Opana 40 Mg/ Norco 10/325 For Breakthru & Nite Sweats
UpdatedI have bulging discs at L5,L4,L3,L2,L1, AND S1. I also have spinal stenosis and degeneritive disc disease. My Pain Doc has me on Opana 40ER, one in am when I wake and one around 5:00. P.M. I am also on Norco 10/325 for breakthru and use around 7 a day. I have SEVERE Night sweats and my doc, is after me to slow down the Norco due to possible liver damage. Is there a drug that is just as good as Norco that I can use in Place of it. My pain doc thinks the sweating is caused by the Opana but she is not sure. No doctor can tell me what is causing the night sweats. I go thru 6-8 t-shirts a night and the sweat literally drips off my head at night. I go thru 4 pillows a nite that are wrapped in towels to absorb the sweat. I am 51 Yrs old, Look 40 and have about 20lbs to drop. Can Anyone Help?
14 Replies
The main problem with using so much of the Norco and possible liver damage is the Acetaminophen it contains. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories always carry that risk, with long-term use, even if you don't exceed the recommended amounts in a day.
To remove this concern, you and your doctor may want to consider something that doesn't contain any Acetaminophen or any of the other anti-inflammatories.
There are several options available, including regular release Oxycodone, which is available as a generic, as well as the name brand Roxicodone.
Another one that is very successful for some people at treating breakthrough pain is Dilaudid, which contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone.
As to the night sweats, unfortunately, doctors do not study medications as intensely as pharmacists, so they do not always know all the possible side effects. In most cases, they know just the most common ones for any given drug class and that's all.
So, having said that, while it is not extremely common, narcotics can cause extreme night sweats in some people.
I had the same problem when I was on pain management and was taking Morphine and Oxycodone. Unfortunately, there really isn't anything you can do about it, unless you want to try switching medications, to see if one may cause less of a problem than the ones you are currently on.
I had been on them about 6 years and even when I stopped taking them, it took months for the problem to finally stop.
Are there any other comments or questions?
It sounds like your going though withdraws and your meds have worn off. OR maybe you are on to high of a dose to...To high of a dosage can cause you to sweat. Or Try taking the last dose of opana as late as you can in the evening. I went from oxycontin 80mg 2x per day 4 total to opana's 40mg 2x per day about 1 month ago and they are working GREAT for me. I dont take hardly any of the breakthrough meds like I did when I was on the Oxycontin. But just be up front with your Dr Hopefully he isn't a jack ass to you about it. It has taken about 3 weeks before I have really started to notice the MAJOR change in my pain. The opana's work GREAT for my pain...But everyone is different. At first when I switched over...I also experienced the night sweats and with draws for about 10 days... I do sometime still wake up around 4-5 am with sweats. But nothing like they were when I first changed my meds. I get more relief from the Opana's than I did from the oxycontins. I am just being honest with you. Gook luck to you. I hope you get this sorted out.
you could also be going through menapause which would allow for the night sweats. they can give you a smaller dose of an immediate release morphine or something like that you take too many norco to me , they are really getting the liver kidney lowdown on those now and are finding them dangerous. Most good pain docs know that somne small IR's will help b/t pain. Thas what they did for me.
As far as the night sweats, consider getting your Testosterone levels checked. I read somewhere that narcotic use can cause fluctuations in hormone balance.
This may (or may not) be a long-shot, but it's worth a simple test, I think.
night sweats are big symptom of sleep apnea. If you snore, are tired alot, and someone's witnessed apneas (pauses in breathing during sleep), you should request from your doc to have a sleep study performed.
when i read your post i swear it could be something i would have posted. The sweating is from the narcotic use. I use opana 40 mg and oxycodone 30 mg which i take 12 a day for breakthrough pain. I sweat like you do but all day long not just at night. The only way to get it to stop is to stop all narcotic use in my cae i cant or i'll be in severe pain all day long .
If sweating isn't caused by the narcotics, then its very possible its caused by a lot of inflammation where your injury is. Blood will rush to the site of injury causing heat/sweating. I have a injured neck and shoulder and every night wake up drenched around the colar and shoulder.
I've taken opana and get horrible sweating. Mostly at night. I'm wondering if the FDA, or the makers of these drugs has the ingredients that make up these newer pills that prevent those who wish to abuse them from doing so. My best guess is this ingredient may cause the sweating.
IN 2009 The V.A. gave 3 treaments of CHEMO, 40 Radiation, 100% service connect VIETNAM Vet, 3 months I GOT 30mg OXYCODONE, no reason given. They stopped. Have asked time and again for anything for pain & nerves. DOTORS reply ??? All my lower back is beyod surgery, V.A SAY I have 12 major medical problems. 1000's of VETs are being treated like DOGS!! ALL THE V.W can say is "THANK YOU FOR YOUR BODY!!" We older VETS have been thrown in HeLL. Sorry for being so anti___? Any advise would be welcome. I HOPE MORE VETS POST THEIR TRUE FEELINGS??
Zohydro, it is the hydrocodone in instant release for no acetaminophen and available up to 50mg pills
Reading this really plucked my nerves! There's people out here that have no problems and get pain meds & sadly they abuse them & alot are overdosing BUT...people that need help can't get them!
Makes no damn sense to me!
You are 51 yrs of age my dear regardless of how old you look. You are at prime menopause stage which also causes night hot flashes and head sweats. You might want to check with your gyno about that.
Opana ER says its long term 12 hr pill but it begins to wear off at exactly 8 hours by 10 it is gone. The Opana IR lasts about 6 hrs max. I found that by taking one Opana IR around bedtime, it wears off at 5-6 AM and then I take 1 Opana ER.
I think Opana ER is the best pain med out there. I have not tried them all but it does have a long shelf life, no ups and downs crashing and desiring more med. I have been able to stay stable for over 2 yrs and never needed more. Only once, when my doc forced me to drop down from 10 mg to 7.5. I felt better emotionally but the pain was just to bad. Know your body, stay on the same routine and don't go off it.
Pain meds do change your hormone, narcotics cause sweating, the drugs have to go somewhere they are coming out of your body. It also causes dry mouth drink fluids and check your labs for anything else. Good luck
I have been on every pain medication possible since first if five spinal surgeries in 2000. I was always told my sweating was due to the pain meds, as well. I FINALLY found a general physician take the time to help me find a solution to the ridiculous sweating, which was going on 10+ years.
And, the MIRACLE medication is OXYBUTYNIN. I take 5mg 2-3 times a day. (I believe the medication is for overactive bladder. But, whatever it is, it is truly a miracle drug when it cones to sweating.) And I no longer sweat in church. I hope this can help at least one person because I would have given anything for this information 10 years ago.
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