Opana Er 40 Mg
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Every Pharmacy i called has told me that they dont have any !

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yeah they changed the delivery system but the product is the same so they say …seems to take longer to work and some how doesn’t stay effective like the old formula almost like taking 20mgs instead of the marked 40mg on the tablet may have to change to a different medication since you can’t go higher than 40mg if your on 20’s ask to be bumped up to 30 or 40mg to compensate for the new delivery.seem Big Brother always has to step in and change things because people abouse the meds i say let them its their body and they will find other ways why screw up legitimate users meds..

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You might wanna call Endo Pharm. They have a program where you can give em your zip code & they'll locate a pharmacy in your area that has them. Hope this helps ya out. They have been shipping them out the last couple wks so this problem should be resolved soon. They have become available where I live recently.

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Was started on Opana ER's 2 months ago along with percocets for degenrative back, ruptured disc, and overall joint pain. Started w/ 10mg twice daily. After 3 weeks bumped to 20 mg twice daily. Had to wait a day for my pharmacy to fill that order I live in a suburb of a large metro area). Today Dr. upped to 30 mg Opana ER twice daily. He told me to go strat to the pharmacy to get it filled because due to the reformulated crush resistant ER tabs being delayed some phaarmacies were running out. He didn't lie! My pharmacy (large grocery chain pharmacy) Hadf no 30's or 40's & only limited 10's and 20's in the extended release. I shot over to a Walgreens and they said they couldnt fill my 60 pill script in full I asked how many they had and was told 50.....I said SOLD!. That pharmacist said the same as the other. Distributors told them could be as much as 2 months before they could supply with the new formula ER's and that none of the old formula was available for re-stocking! So if you can find them snap them up. I bet they get the new ones out quicker than implied or else they are going to have a whole lot of patients and doctors scurrying for adequate alternatives.

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Jack - it might be hard to find any unless you can start faxing your prescription out to pharmacies around you. You might also have your doctor's office do the faxing for you, especially if you explain to them that you're having trouble getting your prescription filled.

Also, it looks like Endo (the manufacturer) has temporarily slowed or suspended production of some of their products:

"Production of certain products has been temporarily suspended by our contract manufacturer in order for the manufacturer to implement manufacturing process improvements. These improvements are intended to address rare instances of errors in the packaging of the tablets, potentially resulting in product mix-ups. Endo is aware of only three product mix-ups with respect to these products since 2009, of which all three were detected by pharmacists. We are not aware of any patient having experienced a confirmed product mix-up and there have been no adverse events attributable to a product mix-up. We believe the likelihood of product mix-up reaching a patient is remote.

As a result of the implementation of these improvements, we anticipate that there may be a short-term disruption in the supply of these products to patients. This temporary supply disruption is not related to the efficacy or safety of these products." [1]

I really wish I could offer more specific details, but I do hope that the above might be of some help!

If need be, you might try working with your doctor for switching to a more available pain med.

[1] http://www.endo.com/alerts/tablet-mix-up

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Are there any opana er avalible and were please and thank you.

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Most legitimate pharmacies won't tell a "stranger" if they have any narcotics available. It's not always the case that they don't have any in stock, but rather to maintain their code of conduct or professionalism, it's not uncommon for someone to call and get shutdown like that over the phone.
I would think that if you walked into a few of those pharmacies with your prescription in hand then you'd likely get a different answer from them. Opana is a highly abused drug, so that would also add to their reluctancy of mentioning its availability over the phone.

Alternatively, have you considered the option of looking into legitimate online pharmacies here in the U.S.?
If so, I'd be more than happy to post some information on how to get in touch with them.

I hope this helps!

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