Ocid Qrs 20 (Top voted first)


Hello, I have terrible heartburn and taking Ocid 20. But now I am pregnant of 19 weeks and taking it regularly. Is it safe to take during pregnancy. I am worried

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Hi, Sanu! Sorry about the heartburn. Have you looked at your diet to see what's causing it?

In many cases there are food or drink triggers and discontinuing your indulgence in them may resolve the issue.

As to this medication, it contains the active ingredient Omeprazole, which is a proton pump inhibitor and while there have been no human studies done, animal testing has shown that there is some risk to the baby, if a mother takes this medication while pregnant.

Learn more Omeprazole details here.

You need to talk to your doctor about it, I've no doubt that they can help you find something you can use that is safer and probably also help you discover what your heartburn triggers might be.

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it is proven that in 1st trimester of pregnancy, omeprazaole is safe..... so there is no issues in taking ocid qrs in pregnancy...trust me or u can check it??

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