Other Side Effects Of Tramadol (Page 2)
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What is the side effect with this drug besides the fact that it is addicting?

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Hey Megan:

Pharmacists are great at given you the low down on medications and why they may of been diagnosed. Likely some anti-inflamatory or something. You can look it up on this site1!!!

Withdrawl isn't horrible. Just do it slow. It's not to be stopped automatically...it says that on your read-out from the pharmacy.

So, ck with your pharmacist and maybe ck here. I wouldn't worry about a bad withdrawl. Just do it slow. I've been on over 2 years so that's alot different than 3 months. isn't the energy boost great??!!!!


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I was just put on Tramadol because i was in a car accident. But they also put me on hydroxyzine pamoate 25mg capsules they are a greenish blueish. If anyone can tell me why i am taking this with tramadol and what is in this, please. But i did notice that i couldn't remember anything that i was forgetting all kinds of stuff that i never do and also had alot alot of energy ( my house has never been cleaner ) thats also was weird for me. But i am afraid after i look over everyones coments. my doctor has put me on this for three months is that to long will i be ok when i go off of it or am i in for it? see now i forgot what else i was going to ask!

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I loved the buzz too!!! It wears off though sorry to say. 2 years later it isn't working like it used to most times. I used to get a high energy and a increased sense of well-being.

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dont know bout long term effects but definately helps my back pain....nice little buzz too!!!!!

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It very well could be. I'm not a doctor, but I have my suspicions about the liver damage, why not brain tissue damage also? I would suggest you continue to ween yourself off of it, and see what you scan shows! We could be ON to something here.

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Wow Geri...I thought I was going crazy...pre-menstrual....something weird. Wouldn't it be interesting if that is what has caused the abnormal EEG?? Althogh I want to not be abnormal for this reason. I don't want to be mis-diagnosed...esp with a brain issue.

I stopped taking it and became very depressed. I did it over a few weeks...lately ....the last 5 days Ive been taking it and am not sure if that's cool. After a break the symptoms are little.


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Yep, my husband did the loss of brain function also! I thought he was developing Alzheimer's or something.

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I have been taking Tramadol/Ultram for 2 years. I have noticed that I suffer from severe short-term memory loss. Ill be right in the middle of a conver sation and can't remember what I was saying. It has progressively gotten worse. To the point that I have tried to get off of it. I have seen a Neurologist and have a abnormal brain function on my left side.

One thing I truly loved about tramadol was that it gave me extra energy and a emotional uplift. I am confused. My friend has been suffering severe headaches too. Has anyone else suffered from these side effects??? Pls let me know. Im having a MRI on my brain next week.

Claudia Dudek

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I don't know about the narcotic of it, but I DO know my husband has been taking it for a couple years for his back pain. He didn't seem to be addicted, but it didn't help his pain much for starters anyway. Secondly, he was taking 150mg at one time, which you shouldn't take over 100mg at a time. Then, because he has a history of hepatitis (the one that goes away, don't remember which one that is A,B,C,D or E). Anyway, he had to stop taking it because it caused spots on his liver, and sores on his arms and face. But as I said, he had a start on liver damage anyway. Just be sure to ween yourself off of it if you do decide to take it, or you'll get tremors, hot/cold sweats, etc.
Good Luck!

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I was recently prescribed this medication for a spinal cord condition and I haven't taken it yet. I'm afraid to. If it's not a narcotic medication, why so many warnings and why is it addicting?

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