Oxybutynin Bad Side Effects (Top voted first)


I was put on Oxybutynin 6 months ago by my Urologist. I lasted 8 Weeks on the Drug the side effects were becoming too uncomfortable to carry on with what I had: Dry Mouth, Stinging Eyes, Swollen Lips, Acidic Reflux, Sore Tongue, Swollen Lips, And hot feet, some of the side Effects are still with me approx 8 weeks, After being taken of the drug by my Doctor, dry mouth, acidic gut, stinging eyes hot feet. Would you have any suggestions that would elevate these problems it would be much appreciated. Thank You.

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Hello, Tony! How are you?

If you've been off of it for several months and are still experiencing these symptoms, then it is most likely time to explore other possible causes.

As listed by the NIH, other causes for such symptoms could be due to hormonal changes, various medications or allergic reactions.

Are you on any other medications? Do you have any known allergies?

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My soon to be 10 y/o daughter was recently prescribed Oxybutynin 2.5 mg for an overactive bladder (never been dry at night and daytime wetting). After a few days, she vomited after taking her evening tablet and was very sleepy. Anyone with experience know if these symptoms will subside and realistically how long should we continue trying? I am eager to continue as I have heard of good results but also don’t want her to be feeling bad. Any help is greatly received.

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