Oxycodone 10mg Or Hydrocodone 10mg For My Chronic Back Pain (Page 2)
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Hello, I can't afford insurance or have time to see a Dr face to face making appointment's every month due to working 2 job's who prescribe's Percoset/oxycodone 10 mg or Hydrocodone 10mg that I was being prescribed for my chronic back pain, was wondering if there is any websites I can order this medication from and have it delievered to my home paying cash on hand (cod) also called paying with a Money order, I don't have a credit card or anyway to pre-pay before medicene is delievered to my home. I used to do this back in 2006 and it worked great for me until website was shutdown, since then I've searched & only able to find websites I can order this medication from by paying with credit card & I tried that once but Never receieved my medication & was ripped off $300. Thank you, would be extremely help-full to me if someone know's of any website's that I can order my medication oxycodone/Percoset 10mg or Hydrocodone 10mg?

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Erika it crazy here its almost impossible to fill a legitimate prescription in the state of Florida but if you find one let me know if I find one I'll post it or email it to you.

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Thanks David, But actually I mean any website's where u can order the medication u need, then u fax a copy of a medical record paper that says from a previous dr that ur condition is Chronic & a copy of ur DL/ID so they know it's u. I mean a website that u can order the medication, fax ur documention to, then wait until a dr call's & does the medical counsultation thru the phone & then after that, they put ur order thru 1 of their on-line pharmacies, u pay the $2-300 & ur medication is sent to u w/in a few days..I think I've heard of some thru Canada, not sure if there is any website's left working in the U.S.-I used to do that back in 2006 & it was super easy & I didn't have to miss any work or pay over $150.00 for a dr visit , just pay for the medication that would have 3-4 refill's & when I was close to running out, I would call their pharmacy from label on my bottle & they would refill & send it again, really super cheaper for someone like me rather then have all these x-rays, dr. apt's ..etc..that I can't afford-Please, if ANYONE know's what I'm talking about & can give me a website to try, I would deeply Appreciate it SO MUCH!

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Hi Erika,

If you're looking for a legitimate online pharmacy to order from, then I would recommend checking with sites such as PharmacyChecker, as they only list certified (reputable) online pharmacies. Although I am pretty sure that those pharmacies would require a prescription because PharmacyChecker puts them through a rigorous certification process. This may be your best bet when you're set on receiving the exact medication you paid for though.

I hope this helps and wish you good luck on your search!

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This is Erika, same person who posted this question, if you don't want to put your information/hopefully website on here where every1 can see, u can e-mail me privately as well hopefully w/a website u know of that is Legit & won't rip me off..I would appreciate it SO MUCH PlZ if u kno of a legit website? Thanks..

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