Orlistat Forums
Recently active Orlistat forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Orlistat and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Has anyone established whether this batch of Orlistat is fake? I have my suspicions but as I've only been taking them for 2 days, I'm still not sure. ## An update on my original post. I ordered Xenical (Orlistat) from canada-pharmacy-24h.com and I received my order within two week. A generic drug called Co-Orly 120 was sent out to me direct from an Indian company called Combitic Global. I am very familiar with Orlistat and I know what to expect when I take it and without going into details, I realised within a few days that there was something odd about these tablets and I became pretty convinced that they didn't contain Orlistat. I also checked this site and read that others were concerned about these tablets, all had the same batch number. I then sent Canada Pharmacy a pol...
I have been taking thyronorm 25 mg for the past 3 years and now my BP is 160 -100 most of the time. I wake up in the morning with headaches and pain in my left arm. My Dr advised me taking orlistat 120 for weight management and xtem and olmator 20. I am not sure if i should start these medications, though it is two weeks now and i am taking mukta vati and medhavati. ## I am 78 years old, taking Thyrox 25 for the past one year due to high BP. Prior to this was taking Losaran 50 twice daily, but since I started thyroid medicine my BP has gone down. Sometimes it comes down to as low as 102/54. I also take 4 tablets of Tidomet plus 125. What is the reason why my BP has been going down?
Sir i had orlistat for 6 days from 16-22 feb den i should get my periods on 4 march bt it didnt came den i took primulute n from 10-13 and now its 17 and still no periods plz help ## HI, Asma! How are you? Orlistat will not do anything to help you get your period. Orlistat is a weight loss medication that blocks the absorption of fats in your body. Primolut N is a synthetic progesterone hormone, it contains Norethisterone 4 days of it may not have been enough to help. Is there a chance that you're pregnant? ## Hi (am 19yrs).. i am hvng irregular periods.. last timi hd it fo abt 2.5mnts .. n ths tim it been abt 2mnts n 10 days n i still din hv my periods.. n i am really scared bcoz i hd intercourse abt 25 days back.. i did d test at home n d result ws negetive.. bt still i am realy w...
Hi I have been taking Orilstat for a week now and have taken it previously but fell pregnant so had to stop. This evening I have had some of the dreaded orange oil.below I will write ecactly what I have eaten today and hopefully someone can tell me what has triggered this. Thanks Breakfast - fat free yogurt and apple so no need for tablet Lunch - bacon and egg sandwich ( bacon with all fat removed. Egg and bacon cooked in fry-lite spray ) white bread with low fat marg. skips and a fun sized biscuit bar Dinner- pork loin, roast potatoes, broccoli and coliflour ( loin and potatoes cooked in fry-lite and all fat removed) lots of fruit in between (grapes, strawberries and apple) Hope someone can help Thank you ## Hello, Tilly! How are you? The FDA lists other typical side effects of this me...
I am taking Redotex in the morning and orlistat twice a day, one after lunch and one after dinner, It's is my first day, I took them for a month about 4 years ago and los 45lbs, mind you, I was eating extremely healthy and was working out 3 hours a day, jog for one hour in the am and at night would do at the time turbo jam and as soon as I was done with that I'd go for another hour jog. My head would hurt every morning, it was more of a pain in the back of my lower head, but I stuck it out and if ever I felt dizzy I would eat an orange and I would feel better 15 minutes after. The combination is quite dangerous but if you are limiting your caffeine intake and are following your doctors orders you should be fine.. Consult your doctors, well if you live close by the border, becaus...
Hello, My weight is 90 & height 5'5 want to know the proper disage to take of ZEROFAT-A sachet, how to use it & how many months need to take. ## @PIU, From what I could gather, the active ingredient in Zerofat-A is Orlistat. According to the manufacturer, the typical adult dosage of Orlistat is 120mg taken orally 3 times daily. Apparently you're supposed to take each dose with every meal you have that contains fat. However the manufacturer goes on to note that the dose may also be taken within about an hour of finishing your meal(s). As to how long you should take it, I think that is best determined by you and your doctor, depending on your goals an expectations. I would also encourage you to confirm dosing protocols as well, since the instructions mentioned above are on...
I am taking Redotex in the morning and orlistat twice a day, one after lunch and one after dinner, It's is my first day, I took them for a month about 4 years ago and los 45lbs, mind you, I was eating extremely healthy and was working out 3 hours a day, jog for one hour in the am and at night would do at the time turbo jam and as soon as I was done with that I'd go for another hour jog. My head would hurt every morning, it was more of a pain in the back of my lower head, but I stuck it out and if ever I felt dizzy I would eat an orange and I would feel better 15 minutes after. The combination is quite dangerous but if you are limiting your caffeine intake and are following your doctors orders you should be fine.. Consult your doctors, well if you live close by the border, becaus...
how it reduces weight,what r the side effect of medicine. ## does it affect 1st month preganancy ## From what I can discover, this contains the active ingredient Orlistat, which works by blocking the absorption of fat in the human body. Common side effects may include: steatorrhea, flatulance, fecal incontinence and frequent bowel movements. Read more: It should not be used during pregnancy, please consult your doctor. Are there any other questions? ## Lipophage 60 kitne dino me work krna suru kr deta h aur kya yh really work krta h...
xenical ## ## Has anybody else had "oily" discharge during a bowel movement? i'm thinking that it's the fat being taken out of the food i eat. I see it listed as a possible side effect but it's really a bit more than I was expecting. Plus I'm not eating too much fat in my opinion. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Also, what is the best brand name of this?? I remember back in the day it was prescription only but now there is over the counter versions too.
All of us know that Orlistat prevents absorption of fat and helps in obesity management through its positive energy balance. As lifestyles change, every day people often like to go out for a weekend party, whether it may be a birthday, marriage, anniversary, job, promotion, success, etc.. But without any junk food is it possible to enjoy a party? So why not take Orlistat and enjoy it as much as possible? Is it safe to consume fatty foods while on Orlistat? ## For best results it really should be taken on a regular basis. And, if taken when you are consuming such large amounts of fatty foods, it is going to seriously aggravate the side effect of loose/greasy stool, which could result in some embarrassing situations. You are actually supposed to avoid eating like that, when using it. Read...
How is your Orlistat different than Alli? My order does not seem to be working like Alli. I see no effect at all. Help. ## Hello, Bo! How are you? I'm sorry, but this website does not sell any medications. Are there any markings on it? Where did you order it from? ## I ordered Orlistat from Viocore and it too is nothing like Alli. After taking it for a long while, I've seen no side effects whatsoever. I even ate something fattening on purpose to test it. The result was nothing. Now it has given me constipation. Alli please come back! ## It's fake. It's a scam. Notice it all comes from outside the U.S.
I am on Orlistat 120 mg 3 times a day to lose weight caused by meds. I find I am not eating a lot of fat so I don't understand how it works. ## The idea of Orlistat is to force you to eat less fat. If you do, you might poop your pants. Therefore, you eat healthier and consequently lose lots of weight. Eat a greasy pizza or something similar. If you don't have to run to the toilet, then you have the fake Orlistat.
what time to take lesofat capsule ## how to take a lesofat? ## Lesofat contains the active ingredient Orlistat, it aids in weight loss by helping prevent the body from absorbing fats. It should be taken 3 times a day, right before a meal that contains any types of fats. Commons side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, stomach upset and uncontrollable bowel movements. Read more: Are there any comments or questions? ## i was just wondering kc i don't see or feel any effects of using lesofat for almost 15 days of taking this diet pills. aside from oily secretions only.. what can you advice? should i stop to take lesofat.? ## hello ajay. did you get your desired weight loss from lesofat? I know this very effective product wherein you can loose as much as 15 lbs in 15 days! I recommen...
I am looking for others who have suffered from severe ulceration of mouth & throat that originated after taking orlistat, alli, xenical or similar. What were your complete symptoms? How long did they last? What treatment did you receive? What conclusion did your doctor or consultant come to? We're you taking any other medication? Are you diabetic? Please let me know how the conditions affected you in the long term. ## While it isn't common, skin blisters over various parts of the body are listed as a possible side effect, just under the very rare ones. Learn more Orlistat details here. What has your doctor advised you to do about them? Have you stopped the medication to see if they go away? ## use something called collodial silver its natural will shift them for good brill s...
how can i tell? they were prescribed by my gp i have taken them had no oily stools or any side effects i had on alli.can you please tell me by chcking my box what to look for.i feel conned ## Are there any markings on them? That would be the easiest way to tell, if there's a logo or anything on them. Where they in a sealed container? Where did you purchase it? Learn more Alli details here. ## yes markings properly packed i got them on prescription but i have heard that a lot of fakes have got into nhs supplies xx ## I CANT SEE REPLY I MADE BUT I SAID YES MARKINGS GOT THEM FROM GP ON PRESCRIOTION BUT ITS BEEN SAID THAT FAKES HAVE INFILTRATED THE NHS SULLIES SO IM WORRIED HAVE TAKEN THEM FOR WEEKS NO RESULT NO SIDE EFFECTS I EVEN HAD TWO DAYS ON HIGH FAT TO SEE IF THEY WORKED NO RESUL...
code no hr/drugs/325-osp(h) combitic global caplet pvt.ltd ## just adding to my co-orli-120 need to know if these are fake orlistat capsules ## On May 17, 2012 I placed an order for 30, 120mg Xenical. Mt Visa account was charged $67.07. It was recieved via USPS two weeks later. My Visa account shows May 22, 2012. I find this product to have no effect and NO value. I consider this product to be FRAUDULENT and have requested a refund on unused portion. Buyer Beware ! ## I also ordered these fake orlistat capsules that do not work like Alli. I received them last week. ## i also have the orlistat tablets, from combitic globa; pvt they have no effect and the capsules are not marked, have they worked for you yet? ## the co-orli tablets are completely fake. friends have tried them with high fa...
just recieved my orlistat, is it for real? so many counterfiets out there and these do NOT look even vaguely familiar. ## What are the markings on the capsules you received? That's really the only way to identify them to see if you received what you've ordered. Can you please post back with more information, such as the markings and/or manufacturer? Learn more Orlistat details here. ## there are no markings on the capsules
i too have recieved powder based caps not touching them wish i hadnt bought them ## Are there any markings on them? Do you know who the manufacturer is? If you can post back with more details, I can research them for you, to see if you received what you ordered, or not. Did you check with the place you ordered from? Learn more Orlistat details here. ## they had no markings on them and on the reverse of the foil wrap was a sliky girl the inner part of capsules were just white powder not granuales like the genuine ones i wasted 65 gbp on them they were called orli 120 hope this helps others not to buy they arrived in a brown jiffy bag no box no guidelines etc
stomach pain, breast pain ## Lesofat contains the active ingredient Orlistat and it is used to aid in weight loss. These are not listed as normal side effects, however, a lot of medications can irritate the stomach and cause conditions such as ulcers, heartburn, GERD and gastritis and any of these could account for your problem. Have you spoken to a doctor about this, yet? ## it safe for lacteting women?
I am was taking phentramine 37.5 for wieght loss but what is the next strongest prescription avaiable ? ## That is the maxiumum dosage for this medication. You may wish to consult your doctor on your other options, another medication on the market is Orlistat, available over the counter as Alli and under prescription as Xenical. It helps block the absorption of fat in the body. Common side effects can include: nausea, loose stools and flatulence. You can read more here: Did you have any other questions?