Ocuclear (Page 2)
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OcuClear was the best eye drops ever. Since it has gone off the market, I have been unable to find anything comparable. Visine does not do the trick at all. Is there an eye drop on the market today that even comes close to what OcuClear would do? Or can I still purchase OcuClear on the internet?

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I have tried Visine. It may have the same ingredient in it, but something is still different about Visine than OcuClear. I have a problem with red eyes, and OcuClear always cleared them up. Visine just does not do the trick. I guess there is nothing else out there on the market that is any good.

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OcuClear is manufacrured in Canada, Visine L.R. is the equivalent of OcuClear, and it's available in the US. They both share the same ingredient, which is Oxymetazoline.

To learn more click about Oxymetazoline the link below...


Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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