Opana 15mg Er And Naproxen Sodium Midol
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can you take opana and Naproxen sodium together. the naproxen sodium is in midol
5 Replies
Naproxen and Opana are related only under the heading "Analgesics". For severe mentraul cramps, I've seen 6500 or 800mg of Motrin work better than Percocet 5/325, and there are no perceptible interactions.When Y sister was a id, a few of her girlfriends were described Tylenol #3 for menstrual camps and came to me telling me ":it still hurts." I consulted a reference or two and told them they need a Motrin-like drug,which interrupts the pain cycle fun dysmennorhea {NEVER COULD SPELL THAT.) I called their parents and asked for permission to write for Motrin and if there was a hx of allergy to aspirin, Excedrin, etc. I new this parents; they were my sister's best friends, One Mom said, "Joey, I"v e know you since you were 12 and I trust you. Thank God —I can't take any more complaining." I wrote for 600mg Motrin with directions to "Take w/Tylenol #3 for cramps." This was a one shot deal and I made comes of my scripts for them to being to their docs.
Ethics and tradition require all of us to have "covering docs" when we go on vacation, to wedding, etc. (Exception: Docs with wholly hospital based practices; the various departments make up an "on call" list; I have a private practice and that means I have to pay a trusted colleague to cover for me.) What you're saying tells me your crooked doctor got his licensed suspended or revoked and impossibly awaiting trail. Don't tell me you didn't know what kind of doc he was? No one can be that ignorant. I wouldn't write a methadone script for a patient who called me with your story either. I'd tell you to go to the ED for Detox. Your anger is rooted in your frustration; habit drug users are accustomed to getting their pills the same way every couple of weeks. I'm so sorry for you. We're NOT little "DEA Agents", but we have a responsibility to...well...prescribe responsibly. My sister is a former DA and now a Memember of the Defense Bar. She beats the DEAregularly in Federal District Court and Federal Appellate Court. THey're all still friends because as one DEA Bureau Chief told me: "WE don't forget how much your baby sister cleaned up the streets and out away rapistss and child molesters literally forever...and she ALWAYS plays clean." I know how to stretch a reg when I NEED TO and it's not to feed an addiction.
"Most of us like practicing medicine so much that we're NOT to risk our Controlled Substance Registrations to accommodate............"
To accommodate pain patients. I was taking methadone 10mg3x's a day when my dr. went away without providing Rx's for me. I called every dr. I could think of and no one will write me a Rx. Frigging yellow bellied dr's, a pox on all their houses, they've become little DEA agents and just like the DEA have no compassion. I just want to die and get the hell off this satanic rock.
More to the point: exactly how reckless are you? Opana is a Schedule II narcotic pain-reliever. I can't imagine any doc prescribing it in tandem with Naproxen of any type. If you're shaving painful menstrual periods, see an ON-GYN. Most of us like practicing medicine so much that we're NOT to risk our Controlled Substance Registrations to accommodate such nonsense-on-stilts.
Opana contains the active ingredient Oxymorphone and there aren't any interactions listed between the two that I can find, but you should check with your doctor, or pharmacist to be certain.
However, you should be aware that sometimes NSAIDS, such as Naproxen can potentiate the effects of narcotics, so you may experience worse side effects, such as the dizziness and drowsiness.
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