Oxycodone Doctor In Nj (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I need a doctor that will prescribe oxycodone 30mg in New Jersey. My doctor recently took me off of 30mg oxycodone because I tested "negative" for oxycodone because I lost my prescription that month. I was seeing him for 2 years. I have a serious back problem - 4 discs are herniated and 1 disc is GONE. Most doctors just want to refer me to a orthopedic doctor to get surgery. I DONT WANT SURGERY I am too young!!

If you know of a doctor in NJ that will write oxycodone 30mg please email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks!

249 Replies (13 Pages)

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I need a new dr in northern nj. I j lost mine after three years for rescheduling three times?? Weird but true. Can you give me the name of a new one? All the ones I'm finding are either rly far away or don't have any reviews and that makes me nervous

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your a horrible person. score drugs??? are you serious, she has serious problems that she needs them and u call it drug seeking, honestly fudk yourself. poeple like you are sickening, and have no sympathy at all. your a simply blak hearted.

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I have been on oxy and the cent patch for yrs the doctor retired the new doctor changed offices and now I have no one I live in central new jersey but any where is fine at this point thanks

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Could you please share the Dr information with me please

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Looking for a pain management Dr. in NJ

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Hey, I have a compression fracture in my lower back and just got my health insurance. Need to see a doctor ASAP if u can recommend the doctor u said for pain relief I would really appreciate it. Thank you and let me kno if I can help u in any way.

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Can you help me? I am looking for a really great dr. I have 4 herniated discs.

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Yes please i would like that information about the Doctor that will prescribe 240.
Thank you

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Hi my name is Dan I just lost my doctor is there one you can recommend in nj?

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I was seeing a doctor in Staten island NY who was giving me 2 100 mg ms contin 2x a day and opana 10 mg 4x a day and Tizanidine 4mg 2 tabs 4x a day, lyrica 275 mg 3 X a day and klonopin 4 X a day ! I was in very bad car accident some yrs ago and my boyfriend was killed due to a drunk driver and I crushed pelvis, pubic bone, tore bladder ,crushed knee with pins, rod in tibia And pins in both ankles on both sides, many torn ligaments, muscles and tendons ! I am in constant pain but wasn't even taking the whole amount of the NARCOTIC meds I was given but went into the hospital in August and they took it upon themselves to take me way down to 60 mg ms contin 2 X a day, no opana and hardly any of the others and scared the doctor so he gave me the same low amount the hospital gave and said he couldn't see me so I've to a few pain doctors who only want to give me some 10 percs or 30 mg of methadone and had to beg for that too !! I'm so tired of this ! I live in Monmouth county N.J. and can get anywhere in NJ or Manhattan but NJ would be easier ! My name is Val and if anyone could help with the name of a doctor I'd greatly appreciate it, I'm so fired of begging these doctors and now it looks like I'm Dr shopping cause for the past 2 months I've gone to a few diff doctors and my list from pharmacy shows that but it's only because I've been searching for someone to give me at least half of what I was getting ! That combo worked and the muscle relaxers combined at night helped me sleep ! I have medicare and am on disability so its hard with money to pay for scripts but medicare covers everything unless too early of course which everything has been since I've been looking for someone ! Thank you and sorry so long ! Good luck to everyone!

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Val, I hope this doesn't offend you but that's a lot of medication and I'm surprised a Dr. prescribed all of that. That medication isn't even prescribed to a cancer patient. Im sorry but the Dr. who prescribed that to you is a pill pusher and im sure you paid a lot of cash to see him. you are not going to find a Dr. to prescribe all that to you. I know a lot of pain management Dr.'s or Ortho Dr. that prescribe all of that. I can give you a name of one in Wayne, The place is packed , they accept only money orders. You can probably get 3-4 heavy duty meds. Reply back so we can exchange #'s or email

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Hi cici just got your messages! This is Val and yes I know that was alot of meds and it was under Medicare actually so I didn't pay ! But I don't need that much now since I've had to lower down so much but 2 60 mgms contin aren't enough though! So if u know someone or not my email is {edited for privacy}! PLEASE write me back anytime! Love Val xoxo

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I have recently been in an high speed head on collison on the expressway a few months ago. I am pain everyday. I have been turned down because I don't have any broken bones. This is my 6 car accident since I was 13 and have been diagnossed in the past with 25% back loss. Can anyone help? I'm in CT but will travel as I have family in NY and NJ. I have past medical records.

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How do they look cuz I have these small white pills with PH on one side and 30 on the other I think that they are oxycodone or something like it???? Get back to me ASAP please

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Hi I'm looking for a Dr in new York or in conn. That could prescribed me 15 or 30mg of oxicodone. I had 6 knee surgery and now I have a 70% disability on my leg my knee. Does not bent. Please could someone help me . I'm only 44 years old I been like this for 5 years now I need a Dr asap.

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Where in Wayne? I can't find him and I was told he is a good ethical Doctor.

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I am in NJ in a similar situation. Have you found a pain doc. Ridiculous how the good people suffer here.

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Rumor has it dr barry sloan got busted in wsyne ny. Is that true

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Where is the office in Wayne I use to see him but I got off meds now im in pain again bad n need to see him in search of Dr sloan

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I can't find anything online that he was arrested I mean so ur not positive something happened

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