Nustrate Injection (Page 9) (Top voted first)


Can you please provide me with information on the nustrate injection?

168 Replies (9 Pages)

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hi, i've been using nustratre injection for 12 years and stoped but now want to fall pregnant to no avail. my marriege is falling apart.Any tablets that i can drink to become pregnant perhaps?

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Got my nustrate injection today is it safe to have sex immediately

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Have been using nur_strate for 2 years and stopped or rather my last injection 10 Oct 2012
Didn't go on my periods until now feb 2013 now what's happening its that I have light periods or spotting and only stopped last week and slept with my husband and I just went again on my spotting today.
So how long will it take for things to b back to normal and when will I b able to conceive

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Hi. I was using Nur-strate for the past year but then I have stopped it for the past 8 months only last month I missed my periods and thought I was pregnant and now this month I am on my periods and it has been 9 days being on my periods with abnormal menstrual pains,please help me am worried I am scared to find out what it might be.

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I started Nustrate three months ago my priod stopped for a month bt nw I find myself spotting frequently and nw its making me feel really uncomfortable.My parter feels uncomfortable making love to me as well,as I bleed when he penetrates.I have tried pills to stop the bleeding but soon after finishing those pills the bleeding started again.Pls help

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can i use any product from herbex andslimming green tea while im prevent with injection

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Is it possible to fall pregnant, I used nu-strate injection once in April and suppose to go back now in June but didn't . I had unprotected sex and want to know if there is a possibility to get pregnant

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Islept with my boyfriend for 8 days without using condom but I'm using nur-strate will I be pregnant?

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