Oxycodone Acetaminophen 7 5 325
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What does the oxycodone-acetaminophe 7.5-325 tab manufactured by alvogen look like? The one I have is round and peach in color. It is not as potent as the Watson brand.

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I find the Alvogen brand to be less effective as well. And this is after comparing the end of my script with a refill of a different brand( same strength 7.25/325). Most pharmacists carry only one brand. Switch to a pharmacy with a different brand on your next refill. You probably will be stuck with your current pills until your refill becomes due. Good luck on your pain relief.

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Alvogen is the worst of the oxy brands. It will be a long 30 dAys.

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Why would Alvogen 7.5 325mg be less potent than Watson and is that a very noticeable difference? I DID happen to notice that I had to take TWO of the Alvogen 7.5 to notice a more obvious relief hence the reason for this research. I will now keep this in mind and when I get my next prescription I will inquire as to which brand the pharmacy uses. I never would have suspected a lesser potency but it DOES explain my having to take an extra pill 30 minutes after the first pill to experience any obvious affect on my pain.

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Hi Eleanore,

Unfortunately, there isn't really a way to Identify a pill without an imprint. I'll post Alvogen's contact info below so maybe you can ask them about the pill you have.

Alvogen contact:

10 Bloomfield Avenue
Pinebrook,NJ 07058

Tel +1 973 796 3400
Fax +1 973 796 3439
Mail: info@alvogen.com
Web: www.alvogen.com

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Acetaminophen + Oxycodone Details

If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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