Ohio Opiate Laws
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What is the maximum/day my pcp can prescribe long term opiates without going to pain management. Specialists are expensive for me but not the medication. Im currently only getting 5 5mg oxycodone from pain management because old pcp wont mess with it. Thnks for help. Isnt up 80mg/day allowed?

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New regulations were put in place last year restricting what PCPs can prescribe, how much they can prescribe, why they can prescribe it and how long they can prescribe it.

Thus, if you require any type of potent narcotic on a long-term ongoing basis for the treatment of chronic pain, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. Your regular doctor can no longer prescribe. Exceptions are only made for patients with intractable pain due to a terminal condition, such as stage 4 cancer.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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By Federal Law, Schedule II can be perscribed for a max of 90 days without seeing the dr. This applies to all drs. The dr can write 3 30 days rxs for s Schedule II. Although most won't because they don't make any money of they don't see the patient. Put state of ohio and schedule II restrictions in your search bar. That should give you the info regarding your state laws. Or you can go to the Ohio Board of Pharmacy website.

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