Oxycodone comes in various forms and is used to treat moderate to severe levels of pain.
Green oval pill with 33 on one side and 93 on the other, is this Oxycodone 80mg?
Is there anyone who can tell me if there is oxycodone 80 mg marked with just E on them? They came in a blister back. ## ...
Can't seem to find the oxycodone 15 mg with a dark green pill any more. I was getting it from the pain center and th...
Don't accept generic oxycodone 30mg oval blue pill with #224 imprint, they don't relieve pain like the oval blue...
I have 2 bottles of 10 Mg Oxycodone - Large White Round Pill Marked 106 With A - as well as a 10 Mg Oxycodone that's...
Can I take a Tylenol 500mg with this (k8) oxycodone pill? I've been told I can but don't want to if it's gon...
I got some dark green small round pills with an M and 15 on the same side. Supposedly they are 15 mg oxy but the searche...
Help I want to know what the heck this is I ordered oxicontin and got darker green oval shaped tablet with one slash in ...
Do the 30 mg oxycodone pills with 48/12 v contain any format of gluten? ## Hello, Kris! How are you? No, it appears that...
White circular pill with NP markings on 1 side and 15 on the other. Is it a true 30 mg Oxycodone? ## Yes, it is manufact...
Hi world, im curious i found a pill that says 30 on it... its a white oval pill with 30 on the front and nothing on the ...