Nustrate Injection (Page 3)


Can you please provide me with information on the nustrate injection?

167 Replies (9 Pages)

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Hi i have been using Nustrate 4 7mnths nw since i started using the injection i haven't been on my periods surprisingly nw im on my periods and the pains are unbearable is it ohk 2 go on your periods when using the injection?

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Hi I used nustrat for 4months, and I stopped wen I was supposed 2go 4my nxt shot en head unprotected sex month after wit my bf, could I be pregnant

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hi i went on an injection only once which was on de 11-04-13 and my return date was on 03-07 which i ddnt go back. i had unprotected sex on de 10th day. For de 1st nyt i was spotting 4 2 weeks. My next cycle i only spotted for a week, which during dat tym i had a lot of dischange. I den went 2 de clinic & was given an antibiotic in order 2 regulate my periods. Ive bin feeling bloated, nauseous, mood, ichy breast for a week now. Is it possible for me 2 be pregnant or am i suffering from PMS. Pls share sum light.
Thanx in advance

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Gynae told me to stay on Nur-Isterate since i used to have very heavy and painful periods as well as endometriosis. I'm 46 and I'm concerned that I may have a hormone imbalance. Is this likely and what should i do?

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I have been on nurestrate and I missed my june shot now I'm neauseas n always tired could I be pregnant

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I'm gal of 32yearz I'm using nustrate injection its my first month now I'm loose intreast during sex intercoarse and having nausea

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Iv been using nur strate for five months n i had unprotected sex after i spot a bit could i be pregnant?

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My wife is on nurstrate for a 6 months after giving birth bt she is never see a manstration, for 4 month, now she vomitted after eating nd wen she does pregnancy test result shows positive. Can this be true get pregnant while on nur strate injection

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I've stopped using nulstrate for about a year now and after stopping I immediately went on my periods but I'm really worried about the headaches that I get and also the harsh back pains.
my boyfriend and I wanna have a baby... Can I get fertility pills to speed up the hormone

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I have been on the injection 4 de past 4 months and have forgotton to go on the 6th of september I'm I still protected from getting pregnant as the condom has bursted?

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I was on the 3 month injection after I had my daughter after 6 years I changed to the 2 month injection been on it for a year now. In this time I never got my periods and today I slight spotting. What could this be???

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Hi. I had a nurlstrate shot for the 1st time on the 13th /06/2013 and i was on my period. I had unprotected sex after 5 days now i just have small dot of blood for 2 days. im asking that it possible that i can be pregnant.

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I've bin usin nustrate 4 3mnths nw nd I'm getin stressd bcoz of the spotting I've bin goin thru 4 da whole month nw,cn anythng be wrong wit me

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Hi.been using nur-strate for 3 years and I missed my appointment last month then had unprotected sex coulld I be pregnant?

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I stopped the Nustrate injection 7months ago now im having stomach cramps and im nolonger having my periods since 2months ago so im scared are is it normal or should i be worried?

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I hv use dis Enjection 4 2yrs without seeing my period,so I hv left it still I didn't gt my period yet,hw long is dis gonna take?I want 2 b on date

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I've been using nustrate for 4 months nw,i missed my third shot on de 26 of September,had unprotected sex on de 28 of Sept,i took de emergency pill within 23 hours nd tested 4 pregnancy about four tyms but still negative,i had ma periods whilst on ma injection,nw after missing ma shot i hvnt got dem,could i be pregnant coz i hv abnorminal cramps?

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I started using nuristrate 4 months ago an I haven't seen my periods,then I missed my injection date then I went after 5 days,and I had unprotected sex in those days then I went to clinic again,then I started to see spotting blood like period but it comes as spotting,and I started feeling dizzy and craving foods that I never loved before,what might be the cause

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I am on nustrate injection for about a year now and I've been having my periods for like 2-3weeks in a month and now suddenly I've stopped for like a month. Could I be pregnant?

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Hi,am Vuyiseka a 20year old girl.Am using nur-isterate,I was supposed to have gone for ma injection on 28Aug,I ddn go.I then had unprotected sex on 8 Nov bt ever since july I ddn get ma periods.Could I be pregnant?

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