Nyquil False Positive On Drug Test?
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I have been in and out of jail and rehabs for the last year. I have finally found someone I love, got a job and I'm sincerely trying to live right. Since I have left rehab I cannot sleep, so I take large amounts of NyQuil to help me rest. I was drug tested at work the other day and it came back positive for cocaine. I am suspended from work now and that is a violation of my drug court so I'm in trouble with the law again. My question is, can NyQuil cause a false positive for cocaine?

2 Replies

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Man hope things work out for ya! Don't give up and keep fighting, especially use that energy if you really are sober and attack this thing full on. Don't ever let anyone tell you and others that your doing something that you're not. Whether it be a bad thing or something great. If you didn't do it, don't take credit and don't let people ever put words in your mouth. If you do it will be something you will regret for many many years even if it is something that seems unimportant at the time.

Hope things get straightened out for ya,

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First off if you are doing as well as you say good for you. Bummer, this has happened and yes I have heard of this happening before. If I can suggest something don't let them get over on you. If you really haven't used and are clean then you need to fight till the last min. for your rights, for your family, and most important yourself. Good luck!

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