Oxetol 300 Side Effect (Top voted first)


my sis is 21 year old he felt unconcious in feb 2010 since then he is using oxetol 300, our doctor says oxytol has to used for next 5 years.
is there any side effect of said medicine for using such a long time???
please help.

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I am taking Oxtol and Sizodon for depression for the past one year. what are its side effects. i am also gaining weight.

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All medications, even over the counter products carry the risk of side effects, especially with long-term use.

When prescribing something, however, the doctor has to weigh any possible risks against the benefits of using the medication. In this case, the risk of uncontrolled seizures is much more dangerous than using the proper medication to control them. Seizures can result in brain injury, from several different sources, such as lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain or the person falling and taking a severe blow to the head.

Oxetol contains the active ingredient Oxcarbazepine, it is an anticonvulsant and many people with conditions, such as Epilepsy, have to take a medication like this for their entire lives.

Common side effects may include: nausea, headaches, drowsiness and double vision.

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Sib, Oxetol contains the active ingredient Oxcarbazepine, it is an anticonvulsant that is also used as a mood stabilizer.

Common side effects may include: nausea, headaches, drowsiness and double vision.

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Sizodon contains the active ingredient Risperidone, a very potent antipsychotic that is used to treat many mental health conditions.

This one has definitely been associated with weight gain, and it's other side effects may include: sedation, sexual dysfunction and blood pressure fluctuations.

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