Oxycodone/percocet Generics! Which Are Most Effective? (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello, First, let me start by saying that I am somewhat opiate naive. I am not in pain management and hopefully won't need to be. I've had scripts here and there for norco and percocet. It is the generic percocet, or more specifically the oxycodone, i'd like to discuss here. Over the past year i've had issues (such as a broken elbow, recurring kidney stones, and a staghorn lodged in my renal pelvis [kidney]), that have lead to several prescriptions for percocet from a total of 4 different manufacturers. Mallinckrodt 10/325, Amneal 7/325, Rhodes Pharmacy 10/325, and AuroBindo 10/325. I've read a lot of reviews about the aforementioned generic manufacturers. The majority of them have been negative especially for Rhodes. Mallinckrodt and AuroBindo are the only two that seem to have, at least, a couple of favourable reviews. I've got a new script for a week's supply of percocet 10/325. The primary pharmacy that I go to is Kroger (my local CVS carry Rhodes). Kroger carries the U17 Aurobindo which seem to help with pain but cause other issues; tinnitus, anxiety, drowsiness, agitation and at times nausea. Those are things I can deal with but I'd rather not. Does anyone have any input on what they find to be the best generic manufacturer of oxycodone? I've read about endocet, actavis, watson, kvk, and others but none of them seem to be readily available in my area. These are what i've tried in order from best to worst: 1. Mallinckrodt - good pain relief, seemingly no side effects, mild euphoria. (Unfortunately I cannot find Mallinckrodt anywhere around my area.) 2. (tie) Amneal/Aurobindo - Kind of a toss up between these two. They seem to work for the pain but have noticeable side effects. Auro (effects listed above) and Amneal both seem to cause anxiety/panic. Profuse sweating and itching have also been experienced with Amneal although not with Auro. 3. Rhodes Pharmaceuticals - I've read some horrible reviews for these. While I don't think they're as bad as some of the reviews, they were definitely very weak compared to the others i've tried. Sort of hit and miss though as one pill would make me feel high and another would make me feel sick (while not doing much for the pain). A plethora of side effects with these as well with malaise and dysphoria; the ultimate worst! Okay now that you've heard my subjective opinion and rant, can anyone out there offer their opinion on these generic oxycodone/percocet manufacturers. Are there any generic brands I'm missing or never heard of? What's the most effective for killing pain with the least side effects? (I'm taking them for pain). P.S. I'm going to have to fill at Kroger and get the Auro U17 regardless but would like to know for future reference. Thanks in advance! I'm in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.
Re: Bobby C (# 84)
There is only an epidemic by people who abuse the opioids!! NOT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE DOCUMENTED PAIN CONDITIONS!! The abusers are like those ***** students at UCLA who overdosed because they got hold of the drugs illegally and took them recreationally! Higher education for *****s!! It's because of people like them that there are problems!! These dam senators need to do their research!! It's not all across the board!! I have been on pain medicine for over 15 years prescribed by my doctors due to chronic pain and back pain. I HAVE NEVER OVERDOSED!! I HAVE NOT LOST EVERYTHING!! I take my medicine AS PRESCRIBED!! I am so sick of hearing cdc among others posting advertisements about people losing everything to opiates. ME AND MANY OTHER RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE don't need to hear or see this because we are responsible and take medicine responsibly!! Don't put legitimate patients in the same category as abusers!! Don't take away many people quality of life because some people don't know how to take medicine responsibly!! WAKE UP AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!
Re: nomas (# 58)
A**wipes in the effing government ARE NOT DOCTORS!! What gives them the right to control pain medicine? I bet most of those old goats use it themselves! I got injured at work and I don't go a day without pain. I take the medicine as prescribed, not for sport or to party with my friends. Don't take these medicines away from people who need it. If those stupid politicians do, there will be a huge black market on drugs. Then there will me MORE overdoses because the makers of the black market drugs don't care what they put in them! Stop being stupid you stupid politicians! You are not doctors and don't have the right to take medicine away from people that need it. I would not be able to function if I did not have pain medicine!! It gives me quality of life I otherwise would not have!
This makes me so mad! I'm sick of the CDC commercials about people od'ing or losing everything because of opioids! Stop this stupid s***! It's not the drug! Its the abuser! Dumba***s don't know when to quit because they are chasing the high. Example: supposedly "educated" students from UCLA using these drugs recreationally and then od'ing!! They probably bought them off the street too. So don't through people with documented pain conditions in with these type of dumba***s!! I take pharmacy medicine from a doctor, not sketchy garbage bought off the street!! Why should pain patients have their medicine taken away because other people abuse it? WE ARE NOT ONE OF THEM!! Get it right!!
Re: JMJ (# 79)
I keep my prescribed doses and have for years. I have noticed one medicine that I have not taken in several months is not as effective as it used to be. My body has been clear of it for months. Yet I took it at the dose I normally do AND IT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO AS EFFECTIVE AS IT USED TO BE!!! Stupid manufacturers are watering down the medicine so now it takes twice as much to work!! And guess what? To get the same relief by doubling the dosage people are running out of medicine sooner!! That's easy to figure out!! It's the abusers who are causing the problems! I've been on the same dose for over 10 years. I KNOW that the medicine is getting weaker when it takes twice as much and it shouldn't!! This is so screwed up!! You see it all over this site. Many people are feeling the effects of poor medicine!! This needs to be stopped! Companies making medicine should be held accountable!!
Re: Mason (# 6)
I just filled my meds for percocet 10/325 at Walgreens. They are only carrying the Camber mfr from now on. Please...Stay away from the Camber mfr! They have zero pain relief, massive headaches, nausea, drugged feeling, and dizzy.
Re: Herb (# 55)
The government is after the oxycodone. They will take it off the market, just a matter of time. All the pain meds have been made inefficient as far as pain goes. All pain meds have been changed and they are a little better than nothing. You have to remember the government has declared war on opioids and they are behind the change in pain meds. They don't have to label what they have done to pain pills and everyone thinks another brand is going to be different they all suck. Some are better than others as far as side effects go but are inefficient as far as pain control goes. There is no such thing as a PURE oxycodone pill. They all have fillers and the pills like that have anti-deterrence added. Not trying to be a know-it-all a**hole, there is no such thing as a good pain reliever anymore. As I said a little better than nothing. A few worthless drs. like A Kolodny, the leading anti-opioid activist along with a few worthless Congressman and Senators have convinced the President all pain pills are in the same category as heroin. Kolodny calls them a medical heroin pill and they are EVIL and any use of them and subsequent physical dependence on them is a substance abuse disorder. The government know the current cause of overdose deaths are mostly from illicit fentanyl not prescription opioids. Drug dealers are putting illicit fentanyl in over cut heroin causing overdose deaths. It's easier for the DEA to find and raid Drs offices than finding the drug dealers so they can say they are making progress on the opioid crisis. The government is hurting people with chronic pain. They are also hurting us vets that they promised to give the best care available to. I guess they know Vets are tough and they can take pain for the WHITE HOUSE cause to do away with opioids. They don't know the difference between dependent on and addicted to. All I know is I'm old and I hurt and what difference does it make if I die addicted to pain meds if I can live without pain till I do.
Re: Opiate Madness (# 99)
No we are not a country hooked on opiates. You have a bunch of people that were raised in single parent homes and even when both parents are in the home .... they are afraid to discipline their children because of all the govt interference .... so for the last 50 years or so being taught how to act & control your impulses have all but disappeared and it lead to today's society kids playing role playing games for hours on end killing & robbing & whatever else. They roll that behavior into real life and shoot up schools steal drugs & take them and basically do what they want when they want to whomever they want .... It is not a drug issue, it is a behavioral issue. There are way more responsible opioid takers out there over the age of 50 than those abusing and od'ing ..... most od issues are from street opiods and the govt gets on the airwaves saying heroin gives the same effect as opioid pain meds .... ironic this opiod epidemic wasn't an issue till the US gained control of most of the afgan poppy fields where the majority of the worlds heroin is made ..... so they cut off the pharmaceutical opioids made with safer ingredients and push true chronic pain sufferers to dangerous street drugs which may be coming from govt black CIA operations ...... look up CIA & drugs on prime and search mensa airport arkansas .... and arkansas teen train murders ...... but hey what do i know
Re: bubblewrap (# 10)
I totally agree...Camber is the worst as I’ve got mine from Walgreens and they do little to nothing for pain, but make me nauseated and it’s like a placebo. In fact I wouldn’t doubt if it was. It comes from India and their pain meds seem really weak. Actavis, I find is the best out of all I tried. I think they are all being made weaker and less of the pain med and more of the Acetaminophen. I think they are slowly fading them out altogether. It’s even hit the TV commercials now how opioids are killing people. LOL. Illicit drugs yes but now they are telling people pain meds that are prescribed turn us all into drug addicts. Totally absurd but these campaign ads are working and it’s getting harder and harder to even find a pharmacy that isn’t low or out of any Percocets/oxycodone. So don’t be too picky because soon in my opinion they will be completely unobtainable. A sad truth for the Chronic Pain Pt. who have life long diseases such as Fibromyalgia, MS, Cancer etc. It’s pretty scary times for people with pain these days. I’m a short term patient who just had back surgery and hopefully will not need pain meds very much longer. But as I age I worry about future needs for pain meds. I have a history of kidney problems and transplants (my twin has had 2) and kidney issues run in the family so I have to be really careful using Tylenol etc...who knows what the future holds...Good luck to you and all pain pts. are in my prayers.
Re: David (# 7)
David, I'll try to keep the B.S to a minimum. I've had Cervical Spondylosis since 1985, Lumbar Spondylitis early 2000's when I fell on cement directly on my tailbone then diagnosed with Lumbar Spondylitis just after. There is no operation that can help either of those for me. So I've had to live with it along having to WORK since 1985. I also have Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I've had a nerve tuck behind the muscle surgery in my elbow to keep the rest of my arm from going numb. I've had a Total Knee Replacement Surgery and I need another one. I've also had Hernia surgery. My hands cramp up and go into spasms where I drop stuff because of my neck. I have COPD and Acid Reflux. I am 62 years old with my share of MC wrecks myself and feeling like I am falling apart, so I can empathize for you. Dad is 92 and I think he's in better shape than me. My doctor was prescribing me 190 mgs.of Morphine both IR and ER's a day.. I can't afford his price anymore. So I am getting absolutely no pain meds now. Just mostly laying in bed all day...not that I don't want them because I can probably get up and do much more if I had something. But before I stopped going, I did cut myself back from 190 mg to 30 mg. 4x of the IR's a day from which I rarely took all of them in one day. That's 90 mgs. total per day. He did not cut it right away but thanks to the fact he did it gracefully. The question is....I've heard of stronger drugs. I don't know of how each one affects you. People are different. Some work better for others. The strong ones from what I've heard PRESCRIBED are Dilaudid, Fentanyl, Morphine, Demerol, Oxycontins, Subutex, and probably more I don't remember...... BUT, from MY experience, the stronger you want, the more tolerance you build until nothing works .Fact is, if you are awake, there is some pain you will have to deal with as far as my experience. Maybe you just have to find what works for you. I found that stronger wasn't always better for me.
If I had my choice, I would take 6 hydrocodones and 6 Soma's a day and a sleeping pill. That worked for me better than 190 mgs.of Morphine per day. Other than what they gave me at the hospital one time which I know was stronger than 3x of 5 mgs.of.Tylox per day just after my Hernia surgery. Of course from what I know, you are very lucky if you are getting Soma. ..But I do want a doc who writes that my insurance covers and they are hard to find in today's world when they are trying to cut opiates out completely. Speaking honestly, sometimes more pain meds were worse for MY condition. But in your case, more could be better but there is a limit or they just won't work anymore because of tolerance buildup. Plus when it gets too high, you will have to worry about overdosing. If you do not believe me please go see a professional. Well, I hope I didn't BS you too much David, just please be careful.
Amneal is garbage! Now that is all Walgreens distributes. I have nasty side effects from this crap too! I am mad at myself because I didn't check the medicine before I left. The Walgreens pharmacist did not tell me they changed to Amneal. Now I'm stuck with this s*** for a month!! I HATE IT!! Garbage made in India!
I will report back on my experience with the efficacy of qualitest percocet tomorrow after I get them filled and try one. Just in case somebody happens to read this thread.
To follow up, I got the Qualitest 10/325 percocet from CVS. Yellow, 4829 on front V on back.
It's been an hour since I took the first one and my pain is completely gone! No negative side effects to note. No groggy junked up feeling! These are the new #1 generic percocet on my list.
So now, based on what i've tried*, here is my new list for best generic percocet:
1. Qualitest
2. Mallinckrodt
3. Aurobindo
4. Amneal
5. Rhodes
* I have yet to try Actavis, Alvogen, Camber, or KvK. Hopefully I won't need to.
Please feel free to share your opinions on what works best for you!
Re: Mason (# 2)
I am in the same exact boat. I agree with all you have written. My pharmacist went from Amneal to Aurobindo. The Auros are awful. And I have searched and searched in Georgia and all carrier Rhodes and Auros. Also 70% of the people I deal with at pharmacies are incredibly rude. I can't find the Amneal. Please help if anyone knows where I can get them?
Re: Herb (# 30)
Apparently you haven't read many threads on here or experienced the actual difference in generics yourself. Those of us, thousands, who have taken them have and I assure you there are very big differences.
The FDA allows for a 20% difference in the active narcotic ingredient in generics. Many different people, of many different blood types, body types, and metabolic types react differently to other binders and fillers in medications. That has to be taken into account as well.
So, no, your blanket answer is wrong and, with all due respect, ill informed and obviously not based on any type of empirical experience.
Re: Herb (# 66)
Sorry to turn the lights on like that, but really, the more informed we are, the better off we will all be. Maybe a person doesn't need these meds now, but they may at some point in their future. This affects everyone. Knock yourself out trying to refute this. Not you, personally, you as in anyone.
But, someday you just may find yourself with a broken leg or worse, wondering why your meds are not working well for you. No history of drug addiction, or abuse, so they SHOULD work. So you get yourself in to the pharmacy, tell them something is wrong with the meds they dispensed yesterday. Says they are pain relievers, but they don't help. Pharmacist: "Well, maybe you tell me why your 7.5mg. percs are not working! No one else has complained...." Your face gets hot and youre a bit peeved by the insinuation that you may be a regular user, raising your tolerance. Its noticeable youre not happy. Flustered and embarrassed, you apologize. He goes back, puts a flag by your good name, you go home scratching your head. 2 months later....you fall down steps, and NO ONE will fill your script because you've been flagged. Why? Because you complained. Why? Because your meds really ARE weak! Happens all too often, sad to say.
Thanks Herb for your reply.
Re: Kimber (# 69)
Totally agree...I’d bet if a generic Percocet 10mg from the pharmacy was tested, there would be less than 10mg of the opioid (Oxycodone)...Should be against the law!!!
Re: Roro (# 102)
I completely agree with you. As a former USAF 15WX attached to a small Army spec-ops unit in Afghanistan; I can tell you first hand that the security of those poppy fields are of utmost importance.
It is quite strange how heavily guarded those poppy fields are by our military. Since taking control of the majority of them pharmaceutical grade opiates have taken a mighty plunge in efficacy and a major jump in side effects. I hate to sound like the conspiracy theorist but let's not forget what our government has done in the past. MKULTRA comes to mind.
Big Red Baloon, you still out there? Has the world gone mad or is it the NEWS MEDIA? The fake news media is the blame for all of the madness in the world!!! A few POP singers die from a mixture of drug, they not only had the money to buy any drug off the street, they had the money to buy DOCTORS. Their deaths were on ALL the news networks for months and none of them told the truth of what drugs they died from until a year later (illegal drug) and a mixture of them with alcohol. The fake news caused the OPIOID crisis with stories like LITTLE JACK and JILL climbing up to maw and paws medicine cabinet and got their opioid and became addicts and the VA is handing out opioids like candy and they are making their way on the street. Vets can't get pain meds anymore. Now they have caused another problem - school shootings by their coverage and the attention they give to the shooters. Will the government do away with school or will they go after the real problem to make schools safe? The government can't stop illegal drugs so they go after prescription drugs and doctors that write them, hell they are easy to find. The DEA is not smart enough to catch drug dealers so the DEA and the fake f***** news blame it all on prescription opioids. Drain the swamp and stuff a dirty sock in the fake news media's big f***** mouth and the world will be a better place. Come to think of it, the world started going downhill when CNN started 24/7 coverage. Now they all do it and that's how FAKE news started. Give me a shout back Big Red Baloon.
Re: rattusnor (# 3)
Oh btw I do not drink alcohol at all. Not even an occasional beer or glass of wine.
From my experience, about 10 years, dealing with oxycodone for pain relief, the Mallinckrodt seemed to be most effective. But typically the CVS I go to provides the brand by Qualitest Pharmaceuticals.
I no longer take 5/325 generic Percocets BUT I did take 5/325 mg of generic Percocet from August of 2005, until January of 2010, consistently for a total time frame of 4 years and, 5 months, all of mine were from the St, Louis MO firm of Mallinckrodt Inc. 675 McDonnell Boulevard, St. Louis Missouri 68134.
All of my many oxycodone 5 mg with 325 mg of APAP came from the US Veterans Administration pharmacy, all of those years. They were so consistently efficient, that, I once had an oversupply of these, and, I stored them (not in my bathroom with humidity) and about the last 200 tablets lasted me from my last prescription's I had filled in Oct 2009/Jan 2010, until, about July of 2014, when I took my very last "mallie" generic percocet!
I am almost a perfectionist, with many years of taking many kinds of ethical controlled USA pharmaceuticals for decades, and these were as good as I remember taking the brand name many many years ago of original Percocet, which is quite more expensive, but also very high quality from likely Endo, and, I also liked my Mallinckrodt 5/325 mg even better than another well known brand name from the early 1990's which was the long running McNeal Tylox, why? while the Tylox was also very effective, Tylox had 5mg of oxycodone with 500 mg of APAP and I felt in the long run, the lower amount of APAP in the popular 5/325 versions of the tablets, were best for me than the burgundy, still effective capsules, that were still under USA patent by McNeal as "Tylox" for a very long time late 1970's to at least 1995!! if not the present day! Not everyone may agree with me, as this is only my personal opinion, currently I take another C-II med by the same firm Mallinckrodt, which, is the generic for former ShireUS DextroStat, and, the Mallinckrodt is my no 1 choice of generic dextroamphetamine, that I have extensive experience with, and the "Mallie" generics beat all of the other generic stimulants on the USA market, because I have tried many other C-II stimulants and, this generic Mallie firm, as good as the old brand patented name of pure Dexedrine Instant Release, formerly made by Richwood Pharma and ShireUS during the time frame of 1994 to 2009. (formerly brand name and were expensive also very high quality!)
Can't remember for sure the number on those big round white tablets, with a score line and a 3 digit number on one side of the pill. not sure might have been a 512, not sure about that, but am 100% sure every oxy/apap generic Percocet was from Mallie, because they were always so very consistent in high quality and less expensive than the equal high quality of Endo Percocet!!!
Also, they break away most easily as I used to take from 1/2 of a tab to even 1/4 of a tablet, as I often was tapering down for my pain relieving needs!
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