Orange Half Moon Subutex 8 Mg (Top voted first)


These "Orange Half Moons" are thee best Subutex BY FAR on the market! I was taking 3 Oxycontin 80 mg pills per day and was prescribed this to get off of them. US Florida residents can print out a coupon online for Buprenorphine 8 m.g. @ 60 tablets you save $ 170.00. I do not have health insurance!

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That's outstanding that's why these drugs were designed to assist those Motivated with a desire to acclimate and return to a healthy human being. What many fail to realize is that this substance like methadone is a substitute and those desiring a drug free state will develop tolerance to these substances. The longer one remains on them the harder the transition will be. For those comfortable with a maintenance perspective these issues are mute. I work with some of the most courageous individual's I've ever known. In the face of stigmatized & misinformed public view on these drugs they move forward being the best they can be. Is it the answer for everyone? Of course not but for those whom experienced hell on earth these drugs can return them to sanity. I wish you all the very best.

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Subutex, however, also carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Additionally, most doctors will not prescribe Subutex for most people, Suboxone is the preferred choice, unless it's being prescribed for a pregnant woman, or someone has a documented allergy to Naloxone.

I am glad they are working so well for you. Can anyone else that's been on this medication chime in with their experience?

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Yeah its really hard to find a Dr. That will prescribe just Buprenorphine. The Nalaxone in suboxone gives me horrible headaches. The Subutex has changed my life!

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In England the same actavis buprenorphine have a B marking only on one side, but exact same tablet. I've just taken one for the 1st time. I usually get the white 8mg oval shaped ones or 8mg subutex.... personally I'm finding the orange ones weaker so far, about 1 1/2 hours... I'm going to look at ingredients and see if there's a slight difference.

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The orange half moons work very well on me. I see a lot of people on here expecting euphoria from them, I can tell. In a 7 day period in a controlled environment I was WEANED off opiates. I can tell you I took no where near 60 8mg pills like I am prescribed each month.

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Sounds like promotion to me... Anyone I know who has tried this brand has thought it to be awful. Awful taste. Awful ingredients/fillers/dissolvability... Had to spit out early most days on this brand as it is not flavorless like most bupe... Considering it is only usually given to us pregnant women, that kind of stuff is a big deal. Withdrawals/headache felt throughout most of evening even though I was on same dose... Have notified my doctor so he can recommend other pregnant patients to call pharmacy first and see which brand they have. Walgreens never again for me, that is for sure.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

If you have an issue wtH naloxone they will give you subute/bup. My ex is 10 years same dr and i do want off the brand I must have they are not trying to give us, instead they want us to have something with less product and more filler! It sucks all around. It depends on the person and the dr as to what or how long on the med.

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