Onglyza Forums

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I am a Type I diabetic. My diabetes was detected when I was 28 yrs old. Presently I am taking Insulin Humalog Plain thrice a day before every meal, my dose is 5 -10 - 5 units and also I take 18 units of Lantus Insulin at night. Can JALRA be taken as a replacement for the three injections i am taking before every meal. ## ya sure you can go for jalra, but you consult with your doctor... there is also another option for you which is onglyza 5 mg... ## Jalra M contains Vidagliptin and Metformin, which are both oral antidiabetic agents and, as kannan said, you should check with your doctor, before making any medication changes. The main problem is that oral medications are effective, but they are not usually as effective as insulin shots and, therefore, if you currently require insulin to c...

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