Nystatin Ointment For Insect Bites
UpdatedCan nystatin ointment be used on insect bites such as ant or mosquito bites to help the itching relief???
5 Replies
Hello, Kay Kay! How are you?
No, this is an antifungal medication, so it won't do anything to help with such issues. It would be best to use something specifically made to treat those irritations.
Nystatin only treats fungal conditions, such as yeast infections.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Thank you, I was about to do this till I saw your post. Very useful thanks
If you get the insect bite infected by scratching it nystatin should be ok to use then
Can I put benedryl cream on my 7 month old for mosquito bites? It says under 2 ask a Dr, so does the children's Tylenol nowadays.
Well, it works great on spider bites!
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