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square pill with bp on front with a line down center. 10 is on the other side ## want to learn about BP 10 white pill. ## Yes, i'd like to know more about it, cuz i recieved little blue square pills with a B P on 1 side w/ a line down the middle and a 10 on the other side. i was told it was oxandrin, but i think its winny?? any1 know? ## From prior questions about this and the associated research I've done, I've also found these listed as being Winstrol, which contains Stanozolol, it is an anabolic steroid that has been banned for use in the U.S. These can only be legally used under certain very strict medical criteria. Learn more Stanozolol details here. Improper use or abuse creates a very dangerous risk of heart failure, as well as damage and failure of other organs. Are ...

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The pill is small, color is white, shape is oblong, BTG is imprinted on one side and "11 11" is imprinted on the other ## This is a 2.5mg Oxandrin tablet, which contains the active ingredient Oxandrolone, it is an androgen and anabolic steroid that is used to treat conditions such as weight loss, Turner's Syndrome and alcoholic liver damage. Improper use of these can lead to serious cardiac effects and has resulted in the deaths of some people that were abusing them, which is why they can now only be used under certain strict medical criteria. Read more: Is there anything else I can help you with?

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