Oxicodone Addiction With Xanax (Top voted first)


I'm taking 80 mg of Oxyicodone and 1 mg Xanax daily. How many Tramidol do I have to take to get off these drugs. I was diagnosed with cancer but am cancer free right now. Please help.

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I read that tramadol helps with withdrawals from Oxicodone. I take 80 mg per day. I also have 2 .5 mg of Xanax per day. I was diagnosed with cancer and it hasn't come back yesterday but everyday is a panic to find if its returned. I'd appreciate any help. I want to be freed from this drug.

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Hello, Sharon! How are you?

It would be best for you to get medical assistance with stopping it.

As to using the Tramadol, it can help in some cases, but it is a very mild opioid and also carries its own risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation, as reported by the FDA.

What dosage is the Tramadol? Can you post back and clarify?

Are these the only medications you currently take?

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