Oxycodone 30mg Chronic Pain Help (Page 2) (Top voted first)


We all need to ban together somehow to stick up for the legitamte people in pain with the proper documentation. This is bull**** what we have to do to get our medication each month, From all the BS at the doctor offioce visits. With the ever changing rules to follow from the DEA . The scare tactics the DEA uses to scare the doctors to even pescribe the Oxycodone to legitamate people in chronic pain. And finally once you get through all of that..if you do... then come the BS at the pharmacies....you will hear we are out..or the shipment is comimg in a few days...then you go back and it didnt come in and its on back order...or you will hear (we dont fill from that doctor with no explination)...or we dont get them anymore. Its so much BS we have to stand up together and do somthing people!!!! The pharmacies lie I know for a fact because if you have cancer you have no problem ever getting them. A cancer patience never has a problem getting it filled. But the people like us with spine issues are all looked at as drug attics or dealers or just plain bad people. I have had chronic at pain for 7 years and I am on disabilty having worked in the very labor intensive contruction industry for 30 years and jusy plain wore out my spine in every way imanigable. And its is just down right unlawful, unethical and a violation of our constitutional rights. We do evrything they ask of us and we comply and they continue to add more hoops to jump through every month it seems. It is a freaking disgrace that we do everything asked of us and the DEA has put so much pressure to doctors, pharmacies and patiences that it is virtually impossible to get the medication. We need these few lousy pills a day to lead a productive life, provide for our families and just be happy. If we could just transfer our pain to another individual like the whole DEA agency then they would understand. Its not our fault some people are abusing this medication but it works very well for pain. They will probally just make it so it cant be insufflated or shot up like they did with the oxycotin a few years back, Back then when oxycotin was the main abused drug there was no oxycodone. It wasnt till after the new oxycotins came out did they make the oxycodone. And once they make the oxycodone not unable to insufflate the drug companys will make another pill you can use intranasally, and on and on we go. I just think its easy to identify who needs these drugs and who dosent. When you comply with all the rules and have all your paperwork and pass all the drug panels they should bring your pills out on a silver platter. Its easier to get H then this medication. Which by the way is where the oxycodone comes from. They make it so hard and near impossible to get our medication that they are driving people to go to straight to H because they say its cheaper and the same effects. And then its only to lock you up and through away the key....This is america right????? So basically I am wondering if anyone can help me put together somthing to help us, the people with the chronic pain to not have to go through these ridiculous changing rules time and time again......Any ideas guys and girls,,,what can we do to help ourselves. I can do anything. I have lots of time being disabled and would put the time in to set up a petition or a site or whatever...dont know what to do at this point but somthing needs to be done on our behalf....DO ANY OF YOU CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERS FEEL ME!!!! This is my first time posting on a chat board and dont know how it all works as far as getting in contact with anyone to discuss our plan of action....i guess just respond to this and ill see what to do.. I believe we cant leave phone numbers on here or email addresses....so im trying to start somthing for a good cause and need all your help....PEACE TO ALL OF YOU AND HOPE YOU HAVE A PAIN FREE DAY!!!!

26 Replies (2 Pages)

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I've posted several times. It's an atrocity how CPP are being treated. I've called & emailed TN representatives. TN DEPT of health, CDC, FDA, DEA are all involved in this. I want to NOT BE BEDRIDDEN ANYMORE!! I'LL DO ANYTHING TO HELP. I'm in Nashville TN.

{edited for privacy}

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If you happen to get s reply and find a Dr near Atlanta please fill me in and I will do likewise. I live near Milledgeville and Eatonton GA and I'm having a terrible time trying to find a Dr that will help me. Thanks.

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Dolor, I completely agree. We must do something for ourselves the legitimate chronic pain sufferers. I've been in pain mgmt 15 yrs, no operation will help n have tried all inj's. to see if anything worked but no. I am bedridden without medication n b4 I was upped to meds that helped I used a heating pad so much it bruised my back. The 5th surgeon I saw gave me a letter saying I can be the only 1 to judge how serious my pain is. The government wants Dr to only give 200mg of morphine or equivalent a day to anybody in pain, well were not all the same. Some may have higher pain tolerance than others. I could never give birth naturally but some do. I was on 200mg ms contin twice a day & also breakthru meds & now I can't find a caring compassionate Dr that will prescribe them I had been on same dosage over 2 yrs & was doing better, had lost some weight BC I was getting up more walking with walker instead of lying in bed having to be cared for, but head Dr left so now they can't give anything. I have all records, imaging, etc & wouldn't care if they gave me drug panels & did pill counts weekly or daily as long as I could get my medication that gave me a better life. I live in Hermitage TN (Nashville). Plz contact me if anyone can help with a Dr or what we can do to change things for legitimate ppl in chronic pain. I'd be happy to help. Blessings to all n hoping your having a day with less pain. {edited for privacy}

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Man I feel you more than you know! I've had 18 MVAs causing extreme chronic pain since 1996, which that wreck put me in a coma for 13 days, broke my right leg, also giving me TMJ, 3rd palsy, etc. I also have had my types cut off, my neck broken, cervical cancer removed along with multiple other health problems and I can't find any help. I live in KY and the one PTC that I found that would actually help discharged me when I want able to go for a PC when I was in a hard C collar from my broke neck and I was on 9 Methadone, 3 15mg Oxycodone and 4 10mg Xanax a day and was let go without even being tapered off and that was back in 2009 after 9 yrs of treatment and now I can't find anywhere to help me. Even though I've already been through all the procedures at one Dr that they force you to go through even though you have already done it at the other ten Drs before them and you already know that they don't work they still make you go through months of that S*** before it finally hits them that meds are the only things that are going to work esp when you've been through 20+ yrs of pain and already know what's gonna help you! I'm sorry I could go one forever because I've been through some real bad S*** in my life and I'm so TIRED of being TIRED!!! I'm also on disability and if it wasn't for my kid I would've already killed myself even though the kid card is starting to wear thin. I would be with you a 100% if we could figure out what would be an effective way of getting the gov't F*** ups to understand one of the major problems going on all over our country and no one except the ones in chronic pain seem to actually care about our pain, our inability to be productive in our lives as well as in our children's lives. It's funny I know all kinds of drug dealers who seem to have no problem in getting medication and the ones who need it couldn't get it even if we were bleeding out of every orifice in our bodies but when we can't get meds prescribed to us and we can't work and are usually are on disability, barely having money to live, we have to take what money we have and pay outrageous prices to get what we need to live so we're just making them richer while we, who need it, give the lil bit of money we get to line their pockets, it disgusts me!! If you can figure out someway to start a movement to help the tremendous amount of ppl like us make a difference in how we're treated, so we can be happy and healthier then what we are please get in touch with me. {edited for privacy}. Maybe if we put our heads together we might be able to come up with something bc this is one of the biggest problems facing our country is facing with the possibility of Hellary becoming our next problem, if that happens we'll definitely be SCREWED!!

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Will this place take outta state patients, I'm from KY and there's no where here that will even attempt to help. I'd much appreciate any info you could give me. THANKS! :-)

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I totally agree! The scare tactics they are using are just SCARE TACTICS, and that's it. The CDC can make these recommendations on how they should prescribe but it's not the LAW! The problem is all these dumb ass people that abuse them and OD! If you have legitimate MRI, I myself have 2 metal plates and 8 screws plus Lupus! I have been cut so far down they have just about put me in the bed! I have always had my count and never failed a drug panel! They should not treat everyone across the board because we are all different!!! It's unethical treatment and we should not be treated this way!!! I have written an 8 page letter to the CDC and to the legislature of the GREAT STATE OF TN! It is wrong on all levels to be treated inhumane by our government but guess what, it's happening!

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