Oc 40mg Oxycontin
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I would like to know if and when the oxycontin 40mg oc r gonna b put back in market for ppl like me that need them cause of the big difference with the oxyneos
5 Replies
@ Stretch ,Just wondering if you found your meds & how you are doing. I am in Ontario .
Also ive been a paraplegic for 11 yrs now and ive tried morpine and morpone ,percacets like 12 per day , tried dilaudid but with that stuff and morphine i couldnt funtion plus ive got an 11 yr old son and i dont need to b like a zombie . Than i was put on oxy ir 10 mg q4h, than put on oxycontin 30 mg tid with percs as breakthrew. That wasnt workin well enough so the pain management doc increased it to 40 mg oxycontin with breakthrew also and it was increased to 40 mg tid plus now ir 10 mg q4h and it works fine until they changed to Neo . Ive had atleast 8-9 major surgeriessince havin my accident that left me paralized for life .So wit these meds im takin i function well , i can intetact wit my son , i have no problems with using the washroom .So plz help me in anyway u can , sincerily Stretch. By the Way i live in Newfoundland so let me no where i can get my oxy contin 40mgs from .
Where would my pharmacy place the order for my oxycontin40 mg . Wat company has them on the market and is it much trouble for them to order my prescription of oxy contin 40 mg . So plz if ya could ley me no the name of the company cause purdue has no intention of makin anymore original oxycontin 40. TY
the 40MG is available I take it so ask the pharmacy to order it, it is time release so it is 1 every 12 HRS
As of their last statement on the subject, the manufacturer Purdue Pharma has no intention of rereleasing the original formulation.
Learn more Oxycontin details here.
Have you looked into trying alternative medications?
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