Oramorph 10 Mg And Tramadol 100mg (Top voted first)


on oramorph 10mg 4 times a day and tramadol 100mg 4 times a day still in pain are they cancelling each other out

14 Replies

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No, I was othe same recently and they will be augmenting each other not cancelli out. If you are still in pain, speak to your doctor about upping your morphine (you've already maxed the tramadol there) I'm on 30mg plus 100mg tramadol which is controlling my pain much better.

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If a may suggest perhaps talk to your doctor about commencing Zomorph sustained release morphine oromorph sevradol etc are intended as rescue medication for prn use not regular its rather pointless taking tramadol at same time as this but beware all morphine based painkillers loss there analgesic effect in time so dose needs regular increase. You then end up like me on huge dose wondering just how unpleasant withdrawal will be (actually I already know).also if the doctor suggests a drug called pregabalin (lyrica) avoid like the plague. My names Colin ex nurse have administered and taken more prescribed drugs than I can mention have ODs withdrawals even a minute clinically dead due to respiratory failure because of morphine so treat with respect or better still avoid altogether ,wish I had lol

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How long have you been taking them?

As George said, they shouldn't be canceling each other out, but it may be time for a dosage adjustment. There's also the possibility that one, or both just aren't the right medications to help you and you may need to try different ones.



There is also an extended release Tramadol that is available in 200 and 300mg doses.

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yea thats quite a small dose michelle, is it the 1ml/20mg one or the syrupy weaker one?obv the doctors are cautious with it. ive never found it to make me drowsy either, if anything i take to much and stay awake.

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I have been diagnosed with TMJD and after various medsi have now been put on oramorph I have taken 4 5ml doses and it just takes the edge off after 20 minutes but doesn't take the pain away completely, should I just carry on or speak to my GP it doesn't make me drowsy like he said it would either

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Dont u think its a watery taste after a while

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They have changed formula so yes it does taste diluted but isn't. It depends where you get it from.

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I have a broken pelvis in 3 places (leg socket, hip and a bone above the coxyx), I also have broken left wrist and right elbow....(I fell from a serious height)

I take tramadol 300mg plus 500mg paracetamol and 30ml of oramorph ever 2hrs but I still feel a dull and achy pain in my groin area and back...

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What is the difference betwen slow relesing tramadol 200 in morning and 200at night, against 5mg of oramorph why do i have to sign for my tramadol.

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The oramorph is quick acting compared to the slow tramadol release. I dont understand the first part of your question.

{edited for privacy}

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Everyone responds differently to pain meds but a combination of your Rx's can only be addressed and titrated by your prescribers.it will serve you well to discuss this with them. Hope you achieve pain relief as soon as possible. Best wishes......

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You have to sign for tramadol as it's a controlled drug. I don't get why you're asking that?
Better to be safe.

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I take 100mg tramodol slow release 3 times a day. Now been prescribed 5ml of oramorph 10mg. But don't know how many doses I can have a day as it just says every 4 hours. Don't want to take too much especially with tramodol.. every where I've read it says not to take them together??? But in pain!

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I shattered my Tibula and Knee 14 months ago, I almost lost my leg but my bone did not penetrate the skin, I was in serve pain in hospital so put on a fantanyl IV for a few days until my surgery, unfortunately my surgery did not work 3 surgerys later plus a bone graft from my hip im with Pysio and Hydrotherapy and learning to walk again, back to Oramorph iv been taking it for 12 months I get 200ml every 7days that's 400mg per week a very high dose im so tolerant to it I can drink a who bottle which isn't good. Iv tried all sorts of painkillers all the way up to oxycodone which was amazing but was only subscribed that in hospital as a very potent painkiller as people shall know, I'm now fed up with taking morphine sulphate and have spoken to my doctor on numbers occasions who is very understanding but as I'm on such a high dose of opiates I'm not allowed anything else tramadol does not agree with me oddly, iv now been referred to the pain manigment team which my consultant did as he knows I'm in a lot of pain and will be for a long time I'm also prone to arthritis but I'm 24 so age is sort of on my side. The pain clinic is your best option as there specialists in horrible pain mine is an awful nervey pain iv also lost a lot of sensation in my leg. Hope this helps as we all need the right stuff to cope with our pain we are all different so certain things shall work and others won't. Peace Guys

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