On The Pill For 1 Week = Still No Period
UpdatedI had a misscariage on April 30. Skiped perod in May due to the misscariage but was back on track on June 7 and started the pill on june 10, i took it for one week and stopped taking it since i figured id try conciving again. today july 13 still no period. Could taking the pill for one week affected my period?
1 Reply
Yes, it is a hormonal based contraceptive and taking it for a week is just long enough for it to take effect in your body.
Learn more oral contraceptive details here.
However, are you sure it's wise to try again so soon? It usually takes quite awhile for your body to recover and, giving your body that time, will greatly increase your chances of conceiving again and being able to carry the baby to full term.
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