Opana Er Possibly Being Pulled From Market
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The FDA is asking Endo to completely discontinue making Opana ER. I just wanted to give anyone who is on this medication a heads up. Please see the news story below: npr.org/2017/06/09/532289054/fda-asks-drug-maker-to-pull-opioid-opana-er-off-the-market
14 Replies
Re: transplanted Okie (# 13)
My script for Opana ER abuse deterrent was filled again on September 5th. I am wondering if this is the Endo brand? It is round brown with E and 30 on it. My pharmacists had to order it. Probably from the warehouse because I know Endo is not making or shipping them out anymore. Does anyone know if the ones I get are the Endo ones?
Re: RAWDOG (# 10)
Just went to my Pm today Opana ER has agreed to pull this from the market I was informed that the problem with it was that it was so hard to become addicted too that people were crushing them and injecting them. it is a sad day in America . What next the federal govt has overstepped the boundry once again in Oklahoma the new pain management guidelines as of jan 1 2018 will be no more than 100 mg Morphine or equivelent good luck to all my fellow legitimate pain sufferes. As for myself im having a pain pump installed God forbid they take them off the market.. God speed my legitimate sufferes
What should I be switched to from Opana ER 40 in the morning and evening; and 3 percent 10s in between?
Hi RAWDOG, I went to my PM doctor yesterday and we had a conversation about the Endo situation. She said she was going to continue writing my Opana 30 until she finds out she can't anymore. I asked her what she would do when she can't write it and she said there is a generic option that she should be able to prescribe. I was so glad to hear that, I didn't even ask! The generic is supposed to work much better anyway. I was on Methadone for years until my PM doc passed away. This new group has had me on Opana ER, (abuse deterrent) for about a year and it has never been that good at taking care of my pain. If it wasn't for the 4 x a day 15ml oxycodone for break through pain, I would be suffering a lot. I also called my pharmacist today and ask how long we would be able to fill them and he said he heard about the Opana issue but he is still filling prescriptions until they tell him different or he can't get them anymore.
I have read on here that many people get much better pain relief from the Oxymorphone ER from Global. So in a way the FDA is doing me a favor if that is what I end up with. I will keep everyone updated of my situation as it changes. Looks like my doc is going to ride this out to the end and write it as long as I can get it filled...
I also started a thread on here type in Opana Endo Recall asnx you should get directed to my page. Hope you find some answers to your questions.
To be honest I did get prescribed Opana ER 15mg about 6 years ago I think they were green in color. Anyway hey were the worst pills I ever had they did absolutely nothing for my pain I think I wound up eating 12-15 pills in one day just because they weren't working.
Fast forward to last year I was told about oxymorphone ER'S made by Activis so I got those in the 20mg ER and boy oh boy they were the bees knees crem' del' crem the absolute best pain killer I've EVER HAD and believe you me I've tried it all!! Then what do you know Activis gets sued or told by End to stop making them so sure nuff bye bye Activis now moving to the next manufacturer is GLOBAL/IMPAX who is now the ONLY maker of oxymorphone ER'S I now get the 30mg and they do just fine but who knows how long before they get pulled so just thought I'd share that with you guys. Like I said check out my thread I created Opana Endo Recall please share your thoughts and story's just try to stay with factual information please and thank you
Endo pharmaceuticals has agreed to follow the FDA's request to pull Opana ER off the market due to high abuse rates! Please see the following article.
Source: "Painkiller maker stops sales at FDA request because of abuse", foxnews.com. Web. July 07, 2017
Only Opana - no ER; not all oxymorphone is being removed. And as the previous reply said, Endo hasn't replied. They have fired many employees, shut down access to the drug. And pharmacists are unable to reach them to even stock the drug at this time.
My doctor and pharmacy spoke.The pharmacy refuses to carry it with the controversy going on.My Dr changed me to time release morphine It was only the No Crush Opana in question as the Drugs were hitting the streets the say and were being abused they say by being crushed and causing overdoses and the no crush had no genetic equal. That was how it was all explained to me.There was a hotline to talk to Endo direct about it if you were on the drug.You can no longer call that hotline.Google gives you several now for opana drug rehabs in its place.Im very angry over this situation.And not adjusting wrll to the morphine.I have been hospitalized 4 times since the change.
Why is oxymorphone (opana ER) being taken off the market? That will cause an illicit drug epidemic tbh. And that wont be anything but primordial.
Terry, the press release from the FDA states they "requested" Endo remove Opana ER from the market. As of the date I write this, Endo has not responded they will or won't. If they don't remove it, the FDA can withdraw their approval and Endo will have to remove it.
According to the FDA press release, this only involves Opana ER. It does not involve Opana Immediate Release meds.
Are they removing Opana 20mg from the market? Will my doctor still prescribe them or will I be able to get them filled at the pharmacy?
Momof10, please post a link to your source. Nothing I can find states Endo has agreed or that a deadline has been made for the withdrawal.
If "as of June 2017" were a deadline. The deadline was here before the announcement was made. It will take a little time for doctors to change patients to another medication.
The FDA withdrew it from the market due to the fact that people were somehow abusing it more than other medications. Pharmacies will no longer be able to sell it as of June 2017.
FDA requests removal of Opana ER for risks related to abuse - June 8, 2017:
"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requested that Endo Pharmaceuticals remove its opioid pain medication, reformulated Opana ER (oxymorphone hydrochloride), from the market. After careful consideration, the agency is seeking removal based on its concern that the benefits of the drug may no longer outweigh its risks. This is the first time the agency has taken steps to remove a currently marketed opioid pain medication from sale due to the public health consequences of abuse."
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