Novahistine Forums
Recently active Novahistine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Novahistine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I used to use Ru tuss to relieve my allergy symptoms and it was very effective. It is no longer available and nothing else I've tried works nearly as well. Why is it no longer available? ## I am a compounding pharmacist and we make custom meds in our lab. this med can be made by a compounding pharmacist in your area as we compound this med. ## This medication contained a belladonna alkaloid, along with Chlorpheniramine, and Pseudoephedrine. Many such medications were not actually approved by the FDA to be on the market, but they were grandfathered in, so to speak, when the FDA took control and started requiring testing for safety and efficacy for new medications. Several years ago, the FDA contacted various manufacturers and told them that they would need to perform the same testing...
Years ago in the 50's and 60's, Novahistine was available over the counter. My pediatrician had recommended it for my children and I found it very helpful. Then, sometime in the 70's it was withdrawn. Doctors do not prescribe it and it seems to have disappeared from the market. Does anyone know why this happened? Is this medicine still available? ## Hi Ethel, This may require some detective work because there seem to be certain products available with the same name, but different active ingredients. On the flip side, there appear to be other products out there with the same combination of active ingredients, sold as a different name, both over the counter and prescription strength. Anyways, i ran a search on of those active ingredients (Chlorpheniramine Phenyle...