Oxetol 300 Mg Side Effects (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hi there,

My dad is 58yrs old, he's an epilepsy patient for last 30+ years..Right from inital stage till date he has been using sodium valproate 400mg twice a day. Recently a few weeks back he's affected with epilepsy (fits) after nearly two years gap.

As a common practice we have consulted the doctor and has make him to undergo all the test (ECG/EPG) etc tests.

As a result the doctor whom we consulted has advised to stop using sodium valproate 400mg and replace it with Oxetol 300mg and assured this should take care of the issue.

Now all im worried here is, with my dad being 58yrs old, will changing the medicine now have any kind of impact? Will he be safe?

Please advise, im pretty worried about his health...


85 Replies (5 Pages)

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My wife had taken oxytol 600 by mistake while intending giving to my son who is under treatment . Kindly advise whether my wife will have any side effect, as she's not a patient of epilepsy.

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Hi. I am a 32 yr old woman having Pcod. I've also been on this medicine for 10 yrs. Pls, can u guide me for preventive measures to stop it, as I have a son and am planning for a 2nd baby but can't do it yet because of my medication usage.

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Friends without doctor consult if anyone take oxetol xr300mg what is be the effect

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Sir, my son is 20 yrs old and taking oxetol 300 tab one in morning and one at night since 2015. Now the problem of urine not passing smoothly. He has to force to pass the urine. After urination there is a burning sensation. This problem started before 25 days the frequency is 3-4 times a day so please tell me that it is due to the side effect of oxetol 300. Also he has an OCD problem and he is taking the following medicines:

1- Flunil 40 at morning
2- clonil 25 at night
3- oleanz plus at night

So please guide me.

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Hello sir/mam my daughter is 6 yrs old and was normal bt in feb 2017 she has an seizures attack while she was sleeping.from feb till august it repeats about 6 times.she is taking oxetol150.2 tablets in a day.before this problem she was very gd in her studies and her memory was very sharp bt now i notice that she cant concentrate and dont remember things.is there some problem in her memory pls help me i m very worried about her.

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Hi! I've been taking these tablets for the last four years and find it to be good & effective.

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Re: Verwon (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Hi verwon. I'm 26 years old. I had a seizure in jan 2015 but i ignored it and it happened again in march 2016 one time only... In jan 2017 i got married and this type of attack happened again in march 2017. Then me and my husband went to a doctor and she suggested I have a brain MRI scan. In result, she said i have a bunch of vessels in the left side of my brain and a little up to my ear... She prescribed me oxetol 300 and librozym twice a day. Is this medicine safe to take during pregnancy? Whenever i stop these medications i get seizures again and also weakness in the right side area of my body... After these attacks occurred i also suddenly lost a noticeable percent of my eyesight in my right eye... I'm very disturbed by this. Please guide me.

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Re: vikash (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Vikash, even I’m facing weight gain and have hair loss now after 4 months. I’m consulting doctors in NIMHANS Bangalore... I also have swelling in my body. Will this reduce over time?.... And today I suddenly felt what seemed like a shock in my body for sometime :(

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He will safe you to give him the medicine according to the prescription of the doctor

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My father is taking oxetol as well as levipil.

Oxetol was started from last 2 weeks whereas levipil 750 was taken regularly. Recently there are side effects of oxetol as headache restlessness nausea skin rash. Not sure to continue oxetol or not?
Please help.

Seziures were mostly at night one complete partial seizure.

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Re: Priya t (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

Hi priya t...seizures that starts from temporal lobe the best option is surgery but surgery all can do that it reduce only number of seizures nothing else ...so my question here from you is if we have to take medicine even after surgery then why to go after surgery??? Then i found answers ...only to reduce seizures . But what about medicines side effect???bcoz epileptic medicines have some serious side effect like it completely disturbe the level of sodium in blood ...

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helo..i am 16 years old and once i got an epilipsy attack but i dont remember it . my parents said i was semi conscious for 4 days and immeadiately antibiotics were given so , diagnosis was not possible and reports were neutral and they could not find out the reason for the attack , and i oxetol oxcarbazepine 300 mg for almost an year , it was my first attack and i dont even have any family history also ,i even stopped using the medication for a while and again started it , wil the medicine cause any side effects ,particularly hair loss , please answer my question

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I am an epilepsy patient (1st stage) since 5 years now I am (28+yrs) in this last 4 yrs i've been using oxetol 300 mg and stemetil 5mg twice a day. After I have started the treatment I have I got only once seizures and after that luckily it did not happen to me. And at the moment I could not consult my doctor for it. And its not available in Maldives (my country) so everytime I have to bring medicine from abroad which now adays financially my status is not good so I could not get the medicine. So since last year August i have stopped my medicine. So I would like to know whether is there any side effect or any other problem for me by stopping the medicine. And also I wanted to know will there be any problem for my baby because when I was pregnent also I was using the medicine because I did not know I was pregnant after 7 months only I knew it. But also I was using those medicine untill he was born and after that too.

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my brother is taking oxetol 300mg tablet for around 5year, still the epilepsy is prominent 6to 7 times in a month. so what we will do for this give some suggestions. ...

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hlo frnd....
hw s ur dad ??
mah father is suffering also...bt he is fine right now by using oxeptal 300.
But now a days oxeptal 300 nt available in mar

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Thanks much for your reply Verwon.

As i understand from your reply, you recon my dad should try using Oxetol 300.

So far for last 1 week be had switched using Oxetol 300, there has been no major side effects we noticed. How ever as i understand he is prompting him self to sleep almost all time... plus he is bit confused, sitting ideal and not talking to any one...

I'm worried is this a wrong sign?

Thanks heaps for your help on this mate.


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I have use Oxetol for last 8 years. doctor was adviced me to take 1 tab of 300 mg at night and 150 mg at day time daily. After 3 years when I want to reduce doses, I'm feeling that sezer may attack. but when I'm increase doses that problem has gone.My question is that have this medicine to take for lifetime?

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another medicene if OXETOL 300 IS NOT FOUND.

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I'm suffering from fits since childhood...but it stopped when i was 8yrs old...again it hit on 16yr old and from then onwards it comes for every 3yrs ....last fits was on jan2014..i consulted doctor and he told me to do MRI, EEG scanning...reports were normal....but he gave Oxetol 150 Mg for 10 days then after 10days Oxetol 300 Mg have to take upto 3yrs....im taking medicines regularly but i saw difference in me as my weight n body is increasing....i go for regular walk then also my body is increasing....please help me in how can i control my body n weight...


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i am 43 yrs male, i had got first episod of epilepsy on 25th jan 2011 in sleep. was unconscious for 5 mins, i do not remember the event... for 2 hrs. my wife gave all the details to the dr. with the local consultant put me on oxetol 300mg 1-0-1,
i had an head injury (Lt. temperoparietal area) when i was 11yrs (33yrs back) they say epilepsy was because of that- scar/ gliosis.
now with my relatives request i had to visit another neurologist who says its a very low dose... i should be given oxetol 600 mg... should i continue or change my drug dosage.

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