMART!!! I have used mostly Walgreens for the past 30 years and this is Bull S**T!!! I live in Pasco County and I am tierd of hearing that they can't, or wont fill my script. I have heard every excuse you can imagine . The DEA has no business telling me or my DR's what I can and can not take! They are not the ones who went to college for 12 + years! My doctors did! I will join in on any class action suit and speak against the DEA and bad pharmacies!!! sign me up!
I am losing my ability to walk if I cant find my pills! Tomorrow Or Christmas Day I will be going thru horrible withdrawels and in severe Pain all for nothing. Im legit...my Doc. is legit, Ive got CAT SCANS AND MRI'S THAT LOOK like Road kill. After I get through puking, having horrible diarhea,.and adjust to being a bedridden Invalid out of the blue....WHAT CAN I DO TO FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS??! I HAVE NO MONEY TO PERSUE ANYTHING THAT COSTS. I DO HAVE A BIG MOUTH AND I AM PISSED!! BE SPECIFIC....WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO ABOUT THIS ATROCITY ? I'LL DO IT?!!
I am in pain and tired of having to track down medication every month. My new plan is to use the mail order system pharmacy my prescription plan offers. I will call ahead before my Dr's appointment and ask what they have in stock or ask their pharmacist to recommend something. I hope this will work and make it easier to get the medication I need to get out of my chair for 2 to 3 hours a day so I won't go insane.
Maybe the DEA is crooked as hell! They are selling the drugs and taking them themselves! They saw a great opportunity at the exspense of helpless, fragile good American People, to cash in on Making easy money and snorting the pills to their hearts content! Why not? They must be the most EVIL bunch of people in America! So we sure cant trust any of them. They have ruined the Lives of thousands like myself. Up until just last month, I could at least take care of myself. The Oxycodone did not make me sleepy likeALL the other sPain meds. Ut did not cause Euphoria or make my mind dull. Now I take crap that does not work. Im in Chronic severe pain. I have Narcolepsy too. I also drive! Wow! When you combine useless Morphine with Narcolepsy you get a very Sleepy driver! Well...if I fall asleep and run into another vehicle, it could kill an innocent Family. Oh...what the heck...maybe it will be a carload of DEA workers on the way to raid another CVS! Sorry guys....but I live on my own. I gotta go buy food and supplies once in awhile....and go to Doctor appts. But in all honesty...thanks to the DEA and its accomplices, my quality of Life is nearly a ZERO! I put years of hard work into the field of Human Services....helping others. Now....At only 57....I think of ending my Life due to pain that COULD be suppressed with Oxycodone. But you saved the life of some worthless Druggie on the street....and I guess thats more important than mine.
I'm glad I clicked on this site & thread. While I'm as disappointed, confused, angry, & in pain (as most of you are), there is some small degree of comfort in knowing I am not alone. I agree with almost all that has been posted (unusual for a discussion page) and feel that we (legit patients and Dr.'s) must be heard. I'm not sure how, when, or to whom...but our side needs to be heard.
Here's my rant:This whole mess is insane. The DEA and politicians want to stand at a podium and show results on a pie chart as to how 'they' have lowered the quantity of Oxy in the pipeline and the # of overdoses. They are taking the easy approach for them (going after distributors/pharmacies) as opposed to focusing on the drug dealers & illegitimate pill mills (too much work) with NO REGARD for legitimate patients & the Dr's who try to improve our quality of life.
While I try to live my life on a spiritual basis I cannot help but think...I hope all those bastards (DEA & politicians) develop a chronic pain condition. Then walk in our shoes & look us in the eyes...
There is no Oxycodone shortage. That's just an excuse you will hear from the pharmacy. The DEA has them running scared and they don't want to carry it. In most cases they don't care about legitimate patients or making any effort to distinguish who really needs them.
Shortage or no shortage,;most of us can't fill roxycodone. I too am sick of this whole situation. @51, and taking opana, I'm exhausted all the time, and in pain, and don't even like to drive bc it affects my reflexes. Thanks to the dea, my quality of life is drastically less than when I ead able to take the ONE med that helped me. I feel like a damn criminal, and idk how much longer I can exist this way. God bless all of you, I literally feel your pain.
is this accurate information? The same happened to me, Dr. switching all paitents to ER meds. Had poor results, and then respiratory with fentynl. Basically said too bad, not giving more then 2 x day IR med. Going to new dr. next week, but don't know what to expect. Are they stopping the production of the plain oxy's? Don't want all that crap in my meds and then 5 yrs from now find out everyone dropping dead from them. Don't want to be a human clinical trial for their new crap! I mean we go once a month, legit reason, urine tested....what more do we have to do?
Most Recent Replies:
THERE IS NO SHORTAGE!!! I'VE spoken to PERDUE the manufacturer. they say there is no shortage. The problem is the wholesaler is limiting supply bc of RISK...RISK ...WTH.. RISK!!! so not fair to us legit people.
Teenagers are abusing this drug bad they need to do something to this drug to stop this abuse.I have taken this drug but it's to hard to get so i went back to 10-325 .The F.D.A. just approved Targiniq E.R. a extended oxycodone pill i may try it.
I am with you! if we don't stand up for ourselves who will? I just feel like nobody wants to fight back. I have been on oxys for about 15 years and I have not done anything to break my pain contract. I have many health problems, and now these a**holes are telling me I am not getting more than 30 percent pain relief. I have only one thing to say to them, you live in my skin and my life and then tell me you are getting little to no relief. Before I got on the oxy, I laid in bed most days, crying because I was in so much pain I could do nothing. At the time, I had small children, I was not even able to pick them up and when they would run up to me like little ones do, try to climb up, I would scream out in pain and tell them Mommy cant hold you. You can't sit on me, It hurts Mommy. just the other day my 20 year old daughter told me she remembers that. I was not able to hug and hold her or her little sister when they were children. SAD. My oldest daughter has three sons, my wonderful grand children, she is married to a Coast Guard man, for years I have not had a relationship with them, this summer they moved to my home town and have planned to settle here close to me. Now the doctors are pulling all of my medication, My pain has started to return and in a short while they plan on taking me off completely. I don't have Cancer so I'm being told I can no longer be on Oxycodone. To tell you the truth I wish I was a Cancer patient as they would then leave me the hell alone in my life. I would rather have a few good months with my family then to go back to living the way I was. Now I will be condemned to never leaving the house again. Sure they can visit me, but who wants to be seen lying in bed depressed and most days crying because the pain is unbearable? I just don't understand how they can tell me I am not in pain. I guess my next move will be to go get on disability and become a drain on our already hurting economy, I just hope that those making and enforcing thees ridiculous laws against the people who legitimately need their medication, and have been following the laws, will someday suffer the kind of pain that I suffer. Thank God for Medical Marijuana.
I agree what can we do and how soon can we get started I hate all those MoFos I called the gov. Fl. Attorney General and Department of Health you can try it may help you.
NEWS FLASH!!! I have been on oc"s 30mg for 8 years!! This is the first time i cannot get them. I found out the DEA is going into pharmacy:s Nd telling them NOT to take new customers and they can continue to get only 4 bottles a month not even enough for their customers!!!So the Pharmacys are being threatened by the DEA!!! Im in NJ. Walgreens does not have it anymore for a couple weeks. This is bull s***. I had to go to the hospital to get the 15mg till i can see my dr tomorrow, again!!!!!! I bet the DEA is taking it themselves!! what are they doing with all of it? There isnt a shortage on the website!!!!!!I heard Heroin is cheaper on the streets so im sure everyone is getting that. The kids that are ODing are mixing it with zanex and booze!! Its only 2% of people oding and thats how, mixing it!!And your right, go outside, buy a bottle of vodka and drive, thats ok, why is booze even legal???WTF.My pharmacist said they are going off the market. I dont get it!!!!
Chaos, I'm sure you could right about being flagged with oxycodone. The ironic part of it is, why does this med help so many of us more than other meds? In the first place, it controls my pain better. Secondly, I don't have the side effect of feeling loopy and spaced out all the time. If I were a person that liked to get "high," roxycodone would:.not be my choice of pain medication. It's a ridiculous claim the dea has done this to some of us. If I did want to stay wacked, I'd be thrilled on opana. Problem is, I hate this feeling of being lethargic and tired and spaced out. Thanks for taking the time to shed some light on WHY so many can't get the 1 med that was by far the best for pain control and had the least side effects. God bless
They must be implanting your DNA code in the pills so they will not become active unless it is the prescribed patient taking the medication. There is no shortage in manufacturing. The DEA has everyone running scared. The Dr can prescribe all the oxy he wants but if the pharmacies won't carry it, the DEA wins. It took 2 1/2 wks to get my IR oxy's from my mail order plan. I had to be interviewed by a pharmacist and I'm sure my Dr was called also. I'm glad I finally have some but it just tells me how sick I am. I get no euphoria from this med. Just pain relief, constipation and further equilibrium problems.
First I want to apologize for all suffering it sucks!! I am a chronic pain patient too. Im in CO and have been following a post about my fellow Coloradoans. A good explanation I heard from a pain patient is this. The DEA is flagging ppl who claim only oxycodone helps, that nothing else helps.A well known PM clinic's response was this is not an OC clininc its a pain clinic. patients that have been takin oXY iR have been cut off.The DEA is suggesting if you are a chronic pain patient they (Dea) persuading docs to put you on a time released med (Er) and a max. of 3-4 short acting meds for breakthrough pain. PPl are pissed off they want their OC..so this is just infoI ampassing on. I m n Fentynol patch and I my doc WILL NOT BUDGE WILLNOT GIVE perc 10/325, 5/325, oxycodone NOTHING!! I get the 10/325 Vicodin for breakthrough pain. I had to suffer 2-3 year after moving from FL and got labeled an addict. it took a few years for me to settlein my new state actually build a dr.patient relationship(on tramadol) soI was never dependent on oxycodone except when I lived in fL, I was rx'd 3-4 30mg pills a day. well of coarse I went through terrible w/d's but I am not angry or without because of those oxy iR 15;s and 30's. What Im using works for me... Try and keep an open mind and try other things .I bet these docs are gonna start pushing ER meds with a breakthrough and it seems logical to a DEA agent...(one that is not in pain) something has to be done. It's unfortunate real pain patients have to suffer..
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