Nuvigil For Treatment Resistant Depression (Page 2)
UpdatedNuvigil (armodafinil) saved my life. I've had treatment resistant major depression for over 20 years. Tried so many anti-depressants - most don't help, or only work temporarily. Side effects of others are intolerable. Numerous rounds of ECT haven't fixed the problem. I even tried TMS, which is not covered by insurance - didn't work. A year ago my doctor prescribed Nuvigil and it's given me my life back. Not enough hours in the day to do all the things I actually enjoy. Also able to feel contentment and peace of mind. Unfortunately, I've had to continuously increase the amount to keep it working and now I'm at a very high dose and my doctor won't let me go any higher. I can't find anyone else in the medical field aware of what Nuvigil can do for my type of depression so I'm at the end of the road. I've begun having weak spells and feel dopey - not sure if it's from the high dosage or something else. I can't go back to the way things were before I started taking Nuvigil - I'll die. Please help me.
At 60 years of age and 23 years of long term treatment-resistant depression, I was ready to give up. My doctor prescribed Nuvigil - it's a miracle drug for me. I took the first dose, with much skepticism, and within 45 minutes I giggled at something silly on TV. My first thought was "where did that come from". As the day went on I knew this was what I'd been searching for since I was 38 years old. I was out of the black hole! I could feel peace of mind, contentment, pleasure, passion for my husband and began to realize all the possibilities that I had given up on or forgotten. Instead of sleeping just to pass the time, there weren't enough hours in a day for all I wanted to do. I became much more socially active, and threw myself into all the hobbies that were too overwhelming for me before. I had no side effects, - not jittery or anxious like with Adderall, or other meds of that type. The only problem is that Nuvigil needs to be increased over time to maintain it's effectiveness. I've been taking 3 a day for over a year and my doctor will not increase it any more. I don't think it's ever been evaluated for depression since it's for narcolepsy so the recommended dose is for narcolepsy. Over the past 6 months I've began sliding back into that black hole. I can't find anyone knowledgable enough on this med to OK more. I think it's horrible that I'm limited on a life-saving drug because no one will help me. If I had cancer or alzheimers, doctors would never stop or limit a drug that was curing me. So why this? Everyone is afraid to take a chance -" what if something goes wrong?" Well I can say with much certainty that SUICIDE is the ultimate side effect. I have decided that I won't go back to killing time waiting to die. Isn't my life as important as those with other deadly diseases? Please help me.
Re: Diane (# 21)
Pls try spiritual path. Find a bible believing Christian church and join their fellowship gatherings/bible studies/church worship services to lift up your mind and spirit. Your body will eventually follow and will eventually not need the meds. Follow doctor directions when starting to wean away from the meds.
I did it in 2010 and now am very much ok.
Re: Sickofpainpatientssuffering (# 20)
Wow! One of the best post's that I have read in a long time!
Re: Shea (# 22)
Not everyone will be able to take the path that you did. There are many of us who need prescriptions to function. If there's a way for me to get off them, I would love to but I have much to live for and happen to need the blood pressure meds and the modafinil (the generic of NuVigil) to stay awake due to chronic fatigue.
I'm happy you've found something that works for you, but please don't belittle another's journey if it is different than yours. Thank you for understanding that some of us have several medical conditions and if you mess up one thing, it sets off a domino effect with the others.
Blessings to you!
Re: Nikki (# 24)
Please note that there was no "belittling" aspect in my message. In fact, I mentioned "pls try...." and "follow doctor's advise when weaning....". Sometimes when the meds are not helping anymore and doctors don't/can't increase dosage of meds we can try other non-med options. That was what I suggested when I said please try... Nothing belittling about that.
As a health care practitioner, albeit focus is on operating technology and procedures, I just wanted to chime in about a few things I read. They are misleading and uninformed.
I too take Nuvigil, but not for depression. However, it would be beneficial for those poor patients, who've guinea pigged a gamut of Rx medicines, and either killed, tried to, or as is MORE COMMON...nothing helped to give them a qOL (quality of life), which all humans should have access to.
In America, that qOL, is the goal. There are off label uses for Nuvigil. Like most drugs developed by industry professionals, the clinical trials before FDA approval are focused on a typically single use or class of treatment that usually involves a host of uses...because of the previous nature in therapeutic indices.
Nuvigil, Provigil and the misinformation that is negligible to say the least.
Nuvigil and Provigil are NOT amphetamines, nor even close in chemical engineering. However, the hyperness one mostly feels in the beginning, with tolerance of a plateau effect to follow. However, Nuvigil tolerance isn't asymptomatic, it still works. While not an adrenaline or noradrenaline agonist, they believe the two drugs' chief mode of action is actually more along the way of being, an ANRI. Adren Noradren reuptake inhibitor.
Honestly, I would agree. Unless like Provigil, a Dr allows you to have 2 tablets of 250 max. However, the insurance companies will NEVER pay for 2 tabs of that high a dose. And I'm SURE, as Nuvigil consumers, you're aware of the LUDICROUS price, out of pocket. I was previously taking Provigil 200mg, two times a day. The retail price at Walgreens, almost $2000 dollars.
Ok, the other discrepancies. I understand the comment on opiods vs alcohol legally. I think, as a non drinker, I can see the prohibiting of methyl alcohol will never fly. Yet, the data is justifiably insane, regarding the death and devastation to drinkers and anything, anybody who are within FEET of someone who's had WAY too much.
Even a little, my word...I watch my friends change within minutes sometime. It's not all fun.
Opiates legal, no. Historical record shows the nature of this realization, and today bringing pharmaceutical variety, high purity and governments too boot. Sounds like we should be able to. It's just a bad idea, and I believe that opiods are the most effective antidepressants on earth.
What needs to happen is the incorporation of an opiod into an SSRI, SNRI, HT3 (MIRTAZEPINE) drugs,etc. Again, slow goes the ship. Even amphetamine analog type amine class. Small doses of that idea incorporate into your typical regime of newer anti- Ds.
The stigma, the fear, and FDA need to get their well intentioned a-holes, cleared of their sticks. Without plasticity, the rigidness will see a world where, we as people with all our tools to utilize...will have faltered in progress, humanity and the ailments involving pain and suffering....will continue forth in a stagnant miasma of smoke.
Walking blind, choosing the wrong pathways toward humanitarian assistance,, instead as the fog lifts...its humanitarian crisis in 360° Technicolor.
Enjoy the pharmaceutical goods to say the least, IF it works. Someone said something that sort of ticked me off. Something about, "being on Rxs forevermore". Well, Rxs and people are both quite complicated. However, even broken things can be fixed. If something is fixed...what are we taught?
Re: Shea (# 25)
Thanks, Shea for clarifying your reply. I appreciate it very much.
All the best,
Re: Nikki (# 24)
You are 100% right. I never thought I'd ever have to take any prescription medications, but sadly, I do. I've never abused alcohol or drugs or smoked cigarettes. I don't know why this horrible disease attacked me, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. After 25 years of treatment-resistant depression and all the hell I've been through with it, I think I deserve a chance to live out my remaining years in a way that doesn't make me want to die. Nuvigil has given that to me. I don't care how much I need to take, I should be able to. It doesn't make me high or the feeling of amphetamines (Adderall, etc). It just helps me to be content and have peace of mind in addition to WANTING to do things instead of dreading them. It also let's me feel the passion for my husband that I had forgotten about. BTW - today is our 14th wedding anniversary. To sum it up, I'd rather live a year taking Nuvigil than 20 years without. Please, someone listen to me and do what is necessary to help me and others like me.
Re: Diane (# 15)
I'm on disability and I'm on modafinil for chronic fatigue. My insurance doesn't cover NuVigil and it took a little while to get it approved since it's listed in the top tier of drugs. I do have to pay some for this generic but it's reasonable. Doctors don't like to mess with it because it's one of those they have to do triplicate forms.
As I said, my rheumatologist said there isn't anything else to help me stay awake during the day. I also have a number of autoimmune issue and fatigue goes with those as well. So fatigue on top of fatigue.
I can't take amphetimines or Lyrica for the fibromyalgia, so I'm very grateful I can take the modafinil/ProVigil to stay awake long enough to write and edit my books, or do a little bit of sewing or art crafts.
Are you addicted? Others have become addicted to Nuvigil/Provigil.
Re: nimshie29 (# 30)
No I'm not addicted, I just don't want to spend even 1 more day in the black hole of depression. It's a medical condition and I just want to be treated for it. After 25 years, is that asking too much?
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