Online Pharmacy Where Can Legally Get Methadone (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I would like to fill my methadone prescription from home.

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Any medicine from Pakistan I am ready to deliver

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I'm n the same situation as far as methadone and finding a new dr goes! I don't know what to do! I live in ga. Please help.

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I'm from GA. Live in California but it's possible. Try dunwoody,Sanot Springs and roswell/Alpharetta for pain dr's.

If u have proof of ailments,x-ray injyry,anything,...that'll get u in the door.

Make sure u can pass drug test with just methadone. Tell the office until we're seeing a dr.and when u went last,the doors were shut with a,note they were no longer in business.

Worked twice for me. It was,real but they didn't even check. Actually my new dr. My first doc I went to cause my primary gave me subs and after 8 months I called a clinic and said was on methadone but primary switched to subs,they had worst side effects ever and I wanted back on done but explained to the 1st Dr he quit treating new chronic pain w/ Schedule II narcs hence sub from done. Vikes wouldn't cut it.

So find any reason ,even if u were injured 20 yrs ago. Lie,bone pain impossible to prove. (Never go with bad back,everyone Dr shopping goes with the back.

This takes diligence,don't give up. Most the time you'll be shocked how $ hungry pain Dr's r. You may have to try 20 Dr's bit I promise with all my heart if yore determined,you'll be good.

(Get referral from your primary,he or she'll tell u everyone she knows who scripts done. Ask for referral to chronic pain docs. The Dr will know probably 5 peeps

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I've lost my medical insurance of 4 years and have suffered conic back pain due to a roll over accident. I am out of options on getting to a doctor to have my methadone scripts refilled and can't seem to get any help. Are there really no way to obtain this drug, it's the only thing allowing me to work. :-( I hate that it gets abused by people, they ruin it for those of us in real need. It shouldn't be this hard to maintain some kind of quality of life. Someone help me

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The real deal is a chronic pain dr. Even your primary can Rx it unless they flat out refuse to script narcotics.

If you have documentation of chronic pain, finding a dr should be a walk in the park. Still, yeah, may take 20 phone calls but with legit reasons, you will find 1 out of 100 dr's.

If it's a cash thing, suck it up and make it happen or quit *****ing. I pay $125 a month, used to be $200 at my last Dr but it's still cheaper than black market drugs or heroin or any of that crap.

That's why I don't accept the no insurance excuse.

I don't have it, am disabled, but I tell you one thing, if I have to work 15 hrs a week to make my methadone money, I will.

Your final chance is a methadone clinic.

That's the easiest, least amount of effort but it's around $300 a month. Some state insurance pays, most dont. Here in California it pays but I'd rather work 2 days a week in pain than go to a clinic every single day for years on end.

Never failed a u/a and every time I earned a 1 month Rx, the clinic made excuses up why they refused a month at a time.

They don't call methadone from a clinic liquid handcuffs for nothing.

Worst part of all of this, my laziness and being scared of rejection kept me from finding a real pain dr for over 15 years. Finally got the nerve and was far easier than I ever thought. Still hard but I promise, if you have x-rays or any documentation, u will eventually find a dr (who takes cash. If you can't come up with $125 a month for the visit and $40 or 50 for the pills, don't b**** about it or bother trying since you said no insurance)

I may seem like an ass but I'm in the same boat. Lots of pain everyday but rather than a methadone prison, I'd rather slightly suffer a few days a week than go back to a more pricey methadone clinic you're tied to for as long as u need it.

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Methadone is an excellent pain medication. Please stop giving it a bad name stating that it's for only, Herion withdrawal! I never use illegal drugs, yet everything I have to explain to the pharmacist, that it was made for pain relief.

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I know this is old. Hope you made out. I'm In your shoes, no trans, no family, no friends. Just lying on the couch in major pain. If you found a way to receive help PLEASE let me know how.

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Lucy , will you let me know what Drs write scripts for methadone. I live in Ohio and it would be worth traveling because I am in constant severe pain

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i need help locating this med for pain can u help im in scotland

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I'm in pa and I have so many problems my dr retired and now I can't find it

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Where do you live. I have degenerative bone disorder and the tea is screwing people over. Especially ones that need it. Pls give me advice. And if yr an officer, I respect you, but hopefully one day u don't get sick.

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Where is this ati would like to give this a tryi have been on methadone for 16 yrs,in a clinic,can u help me out

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I have been on 120 MG of Methadone per day since 2006 after a severe car accident where I had broken my back. Now the doctor is trying to slowly cut me off it not by my choice. I don't ever plan on getting off of it, I can't do the things that I love to do in life without it, I will be in way to much pain. Is there any doctors or P.A.s out there that can talk to me over the phone & get all my medical info & ill pay cash to have the triplicate mailed to me so I can have my pharmacy have it filled every month? I also get 8 30 MG Oxycodone IR a day for a total of 240 per month, please someone help.

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I started this thread way back when problems for us all 1st started. Go F yourself Florida. Thanks so much for the nightmare you've made last 10 years. I now take a 3rd of what I need because of Florida and on all the way on other side in Cali.

Only thing you can do is if you had major surgery ever or plan to or old injury, go see a pain Dr. They will drug test you and make sure the county has a methadone clinic for you.

I got lucky cause he used my nickname ASH instead of ASHLEY so it didn't show up that I used to go to someones clinic just down the street. They'd call and b**** about him stealing customers. They didn't even say patients, they only see $ signs floating over our heads.

Anyway, that Dr was a quack, gave me 24mg a day of the 8mg dillies a day but I never enjoyed them so I quit getting them. In hindsight, bad idea, lol. Could have really used them for wds a few times. Dude ended up getting caught taking dilaudid and xanax a patient gave him in return for the Rx but come on, 2 DUI's in 2 days.

Lost that place so damn fast cause he had just bought a 2 million dollar facility and it didn't even last a year. He was-so bad that Pharms wouldn't even fill antibiotics, but here's what's super f***ed.

Amazingly enough I passed the Walgreens secret test but only use em for emergency. Once they had an insurance issue so I was like I'll pay cash just this once so as they were ringing it up, they suddenly say they were saving it for another patient cause that's all they had. All cause I offered cash since I couldn't wait days for insurance problem to be fixed. Then the last time they filled it but waited until the moment they closed, over 9 hours of having the Rx, so thanks to them I had no way to get a legit opiate all cause Walgreens felt like treating me like a junkie. I can't go a full day with zero. How on earth do people last 2 days on even 100.

I'm on 40mg but really need 90mg.

Luckily I found my new Dr super fast, but it's weird cause the city does web-based appts. and I see him 3x a year.

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Can I fill a prescription for methadone syrup in South Africa? If so, how much does it cost?

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May I ask why you wish to do this prescription from home (methadone).

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I've been on methadone for years. My Dr got killed several years ago and I went to another Dr but he stopped writing them. I've been off them for a little while now but I hurt everyday and I would love to have my script back. I was prescribed 12 a day. Please help me.

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Dear Rahill
Im in Pakistan and i need methadone. Please advise.

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Can anyone tell me the name of a Dr in p Portland Oregon who prescribes methadone? My insurance changed. I had kaiser for years and now i don't. I can't find a Dr to prescribe methadone and I have been on it for 20 years for a broken back and hip, in chronic pain. Please help me, my job depends on it.

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Is there anything that will really work for withdrawal from methadone

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