Oxycodone Doctor In Nj (Page 5)


I need a doctor that will prescribe oxycodone 30mg in New Jersey. My doctor recently took me off of 30mg oxycodone because I tested "negative" for oxycodone because I lost my prescription that month. I was seeing him for 2 years. I have a serious back problem - 4 discs are herniated and 1 disc is GONE. Most doctors just want to refer me to a orthopedic doctor to get surgery. I DONT WANT SURGERY I am too young!! If you know of a doctor in NJ that will write oxycodone 30mg please email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks!

249 Replies (13 Pages)

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I have neck n back pain. I'm in need of a doctor in NJ. Even if I have to pay the doc out of pocket.

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Has anyone here seen dr Sloan in his Middletown NY office ???

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No not all people are addicts I'm actually in pain

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Because of this whole nightmare I have been told he lost his DEA license to write prescriptions. So even though they closed the pain practice in NJ this affects his ability to practice in NY. If he is practicing in NY I would love to hear it. He's a really good doctor.

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It's true. They make us sign a contract where the explain we are dependent like on a blood pressure medication and that an addict is someone who misuses medication and becomes addicted. Oddly enough when this office gets closed they don't get a new pain doctor but they will give suboxone which doesn't treat pain, just prevent withdrawal. Between that and the two increases in price this year I believe they no longer saw us pain patients as in pain. They saw us as addicts. We get demonized because someone there broke the law.

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He's in Middletown NY and was there' as of the 1st week of August

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Johnny, so what is going on in Middletown, NY. We all heard he had his DEA License revoked. I know he's not at the NYC office because I called there. I was told he wasn't there could not see patients and the other Doctor's there will not take any of Sloan's patients from New Jersey. These Doctors would only treat NYC patients..

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His practice in Middletown NY was taken over by DR Chinweike Izeogu . He cut a lot off people out completely and the ones he keeping where cut way back on there scripts .. From what I hear there not answering the phone and the message machine is full u can't leave a message

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The guy who runs the office is Able .. He doesn't answer his cell but if ya can text him he will usually return it ...

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What's his number? I need a doc asap. I'm in pain with no doctor. Please share the information. Thanks.

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Dude, he was hand cuffed and led out by the the DEA in the NJ office. I doubt you will even see Dr Sloan for a long time. Everyone in the Wayne NJ office is pretty much screwed and have nowhere to go but look for a new DR.

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Dr Sloan was cuffed and led out of the Wayne office by the DEA. The DEA basically told them to leave and to find some where else to go. He was doing something shady with prescriptions is what I am hearing.

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Like what? Not sure what you are talking about though

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DR Barry sloans office in Middletown NY still open .... Different Doctor !!!

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What's the phone number to the office and the address please

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So please tell us, are they taking on Dr. Sloan's patients. My husband was told no. If you were Not a patient in that New York office or the Middletown office and your from New Jersey patients, they won't even take you. Please advise if this information I got from the New York office is incorrect

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Damn, I'm pretty much f****d up in pain. Omg this is just wrong on too many different levels.

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I saw Dr Lopez in Middletown office and then saw him last week in NYC 54th street office he was down right rude (keeping it clean) basically fenied ever giving me the scripts he now said where boarder line deadly ...what a hipacrit and made copies of my records said couldn't see me not charging insurance sent me home with nothing he's not a nice name Nymore

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Dr Sloans office in Middletown NY, was taken over by DR CHINWEIKE IZEOGU.. He has cut a lot of people off completely.. The ones he has kept had there amounts of pills cut back.. But he did keep the legit ones with the documentation.... 400 route 211 east suit 12. Middletown, NY. 10940 (845) 381-1164. Good luck to all!!

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SHAY ..... I hope this information helps you .. Sorry for the delay it took a few days till it updated ... Please let me know how this worked out either way ??

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