Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon (Page 8)
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I use these and they work great. I was on the Roxanna Pharma ones that were circular in size and these orange ones work way better. Wish I had been on them from the start.

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Suboxone is not the same as subutex......and buphenorphine is most certainly not the blocker it is the derivative of morphine..................if you take suboxone and take other drugs your likely to end up sick or deathly ill depending on dose.......if you take subutex you can still do other forms of opioids but i feel sorry for you cause your basically still a junkie if the meds you get to help you continue life and get away from drugs lol.......listening to some online drug addict tell you they love the moons and the white 54 511 don't make them as good its absurd...... please get proper info.......thank you.

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ummmmm i don't know why you all are saying that subutex has naloxone........the FACTS are that any form of subutex has no blocker in it......And do your research subtex are not generic in fact subtex have been around for 20+ years...............soooo please don't just talk out your ass cause you take them or are prescribed them..............suboxone = blocker. subutex= no naloxone..

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If taken correctly taken an 8mg suboxone or subutex is the same thing. Therefore a person taking subutex over suboxone is not taken subutex in order to "use" other drugs. Subutex is made in many generics whereas suboxone is not so many times a cash patient may take subutex only because of cost, not so they can use more drugs or medicine. The buprenorphine is what stops a person from abusing opiates not the naloxone. This is because buprenorphine has a stronger bond to the miu receptor then opiates. (I may have spelled the name of the receptor wrong)

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thats AWESOME i feel the same - im tryin to live my life as normal as i can. i take suboxone so i cant take other opioids. i agree

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Does anyone know if and when there will be a sub that you can just take instead of having to dissolve it/? Thanks, Tim

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Subutex does not have the blocker

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There is a pic of them. Google orange 153 subutex

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I just got the orange ones also with the half moon on one side then other side had a l53 on the other yes if u find a picture post it please? I'm also trying to figure out what they are also.

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When are they gona get rid of the white ones?

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Same thing. It's buprenorphine. Suboxone just has the added opiate receptor blocker-Naloxone. So unless your friend had old or not fresh Bup, there should be no difference honestly. Besides the generic different pharmacy companies pills but all basically same thing.

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Crazed92 - I'm totally with you on this!! I just started taking the new orange subutex - when it started to dissolve I could taste it UGH and ended up spitting it out bc it was so God awful - it was so bad that I thought the pharmacist made a mistake and gave me the wrong medication! What is the deal with the disgusting taste!?! Ugh it's so yuck, it tastes like an asprin ! Can they not give a sublingual pill an acceptable flavor?

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I thought there was a roxane shortage cause went over there opiate quata I finally got the surf b I ads last month an today when picked up subs everywhere had none said could have tommoro one place said they have the actavis tommoro couple places had the hi tecs no way so went to wally an gf gave me my usual two manufacture bottle sealed 30 n each an I'm ocd so I get that way so don't have count a hun times so guess whites back on deck were my favorite subutex until got the surf boards but my friend diff says he gotta done alot more me I think the filler must be more water soluble cause cut a quarter of a 8 mg take to the head take my benzos an I'm good

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Not true, sorry you can contact Roxanne and find out yourself. Their Patent is up, but that doesnt mean your pharmacy doesn't have a contract that will be fulfilled with that exact brand.

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They have not discontinued the 54 411s, as I get them every 2 weeks and my pharmacy will continue to get this brand

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Hi Brendinni,

Yep, this is what I'm doing. Taking a very small amount daily as this helps! I was SHOCKED because for the first time in 8 months the office had me take a drug panel. Never have they done this before. 3 or 4 days prior was when i had the narco's. I hope it won't show in my system! They did the mouth swab. How long do pain meds show in system, do you know? I'm just a bit concerned...They said they were checking to be sure the subutex is in my system. Anyway, guess I will find out my next appt.

Have a great day!

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Despite the taste your taking about, it's actually the exact same medicine. EVERYBODY is different. But the small whites, the big whites and the orange crescent moons are all one thing and one thing only, Buprenorphine 8mg. There is naloxone or anything else in either.

But I agree the orange ones did not give me the initial energy kick I was used to from the little whites. Aside from that they lasted long and worked great. It's to bad I depend on that initial kick ! Lol

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That is great news! Happy it worked out for you... Yeah the lethargic heavy tired and yawny feeling is something that will always be there for the dfirst couple weeks... Gets better everyday.

A low dose of subutex I believe is the best thinng

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Hi...Thanks for asking! I'm doing great! I'm off everything now. When I ran out of Subutex, I used pain meds for 3 1 8mg Subutex when done with pain meds...Took very little for lime 3 or 4 days. Stopped everything and had no issues! I'm just a bit tired, but all and all...doing well. My doc thinks I should stay on a low dose of Subutex to manage my pain...Just something I'm thinking about doing.

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I disagree the orange subs with 153 on one side and D on the other are completely different than the white ones or any other subs I've had. They taste awful and there to big, I just got them for the first time yesterday and unfortunately I'm stuck with 2 weeks worth but I've been on subs for over 3 years I've gotten a couple different kinds the small Itty bitty ones with a 8 on it and the big white ones and these, but these are nothing at all like the the white ones like at all. I hate them. And I can't believe they really expect me to put it under my tongue with that God awful taste, I mean really!!!!

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Mary how is everything going? Keep us informed!

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