Nurstrate And Periods (Top voted first)


Hi. I've been using nurstrate for 8 months now, yet haven't been having my periods since July. They lasted for 2 weeks then stopped. I'm so stressed and don't know what to do. I went to the clinic and they gave me oralcon tablets, so I used the first pack only (white ones) then stopped cause my periods stopped, but now they are back. What should I do?

2 Replies

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It can be normal to experience irregular periods, when using Nustrate, since it is a hormonal contraceptive, the NIH does list that as being a normal side effect.

It is most likely that the Oralcon was intended to help you regulate them more, so you shouldn't have stopped taking it. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and weight changes.

Have you consulted your doctor, again? You may need to restart the Oralcon.

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Hi. I've been on the nustrate injection for a month with no bleeding, only spotting... but before that i had a miscarriage 3 month ago. Is it normal to have period pain but only brown spotting?

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