Oxycodone 1500mg (Top voted first)


1500mg of oxy or roxi a day. Give or take 300mg

3 Replies

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Your description is a bit vague, so I don't know what it is you might be referring to with that type of dosage in mind, but I've never heard of anyone taking 1500mgs of Oxycodone in a day! That sounds like it's far beyond the point of someone abusing it; maybe for someone who just wants to put an end to their life.

Even for severe cancer patients, the average daily dose of controlled release Oxycontin can range from 20mg to 640mg per day. And for immediate release, doses higher than 30mg are rarely needed or prescribed.

So I guess my question to you is, why would you recommend such a remotely high dosage of this drug knowing that very few people don't even take half of what you suggested?

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1500mg a day is a death sentence im on a high dose but not close to that i take 80mg of Oxycontin 2x a day and i take 20mg of oxycodone 6x a day and this is high dose

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Not sure what your question is. This is the amount that I take daily. Prescribed. I didn't think I would find anyone else who can consume this amount. Will you ever be able to get off this amount? I trusted my doctor. Now I'm f***ed.

Has anyone else heard of anyone who has been prescribed this amount of pain medication? I have been on oxycodone for 12 years and I am now up to 1500 mg a day (120 mg every 2 hours)... I don't need to be lectured or anything like that. I was very naive to the situation and trusted my doctor.... I have very severe health issues, all of them having different degrees of pain (pain sucks). If anyone knows of anyone who is taking high doses like this and have gotten off of it, please let me know. I know it changes your brain chemistry. Am I screwed? Feeling like I'm at the end of the road. It's such a messed up situation.

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