Oxycodone 30mg Chronic Pain Help (Page 2)
UpdatedWe all need to ban together somehow to stick up for the legitamte people in pain with the proper documentation. This is bull**** what we have to do to get our medication each month, From all the BS at the doctor offioce visits. With the ever changing rules to follow from the DEA . The scare tactics the DEA uses to scare the doctors to even pescribe the Oxycodone to legitamate people in chronic pain. And finally once you get through all of that..if you do... then come the BS at the pharmacies....you will hear we are out..or the shipment is comimg in a few days...then you go back and it didnt come in and its on back order...or you will hear (we dont fill from that doctor with no explination)...or we dont get them anymore. Its so much BS we have to stand up together and do somthing people!!!! The pharmacies lie I know for a fact because if you have cancer you have no problem ever getting them. A cancer patience never has a problem getting it filled. But the people like us with spine issues are all looked at as drug attics or dealers or just plain bad people. I have had chronic at pain for 7 years and I am on disabilty having worked in the very labor intensive contruction industry for 30 years and jusy plain wore out my spine in every way imanigable. And its is just down right unlawful, unethical and a violation of our constitutional rights. We do evrything they ask of us and we comply and they continue to add more hoops to jump through every month it seems. It is a freaking disgrace that we do everything asked of us and the DEA has put so much pressure to doctors, pharmacies and patiences that it is virtually impossible to get the medication. We need these few lousy pills a day to lead a productive life, provide for our families and just be happy. If we could just transfer our pain to another individual like the whole DEA agency then they would understand. Its not our fault some people are abusing this medication but it works very well for pain. They will probally just make it so it cant be insufflated or shot up like they did with the oxycotin a few years back, Back then when oxycotin was the main abused drug there was no oxycodone. It wasnt till after the new oxycotins came out did they make the oxycodone. And once they make the oxycodone not unable to insufflate the drug companys will make another pill you can use intranasally, and on and on we go. I just think its easy to identify who needs these drugs and who dosent. When you comply with all the rules and have all your paperwork and pass all the drug panels they should bring your pills out on a silver platter. Its easier to get H then this medication. Which by the way is where the oxycodone comes from. They make it so hard and near impossible to get our medication that they are driving people to go to straight to H because they say its cheaper and the same effects. And then its only to lock you up and through away the key....This is america right????? So basically I am wondering if anyone can help me put together somthing to help us, the people with the chronic pain to not have to go through these ridiculous changing rules time and time again......Any ideas guys and girls,,,what can we do to help ourselves. I can do anything. I have lots of time being disabled and would put the time in to set up a petition or a site or whatever...dont know what to do at this point but somthing needs to be done on our behalf....DO ANY OF YOU CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERS FEEL ME!!!! This is my first time posting on a chat board and dont know how it all works as far as getting in contact with anyone to discuss our plan of action....i guess just respond to this and ill see what to do.. I believe we cant leave phone numbers on here or email addresses....so im trying to start somthing for a good cause and need all your help....PEACE TO ALL OF YOU AND HOPE YOU HAVE A PAIN FREE DAY!!!!
I totally agree! The scare tactics they are using are just SCARE TACTICS, and that's it. The CDC can make these recommendations on how they should prescribe but it's not the LAW! The problem is all these dumb ass people that abuse them and OD! If you have legitimate MRI, I myself have 2 metal plates and 8 screws plus Lupus! I have been cut so far down they have just about put me in the bed! I have always had my count and never failed a drug panel! They should not treat everyone across the board because we are all different!!! It's unethical treatment and we should not be treated this way!!! I have written an 8 page letter to the CDC and to the legislature of the GREAT STATE OF TN! It is wrong on all levels to be treated inhumane by our government but guess what, it's happening!
Okay. First thing I would drop the Oxycodone fight. It's over on that opiate. It has a bad name and always will. Short term gains vs long term. Now the Oxy CEO is the head of a MMJ company.
The key is to get as many people that are terminal dying right before your eyes. On TV and internet and Newspapers. Yes Print. Print is what Voters read.
So go to the largest Church that you can find. Fill it with all the pain sufferer's. And get people to tell their story. Over and over, 1000 Stories will get a response. When 50 million people over 18 agree to let Doctors do what they think is right.
And drop the Hammer on the Guy's like the one's from Florida or any other Dr that does Coke for Oxy Rx or large money for Gambling.
Bring in the Death penalty. Let there be a tip line for Doctors to tell about other Doctors.
And have Faith. In the Simpsons. They said the Wine was spiked with Vic's. And they were worried about the Acetaminophen not the Hydrocodone as much. That is either progress. I am hoping.
People in pain are killing themselves in the 10,000's of thousands each year. From NSAID's, Acetaminophen, Alleve and all the other's. I know Alleve is a NSAID. Another is Advil.
Those are the big Killers. And they are Generics.
The problem is lack of R & D. Long acting Morphine?? Nucynta?? Garbage. Not the Morphine. But the 24 hour Hydromophone and drinking was not smart. So let it go as a Booze death. There is enough of them.
Legalize Marijuana in which it is free for people in Pain. Note from a Dr should be good enough.
Also letting people evaluate their H or C or any street drug. They will tell the health community what is out there the quickest.
Use the Tax dollars from Marjiuana to finance the drug panels. And the same for all other pharms like they do today.
I don't even want to think of what the Oxycodone legal cases will be like in 10 years.
But it will not be as big as tobacco.
Support Tobacco going smokeless. Yes. Malboro's and Phillip Moris are going the right way. Harm reduction.
Supervised inj. sites. Where people bring the drug in. They evaluate it at random and give out the right amount. i.e. three 4mg Dilaudid's would cost 20 cents V.S. the guy OD'ing on the street and the cost of going and getting in.
And the idea that Vancouver has that they give 800 people opiates or Hydromorphone each day so they don't run around all day hustling ripping people off.
Think about the cost of a B and E over Drugs vs giving the guy 400 Dilaudid to use at the clinic. And only there and only an amount that if he needs narcan. He can't go that high next time.
New's Flash.
The addicts don't want to live this way. They are just in so much pain from Withdrawal that it destroys their brain. If you just give them the drug so they are not sick then you can get them into treatment and get to the root cause.
And HERE is the biggest thing in the WAR against DRUGS - go after the Pedophiles.
If anyone has looked at an intake form for addicts for men they have a huge amount of likelihood of abusing drugs.
So if we want to help lower the Addicts so that the Government can let the Doctors do their job's without patients lying to them as much, get rid of the Pedophiles. Much much long sentencing and cutting off the male parts is mandatory. Even if the Cops get it wrong. Which will happen. We can't focus just on that.
These are my idea's to bring back true Pain treatment to the USA.
A group that is full of people who are in need of Pain treatment to live. And they need to group together in the millions and vote according to what they will tell "Alec" to do in the future.
Also who will fight against a group against pedo's and also a group that has every major Charity working with it already.
Plus and this is something that gets me annoyed. The 420 Groups. Smoking huge joints. This is why it is not 100% legal. Because this is how people will think you would act after legalization. Grow up, please. I want these dumb laws gone.
And look to Canada who now has made Drugs not under the Justice department of storage of people to the Health Care. Where these people can get more help.
There are more drugs in jail then on the street. For the most parts.
It's time to band together and change any election in our favor.
All we ask is that you uphold the criminal cases. And that you will treat anyone in Pain as a person.
Because your little old Grandmother on 60 mg of Morphine after losing her pills for 2 days will be acting like a Drug Addict. So Pseduoaddiction is very much a problem.
Good luck to all. Sorry about the Rant. I am just so tired of Trillions of Tax money just burnt up because they didn't go after the real Criminals. Like Willie Norton. He is one of the reasons for 1 million more inmates.
Good luck.
Buddy I feel you and have had the same ideas but it would do us no good to go to or send letters to our state capitals cuz they would just be thrown to the side. It's hard finding a Dr that is even sympathetic enough to write anything or has the balls to stand up. For us to get anywhere we'd have to find Drs that would stand up and fight with and for us and only GOD knows if that would ever happen. I have found a few Drs but the SOBs won't help me cuz I'm on Xanax, by a psychiatrist, and they won't help me cuz of that but I need both, I'd say it's over the dumb MFers that ODed from taking the Methadone and Xanax together! So I'm unfortunately caught in a real bad spot cuz I NEED MY BENZOS!! Hope you can figure out something, if you can I'm behind you and I know a lot of others who'd join us, F*** the DEA, they're destroying us!
I'm with you! It's a darn shame that we as chronic pain ppl get the bad rap!! We need to ban together to stop this craziness! Why should we suffer because others can't control their meds?! I've been discriminated by Dr's because of age, even though it's there in black n white my problems!!! We have to ban together! Because they thought it was a great idea to just shut down all the pain Dr's there's a opiate problem like you can't imagine! And it's not just Wv!!!
The Beardon Healthcare is legit, I know someone who goes there. It is criminal the way pain patients are treated. I hope they are happy, Oxycontin is not the #1 killer, Heroin is.
I've posted several times. It's an atrocity how CPP are being treated. I've called & emailed TN representatives. TN DEPT of health, CDC, FDA, DEA are all involved in this. I want to NOT BE BEDRIDDEN ANYMORE!! I'LL DO ANYTHING TO HELP. I'm in Nashville TN.
{edited for privacy}
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