Odor Of Eliminations While Taking Eliquis (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I hate to be indelicate but I have noticed something strange since taking Eliquis. My urine and bowel movements smell different and I wondered if anyone else had noticed this. I would describe it as sort of a toasted oaty fragrance. I am not making this up or being weird. I am concerned and hope I am not along.

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Re: Irishwoman (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, this is going on with me. Coffee tastes awful & everything is different. I'm going to tell my Dr. tomorrow to take me off of Eliquis.

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Yes do you smell with eloquest or any of these types of drugs will cause a terrible urinary smell and sometimes even boils we have not found any way to fix the problem except stop taking Eliquis thank you

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Yes I have noticed a change in the smell in the smell of my urine and it is darker. I drink a lot of water to begin with and I just try to drink more but this is one of the side effects among many others

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Yes, I noticed the odor too and it's gone since getting off of it a couple months ago. The best change that I have noticed is that my legs are no longer aching. I have been on Coumadin since dropping Eliquis with no side effects that I can detect all. Zero cost for Coumadin vs $1500 a year for Eliquis.

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I noticed the strong smell as well.
If I forget to flush it’s becomes worse over time ??

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Re: Charlie (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

No smells on warfarin, you might want to look into it instead

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I too notice a strange odor almost pungent smell in urine and the other

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Definitely an awful odor in my urine but I haven't noticed it in my stools

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Re: NAS (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

I had a stroke in August this year. Been on Eliquis for 4 months. Started the old urine smell this past week 12/11/23, and I can’t stand it. I’ll be talking to my doctor about Magnesium. Thank you for sharing.

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Omg I thought I was going crazy but I have such a rotten trash smell of my urine like someone said I thought my bathroom wasn’t clean and I cleaned it all with bleach and it’s definitely my pee and I have more pain and aches in my body now then I ever had before I’m getting if this drug I understand I was on it from a clot I got in my pic line from the nurses not flushing my line which has happened with every clot I ever had I just walk around getting clots but this time my hematologist saids I gotta be on it for life which I DO NOT agree neither does my other doctors it more dangerous for me to be on it and fall which I have before several times from having orthostatic hypertension which I stand up blood pressure drops I pass out fracture my skull and if this happens on Eliquis I could bleed out and die so I’m going back to this new hematologist and getting off this nasty drug for one to just feel better this drug drains my strength as well too nothing good is coming from this so I have compassion for you all ????

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It sure does and it is awful! If anyone knows anything to do about it, please let me know!

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Doctor prescribed Eliquis along with my daily dosage of a aspirin and clopidigrel. Not only did Eliquis make my sweat smell toxic, but darkened my stools that smelt like my toxic sweat mixed in with a foresty chemical smell. Cardiologist immediately had me suspend use of it pending blood and feces tests. Turned out there was blood in my feces and I was taken off of it permanently and immediately. No withdrawals from it. The bad perspiration smells stopped along with the smells from my poop going to normal smelling poop.

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Re: Irishwoman (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Even though I obviously shower daily, there is a distinct unpleasant under arm odor that is driving me crazy. It reminded me of when I was juicing and taking too much curcumin or turmeric, or when my sister eat too much garlic. It’s a smell that’s sweated out your pores and I cannot stand it. I was thinking it was a different vitamin but I stopped the vitamin and the damn smell still coming from the Eliquis at my armpits. It’s absolutely embarrassing.

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Within two weeks of taking this drug I started getting bad side effects. My urine and sweat smelled really bad, and my poop slowly turned black turning into a chocolate frosting tomato paste consistency that smelt like someone died. Doctor took me off of it after tests revealed blood in my poop. After about a week my poop turned back to normal color, and the bad smells stopped also. Still being scheduled for GI testing to make sure everything is ok.

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Re: chris (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

back on warfin 45 days now smell is still there

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After starting eliquis I have noticed bad stool odor I've also noticed back pain. Now my BO has become extremely pungent. Could this mean eliquis is damaging the kidneys?

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Since taking Eliquis my body sweat is different.

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Re: Irishwoman (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I sure can relate idk what to do.

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Yes mine too... Dr says normal. But it smells bad.

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Re: Sick of Stench in VA (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Try one of the cleansers made for feminine hygiene. They have their own odor, but not bad like eliquis causes.

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