Osteo-Bi-Flex Forums
Recently active Osteo-Bi-Flex forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Osteo-Bi-Flex and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have had lower back problems since I was in high school. I needed to have a discectomy surgery when I was 25 years of age. I will be 32 this year and there is not a day that I would like to go without taking osteo bi flex. The thing about this supplement is that you will not neccessarily notice a large difference in the way you feel, that is not until you slip up and forget to take osteo bi flex for a few days. Then you will really know exactly what it does for you! This is really an amazing supplement and I would highly recomend this to anyone. ## IS IT OK TO CUT THESE PILLS IN HALF? I CANNOT SWALLOW THEM LIKE THEY ARE. ## The only time it isn't safe to cut or break a pill is if it is time released medication. There are an over the counter supplement and are not time released, so...