Oxy And Opana Problem
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guys i know anybody reading these forums have had troubles, addictions, problems, and just poor decision making. I am the first to admit i have gone thru all the above and am realizing it is a problem and neeeeed help. trying to quit roxy 30s and opana 40mg. any helpp would really be appreciated. ask i cannot talk to family freinds or girlfreind about this. they would be sooooooooo quick to judge me and call me a drug addict and think differently of me. as i would of anybody i knew who was keeping this from a close freind. please. need advice, guidance, and support!!!!! thank you one love

4 Replies

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Hi Dear,
You have taken your 1st step by acknowledging you have a problem, however you can't worry about what people think, and if they look at you anyother way, maybe they are not understanding friends. You absolutely can't do this alone. You have to at all cost get
Into rehab, it happens to all races, gender, class, and im saying this out of extensive experience. Dont Think for a minute you can do it yourself or control it. Take the next step. And remember only if you want to and when your ready will it work. You can't under any circumstance worry about what other people think, its your own life your trying to change. Anytime you want to just talk or whatever please do so. I will totally be here for you. Ok I made it through what many don't to now help others. Please reply so I know you recieved this. Renee.....jstbelieve...

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There are many services out there. Just google addiction and millions of things will pop up. You can also tell your dr you are ready to ween off the pills. Good luck

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If you cannot talk to the people in your life, Im sure you know why it isnt an option. Please go to any hospital emergency department at a hospital. Talk to the medical staff when you are being seen. They can advise you about treatment options, referralsand have social service help usually on staff. Good for you, if you do not have pain, you shouldnt be using pain medications. Best wishes for doing the right thing~

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From my perspective, if you truly want help in quitting, I think the very thing you should do is openly discuss this with your family, friends, and girlfriend. If your family and girlfriend really do love you as I'm sure they say they do, then they should not judge you for "wanting" to be a better person.

It is the very concept of telling the people who are closest to you about your intentions that also reinforce your decision and ability to quit the addiction. If I was a part of your family, id show all the support I could in effort to help you quit. Sure there would be skepticism in the first few moments (for anyone), but if that's all that is stopping you from obtaining support from multiple close people in your life then it is ultimately the best thing to do. You may just have to have a family gathering and talk with an open heart and not worry about being judged by someone's opinion. Everyone is going to have their own right or wrong opinion that crosses their mind, but none of that matters except how you feel.

Maybe even consider writing a heart-felt letter to certain members of your family, including your girlfriend about the situation and just watch how a hand written letter can touch someone's heart even more than spoken words.

The support from your family and girlfriend is like a never ending supply of support compared to the support of most friends. Your family and "potentially future wife" is always with you through thick and thin during your entire life, but friends can come and go throughout your life.

I hope this advice helps!


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