Oxycodone 10mg Or Hydrocodone 10mg For My Chronic Back Pain (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Hello, I can't afford insurance or have time to see a Dr face to face making appointment's every month due to working 2 job's who prescribe's Percoset/oxycodone 10 mg or Hydrocodone 10mg that I was being prescribed for my chronic back pain, was wondering if there is any websites I can order this medication from and have it delievered to my home paying cash on hand (cod) also called paying with a Money order, I don't have a credit card or anyway to pre-pay before medicene is delievered to my home. I used to do this back in 2006 and it worked great for me until website was shutdown, since then I've searched & only able to find websites I can order this medication from by paying with credit card & I tried that once but Never receieved my medication & was ripped off $300. Thank you, would be extremely help-full to me if someone know's of any website's that I can order my medication oxycodone/Percoset 10mg or Hydrocodone 10mg?

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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Thanks David, But actually I mean any website's where u can order the medication u need, then u fax a copy of a medical record paper that says from a previous dr that ur condition is Chronic & a copy of ur DL/ID so they know it's u. I mean a website that u can order the medication, fax ur documention to, then wait until a dr call's & does the medical counsultation thru the phone & then after that, they put ur order thru 1 of their on-line pharmacies, u pay the $2-300 & ur medication is sent to u w/in a few days..I think I've heard of some thru Canada, not sure if there is any website's left working in the U.S.-I used to do that back in 2006 & it was super easy & I didn't have to miss any work or pay over $150.00 for a dr visit , just pay for the medication that would have 3-4 refill's & when I was close to running out, I would call their pharmacy from label on my bottle & they would refill & send it again, really super cheaper for someone like me rather then have all these x-rays, dr. apt's ..etc..that I can't afford-Please, if ANYONE know's what I'm talking about & can give me a website to try, I would deeply Appreciate it SO MUCH!

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I am a massage therapist who constantly bends over table and uses hands and arms in deep tissue. I am in my 60's and have developed herniated discs, carpal tunnel, and pinched nerve in my upper right shoulder. The bottom line is it is affecting my ability to work in my profession. I do not have good insurance nor the $$$ to take all the mri"s that would be necessary to have a simple prescription for an opiate pain reliever which actually WORKS for me. I have tried tylenol, anti inflammatories, tremolo, etc. they do NOT work for me. Please help so that I can continue making a living.

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Yes. A simple solution to your problem Simply type in "healthcare.gov" from your keyboard and good Ol' bozo will take great care of you. Everyone is doing it. Is soooo fast, and soooo easy. You don't have to wait too long. In just a few months you should have what you're looking for at least three times the cost of what you paid on your last purchase. In fact while your on the site, with all the savings you will incur you can even take out some funds from your healthy 401k savings and make a political campaign contribution to our nation's all knowing comrade, Obozo.

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Erika it crazy here its almost impossible to fill a legitimate prescription in the state of Florida but if you find one let me know if I find one I'll post it or email it to you.

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It is illegal in the US to receive this type of med if you do not have a dr that writes your prescriptions, here in the U.S. Even if you order it from another country you can be arrested, it is referred to as importation of a drug. The penalty is higher for Schedule II meds than for Schedule III meds.

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