Oxybutynin Reviews
UpdatedSince I stopped taking Oxybutynin, I have no more dry mouth, dry nasal passages, dry eyes and dry skin. I also have no upset stomach anymore, including constant heartburn from taking the medication. I will be using surgery to relieve my problem. No more medicine.
6 Replies
Those are very common side effects of this medication. It can also cause dizziness, vomiting, drowsiness and motion sickness.
I have also noticed few aches in the joints, etc. My main issue is that it didn't even slow down the incontinece. Isn't that why I was taking it in the first place? Hmmm
What type of surgery are you having? Is it for incontinence or overactive bladder?
why is oxybutin SO expensive...it is an old drug WHY??
Re: patricia (# 2)
Thank you for mentioning joint pain! After just a couple days on this medication my right knee (that I dislocated in 1998) hurt so badly I was having trouble going up and down stairs (I am 46 years old). This medication caused horrible bladder ache even at 5 mg only at night, so I had to stop taking it. It helped with the urgency instantly though. Even at only 5mg only at night, I didn’t go excessively until after 3 pm and even then it wasn’t that bad. Before the medication I would pee at least 10 times an hour all morning. But the pain wasn’t worth it.
Re: patricia (# 2)
I dislocated my knee 20 yrs ago and once in a while it’ll hurt in the winter. In the 4 days on this medication my knee was THROBBING in pain. It wasn’t even that bad after the initial injury. I told my doctor, and it stopped the day after I stopped the medication, but he didn’t think it was related. The bladder ache/pain made me stop more than the knee. It worked great on the urgency.
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