Oxycodone 30mg Chronic Pain Help (Page 2)
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We all need to ban together somehow to stick up for the legitamte people in pain with the proper documentation. This is bull**** what we have to do to get our medication each month, From all the BS at the doctor offioce visits. With the ever changing rules to follow from the DEA . The scare tactics the DEA uses to scare the doctors to even pescribe the Oxycodone to legitamate people in chronic pain. And finally once you get through all of that..if you do... then come the BS at the pharmacies....you will hear we are out..or the shipment is comimg in a few days...then you go back and it didnt come in and its on back order...or you will hear (we dont fill from that doctor with no explination)...or we dont get them anymore. Its so much BS we have to stand up together and do somthing people!!!! The pharmacies lie I know for a fact because if you have cancer you have no problem ever getting them. A cancer patience never has a problem getting it filled. But the people like us with spine issues are all looked at as drug attics or dealers or just plain bad people. I have had chronic at pain for 7 years and I am on disabilty having worked in the very labor intensive contruction industry for 30 years and jusy plain wore out my spine in every way imanigable. And its is just down right unlawful, unethical and a violation of our constitutional rights. We do evrything they ask of us and we comply and they continue to add more hoops to jump through every month it seems. It is a freaking disgrace that we do everything asked of us and the DEA has put so much pressure to doctors, pharmacies and patiences that it is virtually impossible to get the medication. We need these few lousy pills a day to lead a productive life, provide for our families and just be happy. If we could just transfer our pain to another individual like the whole DEA agency then they would understand. Its not our fault some people are abusing this medication but it works very well for pain. They will probally just make it so it cant be insufflated or shot up like they did with the oxycotin a few years back, Back then when oxycotin was the main abused drug there was no oxycodone. It wasnt till after the new oxycotins came out did they make the oxycodone. And once they make the oxycodone not unable to insufflate the drug companys will make another pill you can use intranasally, and on and on we go. I just think its easy to identify who needs these drugs and who dosent. When you comply with all the rules and have all your paperwork and pass all the drug panels they should bring your pills out on a silver platter. Its easier to get H then this medication. Which by the way is where the oxycodone comes from. They make it so hard and near impossible to get our medication that they are driving people to go to straight to H because they say its cheaper and the same effects. And then its only to lock you up and through away the key....This is america right????? So basically I am wondering if anyone can help me put together somthing to help us, the people with the chronic pain to not have to go through these ridiculous changing rules time and time again......Any ideas guys and girls,,,what can we do to help ourselves. I can do anything. I have lots of time being disabled and would put the time in to set up a petition or a site or whatever...dont know what to do at this point but somthing needs to be done on our behalf....DO ANY OF YOU CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERS FEEL ME!!!! This is my first time posting on a chat board and dont know how it all works as far as getting in contact with anyone to discuss our plan of action....i guess just respond to this and ill see what to do.. I believe we cant leave phone numbers on here or email addresses....so im trying to start somthing for a good cause and need all your help....PEACE TO ALL OF YOU AND HOPE YOU HAVE A PAIN FREE DAY!!!!

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Please help me find a doctor so continue my meds. I have extreme back problems and mris to prove it. I have been disabled for ten years and now live near Atlanta, so i would appreciate any advice. THANKS!

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@Daniel (post #3),

I agree that the laws are very out of line with what drugs/medications should and shouldn't be legally accessible. The minor marijuana infractions for example, seem to only put innocent people behind bars, yet, commercials are strongly promoting the consumption of alcoholic beverages through media, so as to say that people should be having poison instead!? As if an educated person would fall for that gimmick. At least most of us anyways...

@Dolor (post #4),

Sorry to hear about the situation you had with Cymbalta. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your point of view being a doctor and patient. And I've seen on many occasions how right you are about doctor's being put in a difficult position when it comes to prescribing pain meds. What's interesting to me though, is that in some countries like Portugal where all illicit drugs are decriminalized, there have reportedly been fewer cases of drug abuse. And I personally think it has a lot to do with patients being able to access what they need when they need it without having to worry about government intervention unless they are clearly abusing. Maybe the US should take some notes?

Thanks again for sharing your input!

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I'm adding to earlier post---someone mentioned seeing things "from the other side". I'm a doctor and a patient so I see things from both sides very clearly. Doctors have been put in a difficult situation; I was there. But it doesn't mean you can forget the Hippocratic oath and just CYA. There are actually 3 sides--abusers, regulators, and real patients. No one has done anything to include real patients in the planning. Abusers screwed this up for us, and they better watch out. By the way, a fantastic way to make someone think you are an abuser is to call drugs by some clever nickname and list exactly how many tablets of what dose you need in some shorthand. I will add I sympathize with the people discussing being forced to take antidepressants. They don't help most patients in pain, and they have serious side effects, but are handed out like candy. My jaw is permanently dislocated, and unfortunately I was given a high of dose of Cymbalta which occasionally causes lockjaw. The result for me was I lost 7 teeth and that caused pain. That I can't get medication for. Thanks for listening.

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Great..Thanks for your info it was great to hear......I am still having a hard time getting what will help me....I am so worn out by it all...the whole process is wrong and its just big goverment going where they shouldnt.....they would like to put us in jail.....look at all the poor people in jail for minor pot infractions....i mean come on booze is the worst of them all.....ok all hang tough...i cant even write anymore about it......

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My husband and I have been doctors in our community for many years; both of us have multiple serious medical issues. Partly because our ability to obtain appropriate care including pain medication has been taken away, we have had to give up our practices. And we are at home in pain with no voice. When TN passed it's most recent controlled substance regulations, West TN Healthcare which owns the largest hospital in our area and many clinics forbade its doctors from seeking certification to prescribe controlled substances. Overnight, all the patients receiving care for chronic pain, narcolepsy, cancer, etc., were dumped with no transfer of care. The only doctors left to see are anesthesiologists who do procedures and nothing else--they don't believe in pills for anyone even if procedures aren't appropriate for them. We have called lawyers, insurers, organizations, the Governor, Congressman, and have had a sit down meeting with the administration of West TN Healthcare with no positive responses.

There is bad science claiming that no one can appropriately take these meds although we have taken them for years at low doses, never asked for refills early, always passed drug panels, didn't ask for increasing doses, and all of this is well documented. My only suggestion is major media-money and media runs the country. The drug companies who make these drugs have a vested interest in making sure we get to use them, and they control Congress, so getting them on our side should be mission number one. Secondly, I think this would look pretty bad if handled well in Time Magazine or on 60 Minutes. Third is disability insurers; if they can be shown that most of the people collecting cannot work because they cannot get medication, I think they will throw their weight around. Finally-and this is a long shot-I think civil rights are being violated and perhaps the ACLU can help. Honestly, I think most people are disgusted by disease and blame the patient deep down, and if you add controlled substances to that, you will only ever be perceived as a drug addict and no one cares how you feel. I wish you the very best. Don't move to West or mid TN. If you find help, I'd love to hear--if we do, I'll let you know. Take care.

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@IN PAIN, How's it going?

I just got done reading your story and while I'm not a pain patient myself, I have extensively cared for individuals who were in debilitating conditions and can sympathize with those who may be experiencing the other side of how I see things.

When it comes to taking action against big pharma, I would think that you'd try to utilize the same type of approach as if you were protesting against any other company with fraudulent activity. Petitions can be a great start for building up the number of complaints/comments. I see a lot of people on here posting "MoveOn Petitions" who seem to get great feedback from this community if that's the route you decide to go.

Hope this helps!

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