Oxycodone Doctor In Nj (Page 11)
UpdatedI need a doctor that will prescribe oxycodone 30mg in New Jersey. My doctor recently took me off of 30mg oxycodone because I tested "negative" for oxycodone because I lost my prescription that month. I was seeing him for 2 years. I have a serious back problem - 4 discs are herniated and 1 disc is GONE. Most doctors just want to refer me to a orthopedic doctor to get surgery. I DONT WANT SURGERY I am too young!!
If you know of a doctor in NJ that will write oxycodone 30mg please email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks!
This thread will probably close soon because people aren't posting. I have to say one last thing before it closes. So far I can't get a pain doctor to look at me simply because I went to this practice. They see the name and dismiss me. I can barely walk now because I am in so much pain. Some days I want to end my life because the pain is so bad. I know I can't be the only one.
I feel u buddy I think about ending my life almost everyday I wake up cause my body is in such bad shape n the amount of meds this new doc gives me just basically keeps me not sick bur the doctor won't even listen to me bout n e of my issue he see me for 30 seconds n has the scriptsame written out b4 I get there. I've broken close to 70 bones have metal n plates n screws in 3 different spots broke my back in two spotsizes I have discovered issue I'm a frigging wreck n I truly think bout eating a bullet everyday.. it sucks going threw this
Carmine, I feel badly for you. You are obviously worse off than me and I'm pretty bad. I wonder if others have all ready lost their lives because they have been denied treatment for their pain. Please, don't kill yourself. Your life matters. You matter, Keep telling people what you are going through. I am. Maybe if more of us speak up there will be someone who will give us the appropriate treatment.
Everybody else--please, be honest like Carmine and I have been. Let's get this on record. Pain patients are dying because of lack of care, because of a lack of relief from pain. We are not people who feel high or want to feel high. How about giving us an alternative and that is medical marijuana. Even if it's a tincture where it is impossible to feel high. If you are a doctor with a soul, please come forward. We want relief, not damnation to a lifetime of torture.
Thanks for those kind words '2stupid2trusthim'. I actually looked back at my reply to what u wrote n I see auto correct messed up what I was actually trying to say but u get the gist of what I was saying. THE WORST IS I'M 36 YRS OLD BUT I FEEL LIKE I'M 90. I HAVE A LOT OF TATTOOS N PIERCINGS SO THE DOCTOR N PHARMACIES THINK I'M AN ADDICT OR A LIAR BECAUSE THE WAY I LOOK...When I was going to my original doctor n I wanted to use a different pharmacy cause they guaranteed they would have my meds every month n I wouldn't have to try n find a place that had them in stock...... the pharmacy actually made my doctors office fax over all my records like mri, x-rays, everything b4 they would fill my meds.... I feel like once they saw me that's y I had to have all that faxed over...N I got denied for disability when the doctors said I was 85% disabled n I still got denied... SO on top of wanting to kill myself because of the pain I'm in, I ALSO DON'T FEEL LIKE A MAN ANYMORE BECAUSE I CAN'T DO THE WORK I USE TO DO, WHICH WAS CONSTRUCTION N E MORE N BEING DENIED FROM DISABILITY I JUST FEEL USELESS..
Thank you again '2stupid2trusthim', I don't usually tell n e body the stuff I just told u especially where everyone else can read it too, but I do feel a little bit better so thank u.
I get it. I'm disabled and I feel like less than a person. I know people in my family look down on me because I'm disabled and the rest of the world too. The only reason I go on is because my husband. If anything happened to hip all bets are off. I can't tell anyone because the last time I said it they put me in the psych ward. All I want is the pain to be not as bad. Guess that's what everyone here wants.
What part of jersey are u from?? I was with sloan for 13yrs n can't find anyone in jersey. Please get back to me
Most prescriptions for opiates when needed for chronic long term pain are primarily prescribed by pain management practioners if you have a legit condition with documentation ( i.e.: failed surgery,tests,treatments) proof of a consistent prescription history then your pcp or any referral service can help.the reason particular physicians names and contact info isn't disclosed is history has shown drug seeking patients mob these docs and end up getting them shut down.Thats beyond a horrific experience for those legit chronic pain sufferers who are punished for the actions of others. Hope you understand.... Take care
Hey buddy I feel your pain and desperation. Not much any of us can do about the moronic biases that some docs and pharmacies exhibit, but if your interested in appealing your disability case I know a good speciality legal practice that handles ssi sdi cases exclusively on a % award schedule with no out of pocket expenses up front. Reply back if your interested. Hope your feeling better very soon. Take care.
I have had 3 back surgeries between 2011 and now. I am officially diagnosed with failed back surgery syndrome. I also have ulcerative colitis and get no relief from the shots. Does anyone know of a person in the area that would prescribe to a legitimate patient like myself. I can do Passaic, Bergen or Morris county. Any help is greatly appreciated. {edited for privacy}. Thank you!
Hey buddy Sameoldbs. I really appreciate ur response to my message n that would be fantastic if u could help me with a good lawyer.. especially the fact that I'm 36 n I have a lot of tattoos n some piercings n because of that and my age they treat me like I'm a fake n that no way a 36 yr old can be in such bad shape, if with my records n an assessment from my doctor..... I basically went to Wilks barre where the appointment was they made me wait two hrs n the go in the back where a doc saw me for 10 minstrel n just asked me a lot of questions I was only with a doc for tops 20 mins and didn't perform n e test on me spent most of that time answering questions n maybe 3 weeks later got a response saying I was denied and maybe a week later my house caught on fire and I take care of my mom who is 62 n disabled, n right after the fire we were out of our house for almost 5 months and after all that I never tried to appeal it cause we had so much going on but I wastill just boutique to refine so I could use all the help I could get thank you so much... it would be like a Xmas minimal if u could give me that info
If you're looking for a disability lawyer I went with the firm Binder and Binder. When I applied for disability on my own I had been denied. When I went through them they not only got me the money from when I applied through them, but also from when I applied on my own. You do have to pay to get your medical records. You will also have to be examined by the state disability lawyers from whatever state you are in. When you apply list EVERY medical condition you have because while you may be thinking "I'm disabled because of the pain" they want to see that there are more things than pain. When it is time to go to court, dress with a long sleeved shirt and tie, you may want to remove some of the piercings if they are on your face until you are approved (no ink, four piercings for me). Once you are on disability they will check on you every once in a while to make sure you aren't disabled any more. Good luck. I hope you get it!
Hi, my name is alex. I need help. Do u know of a doctor?
I would like an explanation as to why most doctors are afraid of prescribing? Why has the medical board threatened to do to them if they do.
These doctors took an oath "to do no harm", but I see they are only concerned about covering their own behinds. Doctors have the full right to prescribe, but have a deaf ear to the patients who pay good money for their help. Why must the majority of patients have to suffer, just because of the few that were careless with their scripts? I think all patients deserve an explanation as to why they ( the doctors) will take our money, but refuse to give appropriate care. !!!!!
No progress. Just pain. There are times I can barely walk. Nights where I cannot sleep and just cry. Days when I wish I was dead from this pain. No, I'm not planning to kill myself right now. I have no life. I wouldn't let my dog live like this. There is a special place in hell for the doctors who screwed us over. And for the doctors who won't look at us because they saw who our doctor was. I hope before they go there they spend years in the same pain I am in.
I'm in the same boat screwed over by the same dr left me making endless trips to the er still can't find a single dr in nj to help I don't know why back pain has become a mental issue n a thing of the past as if it just went away
Carmine, hey it's Shelly. I'm so tired of searching already pls help! The place I'm at now just lowered me to 4 15's a day and said next visit lowering me to 10's. It's insane! All because I'm on xanex. I can't just go off them, I told you my story. My pain is unbearable! Pls help!
Hey Shelly srry things aren't working out for you, I forgot where u live, I have a bad memory.... I know u said the doctor I gave u was too far.... my mom has been going to her doctor for almost 20 yrs and now there not doing workman's comp any more so the let her go 2 weeks ago and now she has to find a new doc, but even b4 they let her go they were cutting her meds almost every month.... It seems every Doc is running scared... Most of the places I know r really far away n if u couldn't get to the one I gave you then I don't have to many options... The place Im going to on the 10th is over 2 hrs away from my house and like 135 miles away... I don't know what I'm gonna do when that day comes, I have 3 vehicles n all of them are in the shop... It seems like no matter what I do I can't catch a break... Did u ask ur Pcp Dr to find u a pain management Dr.....
Hey Guys,
I know this doesn't help your particular situation but those who are still getting any rxs for opioids/opiates your in a better place than most since in nj they are systematically withdrawing all non Cancerous (with an end stage diagnosis) patients and transitioning to interventional and non narcotic meds. For those with a secondary Dx and using Xanax (or other benzos) it will be reduced at a speedier dose titration schedule. IT'S TRULY A NIGHTMARE FOR CHRONIC INTRACTABLE PAIN PATIENTS. It seems regulators with the support of this new administration are only diggin in their heals deeper, to restrict opiates for a limited few. These reductions are barbaric, for folks maintained on high opiate and benzo drugs for decades will pay the ultimate price. Preliminary reporting indicates emergency room visits are up 65% since the start of 2017 in NJ alone. I don't know what we can do but please do not feel it's personal and punitive. It's just this new insane effort to stem rx abuse and addiction issues. God bless us all......
Hey carmine yes my PC referred me to a pm Dr. And I still couldn't get in. Said can't help me cause of the Xanax I'm guessing. I keep getting reduced without even being fixed not fair at all! I'm going to lower my Xanax mg and hope the Dr. Will leave me be? This is such b/s! So you are in same boat? I don't have vehicle right now either and at this point it don't seem like it even matters anyway seems all of us are screwed no matter where we are or go? How we supposed to take care of our families if we are bed ridden in chronic pain and our loved ones watch us suffer.
Hey Shelly, I don't believe it's cause of ur xanax, maybe it might be with some docs, but not all of them... cause b4 this bulls*** urgent care I'm going to every two weeks. At the Doc I was going to in New Jersey I was getting 120 2mg Xanax with 30s n 8mg diliatians.. then when I switched to the place I'm going to now. He took my xanax away n I let him know I wasn't ok with it. He gave me soma instead and after two visits he put me back on xanax n let me keep soma which surprised me cause my first Doc would never let me take somas with 30s... So I made the new appointment in nj. for the 10th a little over 2 hrs away n he saw everything I was on at first Doc n the place I'm currently going.. and didn't say n e thing bout the dosage I was on at my first Doc n what I've been cut to where I'm going now until I see him... So I had to go to the new place n fill out paper work and take a urine. And when I was speaking to the nurses I told them about the doc that was only prescribing me 4 20s a day, 2 soma, 2 1 MG xanax, 3 gabapentin, n 2 30 MG morphine sulfate Er 2 x a day... and told them u saw what I was on b4 n this guy is basically just keeping me not sick, she then cut me off and said u should be happy u found someone to at lease keep u not sick till u found a new pain management doc. She also said don't get a sour taste in ur mouth bout the urgent care, you've found a good doctor you'll be seeing us soon just try n be strong till then..... So the moral of the story is I don't think it's all bout the xanax.... BUT MAYBE I'M WRONG....I could go there on the 10th n they just take my 400 bucks. I guess only time will tell n I'm gonna have to rent a car to go there it looks like.....
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