Oxycodone ? Naltrexone Possibly?
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I am trying to identify PRECISELY what is in this pill, I am used to taking regular roxi 30's. However this time, they look slightly different, it is WHITE, no not an extremely pale blue, I put it under a very bright fluorescent light and it IS in fact, pure white, with no speckles whatsoever. I cannot locate my camera to take a picture of the ones in my possession however they look quite identical to these (the bottom picture), however as I said, they ARE white. problem here is I have been reading up on how they may be mixing naltrexone with oxycodone, in fact wrapping the individual beads of oxycodone in the naltrexone to neutralize it if crushed or chewed, however I have found that even taking one normally *i.e.* simply swallowing not chewing which is my normal method of taking most medications as it makes them take effect faster. I am NOT prescribed them and get them from a local pharmacist for my very intense migraines as it is cheaper then the stuff the doctor wanted to put me on. While you may be able to say I abuse or use them incorrectly it is besides the point (and I normally take 10-15ish a month and never more then 25, it was a bad month with lots of hangovers). I am trying to find out WHAT this pill is, it walks, talks, and looks like a Oxycodone 30 (or roxy 30) however it brought very little to no pain relief and none of the euphoria. As I have stated earlier I have read on the web about them experimenting with coating the oxy with the naltrex to deter abuse but I am still not sure that is what this even is. Just imagine as I said the second picture down in the link, only pure white. If it is coated in naltroxen, how would one go about unbinding it? Or what other chemical I could take to nullify, deaden, or otherwise render it useless. If asked I can try and find my camera tomorrow and post a picture of it (I would describe it as a small white round pill with [M] on one side and a split on the opposite with with a small 30. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated as it is driving me crazy not knowing. I can go get more of what I normally get no problem. I simply do not like the fact that I took something and now do not know what the hell it was. It was also from this same pharmacist I usually go to and I do not think he was or is trying to screw me over. I'm too good of a client. In summarization, I would greatly appreciate some insight as to what this could be or is, the manufacturer, and what other substances could possibly or are in fact in these pills. With citations to where the information came from, not to bash on personal knowledge, I just prefer at least one if not multiple references for information before I take it as fact.

7 Replies

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He asked about a pill. He got his answer. Why are some people so bored and miserable with their lives that they have to jump on here and berate him saying they want to punch him in the head because he chooses to abuse drugs...yeah it's against the law...so what...that's his choice.. pathetic losers stop sitting in front of the computer all day and night and get a life...

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You get these from a pharmacist WITHOUT a prescription??? WTF? It's ppl like YOU, who are looking to get the "EUPHORIA" effect, that are screwing it up for people like myself and other with REAL Injuries and REAL Conditions that need this medication just so we can continue to work and pay our bills. You're dealing with friggin hangovers and taking oxy's for it?? Really? I just want to punch you in the head!! If you have migraine's, legitimate migraine's, like I've had for over 20 years....then you'd be taking imitrix or fioricet for the migraines but NOT Oxy's!! You're nothing more than a junkie looking for his next fix! And the pharmacist....I hope he gets caught selling this s*** to you and loses his/er job!!! I hope they plaster his/her face all over the newspapers and TV to make an example out of him!!! This is SO ILLEGAL!! And then you come here, asking for advice from us that are looking to get our med's/scripts legally, by a Board Certified Doctor!!! I hope you choke on the next one you take!

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All you pretend helpers out there wanting to save us evil red eyed drug crazed addicts mine your biz when and if you ever have chronic pain then you can have any idea what you are even talking about.I am not a wimp if I could I would give you a taste and u would cry please,infact i just had surgery they were giving me the min.I would hope they would give u none so could know what u are doing to inocent people with medical needs.when I say u I mean all you liars going against trained licenced doctors because you are afraid the gov will throw u to floor cuff u and send u to the goolog or wherever it is they take you nowadays.Buy the way this prison garbage they have on cable tv every night is designed to scare you into doing what they say when they say no questions asked nice It's getting better every day exposeing drug store crums low lifes and lyers

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Oxycodone does not treat migraines. I've tried it and vicodin when I've had migraines and it does NOTHING to stop the migraine. if oxycodone is helping your pain, you are not having real migraines. you should see a neurologist to get a proper diagnosis. imitrex and other triptans are the drugs that stop migraines.

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methadone? really? the withdrawal from methadone is as hard/harder than opiate withdrawal! methadone is a synthetic opiate that is addictive but does not have the euphoria associated with opiates......it's addiction just as as the addiction it was originally used to treat....bottom line there's no easy solution.

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You sound absolutely obsessed with this drug. I recommend switching to methadone. You will get the same pain control w/ reduced euphoria and pre-occupation. Highly recommended

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Based on your description of the imprint code itself it does sound like the Oxycodone 30 mg manufactured by Coviden (formerly Mallinckrodt before they were bought out).

In the United States the FDA requires every single pharmaceutical drug and dosage to carry a completely unique imprint code. So this means there can only be one pill with the imprint which you described, and that matches up with the 30 mg Oxy.

I checked on the manufacturer's site just to verify and it does appear to match up. You might be interested in viewing their product information page. You can see if you click on the pill image to zoom in that the light blue color is almost indiscernible from white. If you don't believe that to be what you have then feel free to reply back with a picture of your pills.

Also note that the same generic medication from different manufacturers can actually have different effects. Strange as it sounds, and Oxycodone from Coviden can certainly differ from whichever manufacturer you were getting before. Hope this helps!

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