Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon (Page 10)


I use these and they work great. I was on the Roxanna Pharma ones that were circular in size and these orange ones work way better. Wish I had been on them from the start.

196 Replies (10 Pages)

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Fred u are wrong. The orange ones are no good. They do not provide analgesia or any
euphoria. You must work for actavis.

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Re: Bbonal (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

Orange ones are activis brand made by Teva. It's like a cheaper brand of Teva generics. They are OK if you can't get hikima(old Roxanne brand) or Rhodes brand those two are the best available now. They should scrap those activis orange ones and start producing the old white Teva ones that were amazing! I don't know why they put orange flavor in these?? It's disgusting and makes me feel like I'm.taking Suboxone which make me sick.

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Re: Chris (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Not to argue with you but have you taken subs with other opiates?, it's dangerous an all but there's no blocker when the naloxone isn't present. Maybe I'm mistaken but for me when I takes a small dose of bupe it's almost just like a light painkiller added to my normal mix.

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I’m on the Actavis brand of Buprenorphine. My pharmacy is now carrying the brand Rhodes. I’ve been on Actavis brand for over a year. I’m on 8mgs twice a day. 1 tablet in the am and 1 tablet in the pm. I would like to know the similarities between the Actavis brand to the Rhodes brand as far as effectiveness and what is the size of the pill is compared to the Actavis brand. I’m assuming the Rhodes pill is about the same size, but it’s round. I’m not sure. I renew my scripts next week. I’d like a answer before then. Thank you.

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It is all about the fillers! Fillers make you have different reactions. You have to try and find out which is best for you. If it doesn't agree with you then you tell your pharmacist that you don't like the brand. I'm on a different medication and I was getting hives from fillers and I told the pharmacist I can only take the peach ones of Celexa and my hives went away. I've had other reactions from fillers when the pharmacist changes pharmaceutical companies. I was on Subutex for 3 years and I would skip days and had no withdrawal whatsoever at all. For me Subutex works way better and last longer than suboxone. Suboxone makes you more days and makes you tired for some people. I did notice that the little white subutex with the arrow on them made me hungrier. Don't be afraid to tell your pharmacist that a certain drug manufacturer pill is not working the same for you and they will gladly order another brand from a pharmaceutical company.

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Bought some off the street. Worried might be fake.I have 4 of them if I turn the 153 all the same way then flip them all over same way 2 of them have half moons facing 1 way and the other 2 have the half moon facing the opposite way. This consurnes me because if they are mass produced shouldnt they all be the same. Can someone with a script look at theres and see if the moons are all the same way.

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Re: liqpluspatchanactiq (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

What the hell did I just read? I guess just one long ass run on sentence about how knowledgable you are about bupe & opioids (I'm so totally impressed by the way) and abusing subutex. Just a suggestion - it sounds like the drugs are eating away substantial portions of your brain. Figured l'd let you know, just in case you weren't aware due to the substantial portions of your brains being eaten away. Again, super impressed by all your super important opioid knowledge. Keep up the great work.

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The Subutex is 100x better than the orange ones. I'm prescribed the octagon orange subs with the M box on the imprint and they work great. But I'd still recommend Subutex for sure. Though they only prescribe Subutex to pregnant women....

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Re: Gunny (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Yes if you take suboxone shortly after using opiates you will go into precipitated withdrawals because of the naloxone in it. Subutex doesn't have naloxone in it.

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Re: Mary (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

Did you wait until you were really sick to try them? I have actavis right now and I'm so hesitant I just know I don't want to wait 24+ hours and waiting until I hate my life to take something

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Re: df (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I think the white ones are 10 times better than the orange ovals. These have hydrochloride in them I hear from a lot of other people that the subs that have hydrochloride in them they dont like.

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Re: David (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I find the orange ones in Shreveport, la

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Re: df (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I just got my message filled, and my bottle says to take them the same, which I got a mixed bottle. Some small and white and the others are orange...

If the link works it will show what it is:

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Re: Cmrrrr123 (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

No lol they haven't... It's 2023 and that was 2015 and they are still in production...

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Re: Boston (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

No, you definitely have that mixed up!

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Re: Valerie (# 189) Expand Referenced Message

Quit spreading lies; this has been proven time and time again. The naloxone doesn't do anything when it's trying to bind to receptors at the same time as buprenorphine, which has a 30 times greater binding affinity than naloxone. How is it that the first time I ever tried Suboxone many years ago, it didn't make me sick? I mean, that's supposedly the entire purpose of adding it, right? It is to deter people from abusing it by insufflation or IV administration, but anyone with firsthand experience can tell you that's 100% nonsense and was a marketing ploy to prevent generic buprenorphine from taking business from the company that had sole control because their patents were up, and they couldn't stop others from now making cheaper alternatives. That's the only reason films exist today because they were able to get a new product patent and spread false claims that the films were much safer around children than the tablets they promoted for years but no longer had control over. They ended up being sued for this for hundreds of millions; you can look it up yourself. But the lies they put out are still being spread by people like you, and I've only met a couple of doctors over the years who actually know the truth and don't buy into the complete nonsense of Suboxone being better. I mean, it's right there on certain American addiction "professionals" websites and even contains sources verifying that these completely false claims were indeed fact-checked. It's honestly ridiculous because when you have the actual pharmacological information about these two drugs laid out in front of you, it's very simple to conclude that naloxone and buprenorphine shouldn't be combined, and it's not possible to successfully do so and achieve the main purpose of deterring abuse. Now, it's actually said today by legitimate, unbiased medical professionals that plain buprenorphine should be highly reconsidered over the naloxone combo products because the ONLY things they can do are cause uncomfortable symptoms in people who are sensitive to naloxone. And when it can't even bind to receptors because it can't compete with buprenorphine, then it is really pointless when the only outcomes it can produce are negative. Also, it's just a waste of naloxone. How many lives could have been saved a couple of years back during the naloxone shortage from how much gets wasted by making Suboxone strips and tabs? Probably at least one of the people you know who died of an overdose would have at least had a chance to still be alive.

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