Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon Better Than Strips (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Yes, they are Subutex 153 half moon and the are shaped like a surf board. They work way better then Suboxone strips. People keep saying they cut the strips into millions of pieces, if that is the case you don't need them in the first place. This new one orange Subutex 153 half moon surf board shape ones last way longer, and work great (oh my god they work so great!) I recommend them to anyone using the white ones or the strips, they both suck compared to the new ones. Take it of leave it but it's the truth. If you take just a half it will last you two days...unreal.

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You are all so beautiful! Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am doing it! That is what I am proud of! Thank you God! I believe! I will continue slowly and soon I hope to be back on here saying...I've done it ! Bless you all! Hope all is well with you also!
Stay strong and safe!

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Hi. I was pregnant on subutex and was stressing the whole time worrying about the health of my baby. I swore after I had the baby, I would share my experience. (A little history- I injured my back as a varsity gymnast in high school on the balance beam. I was prescribed WAY to many oxys and naturally became physically dependent. Because of lack of knowledge, and some weird fear of going to treatment, I went on methadone for a year. After realizing how this was still controlling my life, I went into treatment and was put on suboxone. Originally my plan was to just take them to get through the withdrawals, but for the first time in years, I felt normal and stable on subutex. So I decided to stay on them. And I'm happy with my decision. It's just a normal script, I don't have to go to a clinic everyday, and it doesn't make me feel weird or out of it like full agonist opiods. I was taking 8 ms a day..4 in the am and 4 at night) when I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks along, I decided to wean myself as low as possible and to even attempt to get off them completely. I realized around 30 weeks that getting off them completely was simply too hard for me. I felt like I was weak, a failure, and letting my unborn child down, and I was so scared. I got down to 1 MG a day around 32 weeks..if I was having a good day, I would only take .5 MG (I would break the 2 MG in half or in quarters) I was induced at 41 weeks because I had a stubborn baby who apparently was very comfortable! Lol he was born perfectly healthy 7lbs 111oz 21 in with absolutely NO withdrawals or negative symptoms whatsoever. I was beyond reliebed and overjoyed. I prayed a lot, and ate super healthy and was very active while pregnant, but I believe getting on the lowest dose possible will give you the best chance for a healthy little one! Sorry this is so long, but I want to explain everything. Also sorry for the typos and grammatical errors, I'm currently breastfeeding my little man as I type this. I got my last script of 30 2mg tablets at 38 weeks (because I knew that it would last me 2 months since I was only taking 1 MG a day) so that way, when they asked if I was still taking it, I said I stopped a month prior. Now I'm sure some people might jump down my throat for not being *totally* honest with the doctors, but I know for a fact (because my mother in law is a RN) that when nurses or docs know that mothers are on bupe, they see things that aren't there. If my babe had shown any signs of NAS or discomfort, I would have told them how I made my last script stretch. I just wanted a fair assessment of is health, ya know? Anyway, he is perfectly healthy and I'm breastfeeding as I type this, with the support of my doctor and le leche league while continuing on my subutex. I should also add that everyone's body is different, and there is no sure fire way to know what will happen, but I just wanted to share my positive experience and give you hope. Also, I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress. Stress is worse for the baby than any medication ! Get your dose as low as you can and good luck mama! I know You're doing the best you can! And congrats on the pregnancy- stay positive!

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I've been on perks for 7 yrs. I run out all the time due to my back pain being so bad and take more than prescribed. I got an old of 30 of the 153 mg subutex to hold me over til my script is due again in bout 10 days. Any advice on how long I should wait from my last perk before I start the subutex. I've taken the other orange ones before that actually tasted like oranges and they worked wonders. Should I start right away or wait and start with half or a whole one. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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yes they are very good and very effective. And they do notmake you as sick as the regular suboxone

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I'm currently pregnant and my doctor said it was more dangerous to ween down and quit then it is to stay taking them ... Did you end up quitting and is everything ok with the baby I'm so worried thank you...Sarah

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I'm glad they finally found something other then methadone to give for recovery 8th ago I was on pervs and Xanax pregnant the 2nd time on same med my son came out fine, second time a nurse friend of mine told me methadone was safer I went just to talk to them at clinic they convinced me to go off the pervs and switch to methadone they told me it was better for the baby and how awesome I was for making the choice. Wrong my son spent 4 weeks in nice unit on morphine then sent home on methadone it was a nightmare he was in such hell scratching at his face shaking I took him back to hospital after the pediatrician made me cry hysterical telling me what a piece of cap I was for taking it while pregnant the hospital kept him another two weeks the pediatrician called cups on me it was a nightmare. The scariest thing was seeing other pregnant mom's by the droves at this clinic with no clue think in they were doing the right thing. My next child I was on my pervs and Xanax again and she was perfect no withdrawls . I've had friends since who have been pregnant but they took the subtext out of 5 friends only one of there babies had slight withdrawals. Good luck to everyone it's the hardest thing to beat I went off the methadone .

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I am curious to know if you are still able to get the Subutex I read somewhere that as of June or July 2015. They only prescribe them to pregnant women and that's a strict rule. I am just curious if you are still able to get them as I would like to know if I have a chance to get them because they worked far better. Suboxone makes me very sleepy and I already have a hard time with fatigue and depression. I'm hoping a doctor would understand that I have not relapsed on opiates since I've been in the program over a year and a half.

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I am highly allergic to suboxone. I've been on subutex for years and I picked up the new pharmaceutical company's subutex and it tastes like suboxone and I've been in bed sick from this medicine that is supposedly without naltrexone. So im really confused. Any answers? Thanks.

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If you live anywhere near SC than Dr.Craddock in Easley is amazing. He deals with both addiction and chronic pain.

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So your saying the new 153 bupes have no naloxone in them?

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Well your pretty much screeed unless you want to drive but don't worry four work perfect for millions of people and you know what they say the grass is always greener. As for the guy who is swallowing suboxin use it's suppose to be put under your toung until it completely disappears so you should never swallow them,as far as the subutex well they are orange and the are the generic ones the white ones are the real ones but who cares my story I did 6 pack a day 6grams I winged myself down to 5-4-3-2 then 1 then .03 for a couple of days till I did the 10 mg methodone pills the next day then did subutex with a 5mg valume and 1 roboxin the next morning is the same.but bumped the valume up to 10mg that night pretty much the same I sub 1 roboxin but now 3 valume 15 mg make sure unless you are staying home never up you valume dose unless you're staying home if not only t night

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Good luck finding a dr to write u subutex! So many people are abusing em! So they are making it to where u have to have dr written proof that your allergic to the naloxone which I certainly am. I don't need an opiate blocker. I have passed every drug panel given to me! Not cheating either! I don't have insurance so the suboxone is twice as much and with a family of four, me being the only one working, I can't afford double the price! They are abusing the suboxone TOO! tThey both can be done the same way so what's it matter? The DEA is pushing for us not to get just buprenorphine.. they want the naloxone in our system too.. so opiates can be blocked in case we relapse. Go figure! Good luck finding a dr to write em. Wish u well!

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I've been taking opiates / opioids but I'm trying to stop. I can stop the roxy no problem. I am at the end of my script. However I'm in a rough place. My father just overdosed from a bad batch and I found him in the kitchen with a needle in his neck, dead....This is why I got these subutex in hopes someone could help me on how to take them and how much? I have stopped in the past by taking suboxone and the first two days taking between 1- 1 1/2 and slowly weaning down throughout about a 6-7 day process. This was the only route I could go as I don't have the luxury (tho it's pure torture) to go cold turkey. I have to take it till I make it and continue to work and take care of a family but after my father's passing I realized this is not the life I want to live nor the life I want to die living. So anyone who can help me to know how to take the suboxone and how many I need, I have a couple and am awaiting a response in hopes someone has an answer. Maybe being where I'm at in the stage of opiates, not only sos my dad's passing has a lot to do with it but most of all my tolerance is through the roof. I mean just to stay *normal & feeling not uncomfortable. I numb myself physically, emotionally or just when I want to feel some kind of euphoria. I need someone to help me and I find the chats to be helpful. Idk if anyone can help but I would be forever grateful. The subutex are also 8mg.

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No they do not have it in it. They are in the suboxone, not subutex though.

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Definitely be honest and upfront with your Doctor. I explained to mine that Suboxone gives me headaches and made me nauseous so he prescribed me the new subutext.

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If you are prescribed Subutex then just tell your pharmacist which ones you prefer, if that one doesn't carry them you can always call others until you find a pharmacy that has them

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My pharmacy is switching manufacturers, and are now recieving the subutex orange 153s shaped like a surf board. Im just worried about the taste of them, and if they taste like orange suboxone. Ive been on the 54 411s subutex for 3 years and havent went to suboxone because of taste and headaches. So if they taste that way i need to find a new pharmacy..please help. Thanks in advance!

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My Rx gives me whatever is available when I fill my script . I just got the half moon for first time . In past it's been the White 54 411 for the most part. Sometimes the pinkish 54 375 with nalaxone. I always felt the orange ones helped me go to the bathroom easier . And the white ones had a much bigger initial kick off but didn't last as long. I guess it couldn't hurt to Ask my Rx for my preference. Don't notice a big difference from half moon to the 54 375.

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The halfmoon 153 are subutex of course there better than suboxone they dont have opiate blocker in them

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So I have never taken them I took a Percocet at 9:30 am when should I take one and am I going to have withdrawals

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